Les Haro
Diesel has had its day its a polluter.
Despite the dinosaur thinkers, industry isn't banking on it's future anymore.
Who in their right mind is going to invest in a diesel as a secondhand buy.
All your old diesels are going to end up as statics a lot sooner than was expected, by legislation.
I bought an old petrol and converted it to run on LPG, a friend has imported an electric van and had it converted.
Neither of us are worried about money but we do have an open ended future unlike diesel.
Entering into the market as newbies we made our choices to care about our Eco Footprints as of day one with what knowledge was available.
All vans are a depreciating investment how much are you prepared to loose before you cut and run.
liv-ins are long term (till death, so money isn't an issue) but pension warriors are asset owners who can see just how much is being bleed from their asset.
Who in their right mind is going to move into the MH market now.
Despite the dinosaur thinkers, industry isn't banking on it's future anymore.
Who in their right mind is going to invest in a diesel as a secondhand buy.
All your old diesels are going to end up as statics a lot sooner than was expected, by legislation.
I bought an old petrol and converted it to run on LPG, a friend has imported an electric van and had it converted.
Neither of us are worried about money but we do have an open ended future unlike diesel.
Entering into the market as newbies we made our choices to care about our Eco Footprints as of day one with what knowledge was available.
All vans are a depreciating investment how much are you prepared to loose before you cut and run.
liv-ins are long term (till death, so money isn't an issue) but pension warriors are asset owners who can see just how much is being bleed from their asset.
Who in their right mind is going to move into the MH market now.