Consumer Rights act 2015 Reject a motorhome as not fit for purpose?

I hear what you are saying about JIT but having to wait 8 weeks is not JIT is bull****.

Surely each motorhome manufacturer has a main importer, they should carry a suitable range of spares to supply all the other dealers in the UK. What’s the difference between a motorhome and a car or a wagon?

Should be none it’s just rubbish service and money grabbing with no care for the end user
I hear what you are saying about JIT but having to wait 8 weeks is not JIT is bull****.

Surely each motorhome manufacturer has a main importer, they should carry a suitable range of spares to supply all the other dealers in the UK. What’s the difference between a motorhome and a car or a wagon?

Should be none it’s just rubbish service and money grabbing with no care for the end user

Yes but m/home dealers dont sell 40/60 a week like car dealers did in my day.
We as a main dealer always kept the fast moving and service bits in stock,i do remember having a long waiting time for a set of seats for a toyota as his dog eat them after being left in car,think it was about 6 weeks from japan.
I dont. Dan main dealer Trev I mean importer. There will only be one official importer for each brand won’t there who supplies all others?
I dont. Dan main dealer Trev I mean importer. There will only be one official importer for each brand won’t there who supplies all others?

Damn predictive text should have said I don’t mean main dealer but importer
Yes but m/home dealers dont sell 40/60 a week like car dealers did in my day.
We as a main dealer always kept the fast moving and service bits in stock,i do remember having a long waiting time for a set of seats for a toyota as his dog eat them after being left in car,think it was about 6 weeks from japan.
We had a couple of Toyota dealerships in Hull and Bradford after the Kobe earthquake the factory couldn't function after 8 hours are so due to JIT and attitude changed.

We held fast moving parts too, tbh a parts manager stocking and engine would be shot !!! Stock takes of just in case often revealed parts in stock for 2 years ...multiply that out by 25 dealerships a lot of money.

The fact still remains motorhomes in reality have no network to speak off just appointed franchises that flog the vans

That’s the problem then, no network. JIT is a fact of live but it means you have stock when you need it. I would suggest 8 weeks is ‘go away we can’t be bothered’ not JIT.

Sounds like there’s a business opportunity for someone... Andrew... :)
I hear what you are saying about JIT but having to wait 8 weeks is not JIT is bull****.

Surely each motorhome manufacturer has a main importer, they should carry a suitable range of spares to supply all the other dealers in the UK. What’s the difference between a motorhome and a car or a wagon?

Should be none it’s just rubbish service and money grabbing with no care for the end user

Back in the day I had a rear sprocket wear out on a Honda, waited several months for the next shipment of spares only to be told they where all gone (obviously a manufacturing fault) so had to wait months more for next shipment, must have been 9 months before the bike got fixed, meantime I had got another bike and just wanted the part so I could sell a running bike.
The truck game Trev was a revelation overnight servicing etc Volvo if you broke down which was rare in the first place if they couldn't get the part roadside to a fitter in 4 hours you didn't pay for it.

When I consider Ford dealerships and attitudes oblivious that transits in the main are working vans I would go for an Iveco everytime the back up as good as the tractor units.

My experience of Northern Commercial in Brighouse and Ringways in Leeds (ford) are chalk and cheese

I dont. Dan main dealer Trev I mean importer. There will only be one official importer for each brand won’t there who supplies all others?

Yes toyota were brought into england and sent to us and we then dished them round the n.ireland dealers,parts also came through english distro w/house.
Yes toyota were brought into england and sent to us and we then dished them round the n.ireland dealers,parts also came through english distro w/house.

In the early days in the UK Toyota ,Nissan were imported and distributed by concessionairres (octav Botner and Mr Jameel) so had little sway similar to caravan dealers. Nissan Japan and Toyota due to having plants here set up UK based operations under the Japanese umbrella and the service improved drastically, We had containers for overnight deliveries etc that simply doesn't happen with caravans.

Ironically not with the Japanese manufacturers but European things sometimes stalled vehicles and parts due to the fact we drive RHD and the factories tooled up specially for production runs that extended to parts including those from external suppliers eg Bosch and Lucas

That’s the problem then, no network. JIT is a fact of live but it means you have stock when you need it. I would suggest 8 weeks is ‘go away we can’t be bothered’ not JIT.

Sounds like there’s a business opportunity for someone... Andrew... :)

No meaningful networks certainly doesn't help, but there is something else and happens more often than you think outside everyones control and it might surprise you.

You have a German Geist, So all the fast moving parts are ordered from Germany manufacture collating and despatch takes time and containers head for the UK get to Sheerness Dover etc and job comes to a halt, the containers have to go through customs and you can lose 2 weeks there disregarding the lead time for orders and all the rest of it .It goes without saying the slow moving stuff in the mix too

Not an excuse but perhaps an angle you hadn't ever had explained ?

The two weeks lost is 25 % of the 8 week time window you mention ...Unrealistic to stock every part under the sun that might sell or need so gives a conundrum no one is happy with

I would expect a wait on bits for mine (unless Merc side) as it’s a model that went away years ago. This 8 weeks doesn’t wash at all though, I order parts from all over the world and get them in a couple of weeks usually and that includes paying customs charges and the bit added on by courier for it. China can be a problem unless you go over and fill containers yourself but most other countries are quick.

Doesn’t matter what I think though it won’t make any difference, it’s only when everyone decides to expect decent customer service things will change :)

As to bike sprockets I never waited for one more than next day. If one shop didn’t have it we went to another who would. Unless you are running a veteran or vintage bike we never had problems. If we couldn’t get something one of us knew how and had access to equipment to make them (anyone remember bean tin pistons ha ha)
I would expect a wait on bits for mine (unless Merc side) as it’s a model that went away years ago. This 8 weeks doesn’t wash at all though, I order parts from all over the world and get them in a couple of weeks usually and that includes paying customs charges and the bit added on by courier for it. China can be a problem unless you go over and fill containers yourself but most other countries are quick.

Doesn’t matter what I think though it won’t make any difference, it’s only when everyone decides to expect decent customer service things will change :)

As to bike sprockets I never waited for one more than next day. If one shop didn’t have it we went to another who would. Unless you are running a veteran or vintage bike we never had problems. If we couldn’t get something one of us knew how and had access to equipment to make them (anyone remember bean tin pistons ha ha)

I think the wait is what has really worn us down! Cannot see why it all takes so long...letter has been delivered and waiting for a response! Hopefully, they will manage to do this in next two weeks as requested, but not holding my breath!
i needed a transmission part for my 1993 mitsuibishi delica last year when i was in France.... i had it couriered over from UK by my local garage and it arrived in less than 48 hours...... the courier cost me about £50 -

but i guess it depends on the specific part...

but - where there is a will there is always a way.......

Cautious optimism here today....had am email saying that they agree to my letter. Asked if there was any other vehicle on their site we would consider "out of interest", but there is only one other the same. So I have explained that the only one has lower specs than ours and that we are reluctant to risk the same model again, asked them to confirm 100% refund is what is being offered....inconvenience, lack of use and upgrades which we have put on it to be taken into account. We have done about 1500 miles but 1000 is taking it to and from garages! Fingers crossed....
Cautious optimism here today....had am email saying that they agree to my letter. Asked if there was any other vehicle on their site we would consider "out of interest", but there is only one other the same. So I have explained that the only one has lower specs than ours and that we are reluctant to risk the same model again, asked them to confirm 100% refund is what is being offered....inconvenience, lack of use and upgrades which we have put on it to be taken into account. We have done about 1500 miles but 1000 is taking it to and from garages! Fingers crossed....

Good luck Ruth! I've got a lot of fingers crossed for various people today but happy to add you to the mix! :D
Well done for sticking to your guns thumb.gif
Fingers crossed here as well, brilliant news so far and it will certainly help you put it behind you. Better to have to find another than suffer on hating it more each day
Have just had it confirmed that they will refund the full cost and we plan to return it 15th June (away till that week) . Thanks for everyones support, just shows that we DONT have to accept poor quality. And you are right, we would have hated it more every day as it has been such a pain... Stopped all our planned trips and replaced them with days out waiting for the garages to sort the latest issue !
Actually has made me more positive about the dealer as they have been very quick to respond, thought we were due a long drawn out battle and potential legal costs.

NOW....start to look for another one!

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