E Cigarettes..?


Full Member
I have smoked unfortunately since the age of 11..My young step son is now smoking much to both mine and his fathers angst at the age of 13. I bought for myself an e cigarette to try and give up. I realise that what i have bought still contains nicotine and is not an aid to stopping smoking, but i also know that i can buy cartridges with no nicotine after i have lost the need for the fix but still need the habit after 48yrs. So im hoping misguidedly maybe that if i can start a trend with his friends that they think its cool to have an e cig instead of a real cig without alot of the harmful effects on their bodies its better than nothing...
Am i misguided??...In the real world my step son would never have smoked..!
I grew up with both my parents smoking..my 3 brothers never smoked but sadly being the youngest and the girl i did.

P.S My son who was an only child hates it and would never smoke..!
I smoke and wish I had never started. OK perhaps it is all down to will power. In that case I don't have any! Still at 70 I spose it don't matter now one way or another. Pleased to say though that none of my three kids or my wife have taken up the dreaded weed
I'm going to try these as an aid to cutting down, I want to get from 30 a day to 10 to start with - here's hoping!
we are better off

My Gran gave up smoking when she was 72 coz it was bad for her health?...she is now 104yrs young
and my dad gave up at 74 but got alzhiemers...The women in my family make old bones irregardless of what they seem to do but sadly the menfolk do not seem to fare so well...

Im glad im a girlie....lol
Woke up on the 5th October 2009 and decided that would be the day I will NEVER smoke again. I hadn't planned it....it just happened. I hated smoking with a passion but previous attempts had failed. I love the fact that it no longer has control of me ...I control it !!!
50 years smoking tried the lot then i brought a E Cig in the market 15 euros and not had a cig for 18 months :wave:
i started smoking at 14 and was a heavy smoker from the start and enjoyed it,up to recently i smoked 50g a day in roll ups,and remember finding it funny when robbie williams said he wished he had 2 mouths so he could smoke more ! i knew what he meant.then i had a close shave with death and found that a good incentive to stop,which i did,and immediately it was as if i'd never smoked.strange.when people aroumd me smoke i have no feelings on the matter,i don't feel a desire to lecture them or get closer for a bit of passive nice to be able to go up things without coughing my guts out halfway up,now i have to stop cos my legs ache
I do not intend to fully give up, I enjoy it too much, but I will cut down - the cost is as good an incentive as any!
Never smoked :scared: never even tried it when we were walking down lane to school and all my mates at different times tried it:p no reason other than never fancied it
the menthol ecigs are alot better and more pleasing than the standard ones.
i started smoking at about the age of 7 .remember getting the cane for smoking at the first year of juniors . at 50 yr old got a bad throat . was told i had to have an op .either i gave up or they wouldnt operate . i gave up . they found it was cancer in my voice box . had 5 opps since .still not smoking . i always thought it wouldnt happen to me ,but it did . at the moment it seems to be not getting bigger . but its a bit of a worry . but better to have minor opps than have the throat box cut right out . no m,bikes or swimming if that happens . best you give it up .and tell your son i said so.
The e cigs are good and actually on my last meet watching somebody else with it convinced me to give it a try..but innocently i thought it was an aid to giving up?
but after researching and buying one i now realise they contain nicotine at varying strengths so now im aiming at getting cartridges with zero nicotine...with the hope of kicking the nicotine habit and then just getting rid of the biggest habit of socially smoking
on reflection its mental.i i'd chainsmoke on the way to school to make up for having to go without for a couple of hours,then rush to the bike sheds at dinner time,wake up reaching for the fags,get in the car,light a setting off fag,get off the plane,spark one up in the baggage area,stopped going to cinemas and pubs when no smoking came out.fagash everywhere! i didn't think i could think without a fag.mind you iwas bottle fed so it's not my fault !
50 years smoking tried the lot then i brought a E Cig in the market 15 euros and not had a cig for 18 months :wave:

Gain the confidence to give up smoking then gain the confidence to drive to spain (on the wrong side erghh)
could be sat having a smoke free ciggie in a really nice place..?
dont have the confidence yet but would love to follow somebody else gong to spain or anywhere else in europe...lol anybody feel like nursing a newbie to europe??
If you do every get over here i will help you all i can so dont worry :wave:
I've never been a smoker apart from the odd joint or grass. But I was impressed with the e-cigs Brewkit had at Ribblehead. I think they were from Electronic Cigarettes | Vaping Devices | Accessories | E-Liquid. They could easily be used to quit nicotine as they come in high, medium, low and zero nicotine, so you could go down to zero but still maintain the mechanical actions of smoking which many smokers tell me is an important part of the habit to sit down and relax doing something familiar.

And at only 25% of the cost of a typical smoking habit it seems a good deal. Even if you don't quit nicotine, you will avoid the tar, particulates, and CO which clog up your lungs and give you cancer. I've always liked the aroma of things like joss sticks and burning wood, so as a non smoker I am still tempted to get a kit and try some of the exotic vapours like eastern spice, chocolate, or menthol (in the zero nicotine variety).

Food for thought!
stopped me going out

on reflection its mental.i i'd chainsmoke on the way to school to make up for having to go without for a couple of hours,then rush to the bike sheds at dinner time,wake up reaching for the fags,get in the car,light a setting off fag,get off the plane,spark one up in the baggage area,stopped going to cinemas and pubs when no smoking came out.fagash everywhere! i didn't think i could think without a fag.mind you iwas bottle fed so it's not my fault !

I dont blame the smoking ban for killing the pubs..(ish) but im from a northern town where pubs where the hub for community as in my case, fishing ,but dont get me wrong thats long since gone...but sadly for our young in my town especially, there is now work. the fishing industry has gone and sadly im trying to find the inspiration for my step child that doesnt involve drugs .. my own son is now 29 and a major in the army coz i took him away when he was 11yrs for the same reasons..I love my step son and now im so scared for him i know its going to be out of my hands as much as i try and help
OOps..northener...so sorry i hijacked and emotional rant....feel free to elaborate
just keep reminding yourself how chuffed you'd be,and that a lot of people thicker than you manage it, and just drive a mile at a time carefully till you see ken standing there with a glass of wine for you.sorted
If you do every get over here i will help you all i can so dont worry :wave:[/QUOTE
Ken i really wish i had the confidence...coz at the moment i seem to be relying on a man when actually i think hes relying on me..?? id like to say i could find me feet??..but it would have to b e foot??...lol.
just keep reminding yourself how chuffed you'd be,and that a lot of people thicker than you manage it, and just drive a mile at a time carefully till you see ken standing there with a glass of wine for you.sorted

Im sorry if ive just found this quote but if im honest id would want someone to share the same ideals as me...ive always found in life i can advise for other peoples dreams but have never been lucky enough for someone to share mine.....i just want to share the same things.....??

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