E Cigarettes..?

Well done to all those who have given up or are trying to. I gave up five years ago and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

Mr Millie used e-cigs at the beginning of this year and did really well until he had a problem with his 'pipe' (or whatever it's called) and had to send it back. This left him a few days without it and unfortunately he went back to the cigs again.

It often takes several times of trying before you succeed in giving up but keep going daisymini and you will get there in the end. The benefits of giving up are huge :)
I started smoking regularly at the age of 21 (after the usual experiments with smoking during my teenage years). I smoked cigarettes, cigars, pipes .......and other things too.......and I tried to give up several times because I knew it was unhealthy but I also knew it was addictive. Eventually, I gave up at the age of nearly 40. I am now 65. I occasionally smoke the shisha (arabic water pipe - with apple tobacco, before you ask!) but this is not the same as smoking cigarettes. I have never had any desire to smoke a cigarette since 1984. I don't know why my final attempt to give up smoking was successful when all others failed. My addiction now is to red wine! But all four of my children smoke (and regret it at the same time). I don't know what this proves but I thought I'd contribute it to the discussion :D
i started smoking at about the age of 7 .remember getting the cane for smoking at the first year of juniors . at 50 yr old got a bad throat . was told i had to have an op .either i gave up or they wouldnt operate . i gave up . they found it was cancer in my voice box . had 5 opps since .still not smoking . i always thought it wouldnt happen to me ,but it did . at the moment it seems to be not getting bigger . but its a bit of a worry . but better to have minor opps than have the throat box cut right out . no m,bikes or swimming if that happens . best you give it up .and tell your son i said so.

I totally agree i lost a dear friend with cancer that ate his face away in the end and killed him..it was so hard to watch him go through it but for the life of me why did it not stop me???
I totally agree i lost a dear friend with cancer that ate his face away in the end and killed him..it was so hard to watch him go through it but for the life of me why did it not stop me???

because as alan said,it ain't going to happen to you! anyway,what you doing still here?ken's waiting up for you
because as alan said,it ain't going to happen to you! anyway,what you doing still here?ken's waiting up for you

lol i wish i had a chaperone..too get me there...maybe not good in a bikini but can mix a good cocktail...??
i,m lucky it just stays in the voice box . they have peeled the vocal cords twice and lazered a few more bits . luckily i met the head surgeon and i think he is keeping me under his wing . i was offered either keep going on small regular opps or the big one . dalek box isnt for me . leaves a hole right into the throat .get water in and you choke . cant ride m,bikes as the wind sucks the air from your lungs . i,m told at about 45 .its like having been strangled . met a few that have gone for the box .but i think best wait as long as possible. but give up . i mean it . made me stop instantly . 7 yrs later i,m still here.
so daisy when do we leave .i know where kens place is . been there before .
At a local car boot sale I have seen a stall where they are selling these E Cig things. there is always a lot of poor lost souls trying them and the seller seems to be making lots of money from them,I have heard prices quoted of £50 - £60 pounds so the one Kenspain bought for 15 Euros sounds very cheap, I knew a Smoker who used to say giving up is easy , I have done it loads of times LOL:lol-053::lol-053:
At a local car boot sale I have seen a stall where they are selling these E Cig things. there is always a lot of poor lost souls trying them and the seller seems to be making lots of money from them,I have heard prices quoted of £50 - £60 pounds so the one Kenspain bought for 15 Euros sounds very cheap, I knew a Smoker who used to say giving up is easy , I have done it loads of times LOL:lol-053::lol-053:

Ive kinda researched them..coz i dont have much money for fancy ideas...and ive tried many other alternatives.;...im sure this might just be another fad..but im ever the optomist that this will work, but ultimately i know its about will power...im just looking for a little help in the right direction
I've been smoking since the summer of 1970 blimey 42 years :scared: Have given up many times but something always brings me back so now I just stop when ever I don't feel like it till the next time I do so far been off them for a year, best was three years.:wave: Good luck :wave:
I hope it works

I have also just got an e-cigret, the idea is that you start off on the highest nicotine content liquid then work your way down the nicotine levels untill you are using a solution with no nicotine, but as I have found out recently most people will still be hooked just with the flavor of the solution as a freind of mine has been on the zero nicotine solution for over a year. This is purely down to force of habit of using the e-cigret, apparently its the hardest part of quiting smoking, you need to find outher things to do with your hands.

It,s called muscle memory and its the hardest part of the smoking habit to break. So now I'm going to try using a grip enhancer when using my e-cigeret so that i have some thing to do with my hands, hopefully this will help, as I normaly roll my own and that is the start of the procerss for me. Give it a try its been working for me for nearly a week. Not falterd at all, Finished the last of my tobaco on the wayback from the highland meet and not had one since.

Before the longest I lasted was two days but since I have started using the grip enhancer I have gone longer and I all else fails I will have a grip to mach the gods should I need it whilst working at hight.

THis may not be the solution for you but you realy do need to re-train your mind while trying to quit as there is no real quick fix.

I have also just got an e-cigret, the idea is that you start off on the highest nicotine content liquid then work your way down the nicotine levels untill you are using a solution with no nicotine, but as I have found out recently most people will still be hooked just with the flavor of the solution as a freind of mine has been on the zero nicotine solution for over a year. This is purely down to force of habit of using the e-cigret, apparently its the hardest part of quiting smoking, you need to find outher things to do with your hands.

It,s called muscle memory and its the hardest part of the smoking habit to break. So now I'm going to try using a grip enhancer when using my e-cigeret so that i have some thing to do with my hands, hopefully this will help, as I normaly roll my own and that is the start of the procerss for me. Give it a try its been working for me for nearly a week. Not falterd at all, Finished the last of my tobaco on the wayback from the highland meet and not had one since.

Before the longest I lasted was two days but since I have started using the grip enhancer I have gone longer and I all else fails I will have a grip to mach the gods should I need it whilst working at hight.

I think giving up smoking is one of the hardest things to do because it was socially accepted..now we are the outcasts..as and adult i do not want anybody to tell me what i can and cant do..??? But..when it comes to a generation thing Id like to think in a eutopian world my grandchildren would not smoke..because its not the done thing..(teenage speak)
as tha got passport lass ?
would you like to travel on m,bike or in truck .
you could see how you get on and come with us in november . might be a good laugh . come back in april a non smoker .but may be an alcholic hee hee. red wine and spanish brandy as a chaser.
as tha got passport lass ?
would you like to travel on m,bike or in truck .
you could see how you get on and come with us in november . might be a good laugh . come back in april a non smoker .but may be an alcholic hee hee. red wine and spanish brandy as a chaser.[
your MODUS OPERANDI...is ..Im already a smoker have one leg no balance but ready to learn..lol...sounds like fun..!!..lol
dont worry about it .i wear orthotics on both lower legs .so i cant balance too smartly . but i do have loads of fun.
we might be physically disabled doesnt make us mentaly disabled .but we can act it .hee hee.
you should see the looks i get when i park artic and trailer on yellow lines then blue badge in the window .or my bigger bike .it does take some arguing . i know a bus driver with no legs . he used to get grief all the time.
Hi DaisyMini. How's Bailey, back to normal after the Navi meet ?.

I've read several fairly recent reports (can't remember where) that some E cigs contain a cocktail of chemicals best avoided; apparently there is little or no control over their manufacture, especially in China. At least I know what is in my rollies (& it's all legal !).
Hi DaisyMini. How's Bailey, back to normal after the Navi meet ?.

I've read several fairly recent reports (can't remember where) that some E cigs contain a cocktail of chemicals best avoided; apparently there is little or no control over their manufacture, especially in China. At least I know what is in my rollies (& it's all legal !).

I think your absolutely right...! was trying to think of something prophetic or inspirational..guess what im still static and gutless
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