Do you wave?

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Hi all,
Just wondering how many of you wave to other MH's? I have noticed over the last year or so less and less people waving? Also, why do small vans not wave to large vans etc, I will wave to anyone, I love feeling part of a community, it was the same when I was a biker, we would all give a little nod or wave to a fellow biker. Is it the MH hire users that don't know to wave or are we just getting grumpy??
We're definately wavers! I think your right though, less people seem to now. I used to feel a bit daft when I waved and didn't get a wave back...but now I don't mind, I just wave away!!! lol
I always wave, hymers are the worst for not waving for some reason, i was in my car on sunday and waved at a MH, my mum asked who i was waving at, had to laugh, its just force of habit i guess and lack of concentration

I always wave, hymers are the worst for not waving for some reason, i was in my car on sunday and waved at a MH, my mum asked who i was waving at, had to laugh, its just force of habit i guess and lack of concentration


he he, yeah i've done that too!
I always wave!!!
Found it a bit weird at first but often wave even when I'm in the car.
Smaller vans and Hymers don't always wave back but perhaps that's because thay have their own little clique!!!
I'm a waver too....and sometimes in the car as its automatic now!!:)
I wave at everything that looks like a camper or motorhome, have had some funny looks from van drivers though, it"s hard to tell with the many panel van conversions about. vee dubs ar"nt very friendly though
Yes I'm a waver... gives me a chance to stretch my arm being on the wheel so long. lol
Yes I wave, I own a smart car and smart car owners are big wavers so I am quite used to it :)
We are wavers ... phew, glad I got that off my chest ..feel a lot better now!
Had a veedub before and no bugger waved at me then!!! So we don't wave at veedubs anymore.
we are bikers too, so know all about the waving thang!:D
Do sometimes, don't always notice other vans as there are so many about now. Remember the days when you might not see another motorhome for a couple of weeks.
I'm a waver, my wife feels more selfconscious, but I used to be a biker.

I find that on dual carriageways it's less frequent, and van conversions/VW's are less likely to return the wave.
I'll wave at any MH except VW's as I know ther will be no response. Only ones I can guarantee will wave back are similar Autosleepers eg Symphony/Symbol/Harmony.
We wave to all MH's except V Dubs as none have ever waved back. Our 6 year old
loves it if they wave.

We do the same in France and are starting to get waves back.
I wave at everything that looks like a camper or motorhome, have had some funny looks from van drivers though, it"s hard to tell with the many panel van conversions about. vee dubs ar"nt very friendly though

OI YOU!!!!!

Us VDubbers will wave at anything resembling a fellow Wilder - but usually get a haughtily dismissive 'blank' from the 'Nouveau Riche' in their mobile 'Hotel Astorias'. That said; Trying to keep a VDub in a straight line demands 110% concentration as it is - so - if your wave goes unacknowleged, then just remember the wide-eyed, sinew-stiffened Driver and his equally terrified Navigator as you cross paths - and offer up a silent prayer that 'there but for the Grace of God....' hehehe

Being Smart Car owners, we are used to waving so when we bought the motor home we were already accustomed and raring to go. We were advised that there is a very light hearted protocol though and it goes like this:

waving the rules :

RVs wave to RVs if you are not a RV you only wave if they wave 1st

A class wave to A class and all others but if you are not in a A class you only wave if they wave 1st

C class wave to C class but only if the owner of the larger/newer one waves 1st

panel vans wave th panel vans and all others if waved at 1st

no one waves to VWs as they only wave to each other :have fun:
nobody waved at us when we were in our transit conversion but now we do get waves off larger vans but not the smaller ones
do you wave

We always wave but we have waved at a few white vans & horse boxes.

wow, wot a friendly bunch we are on here.
wave and be proud, lol.

(we still need a wildcamping flag or sticker so we can recognize eachother too)

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