Know how you feel!!
Know how you feel . We purchased an Elddis 115 last May and so far we have had 15 items repaired!
1. Delivery of van delayed due to faulty brake switch - new switch fitted.
2. We commented on poor quality mastic work when we arrived to collect van - really shoddy workmanship.
3. New door fitted as original warped.
4. Elddis eventually delivered door but not the Decal required. We still await Decal being completed.
5. Oven catch fell out - had to be refitted.
6. Rubber caps missing on hob so glass lid rattled continuously - new caps sent to us by post..
7. Stop end missing on curtain rail so curtain kept falling off rail - stop end sent to us by post.
8. Door knobs on cupboards keep sticking.
9. Big gap below Toilet door, drip on door not adequate so water floods out if you have a shower. Very bad design puts us off having a shower.
10. When having a shower water makes it way from tray an comes out at edge of facing below cupboard door. You have re-silicone but this is still of concern and again puts us off using shower.
11. Wires at back of Consumer Unit were not connected which prevented us from using van to full.
12. Edging came off worktop in Toilet and worktop swelled - worktop had to be replaced.
13. No silicon/bad silicon in certain areas of shower room - back of worktop etc. New silicon applied.
14. Silver plating on kitchen tap peeling off - new tap awaited.
15. Part fell off inside toilet waste tank preventing flushing - new tank supplied.
To make it worse we have just had it in for it's first service and there have been three areas of damp identified and they are talking about removing wall panels (!!) in a new van??!! Very disappointing. We previously had a VW T4 HI-TOP. We purchased it second hand in 2008 used it for 8.5 years and sold it last year for £750 more than we purchased it for. No issues with it at all except the usual wear and tear items you would expect in a vehicle. Feel like telling them to take it back. Interested to hear how you get on.
Having purchased our new motorhome in feb2018, we still cannot use it properly. Getting so fed up about it, particularly as just seen our old self build, and this has highlighted what a problem the new one is!
Problems still not resolved are
1.Unable to use the shower as no curtain
2. Unidentified rattle under floor only relieved by having a heavy weight on it
3. Maybe connected to (2) the waste water bubbles into the shower tray if waste tank is more than half full. Retailer suggests a plug to stop this but says probably the design!!
4.Cushions all squashed and uncomfortable after a week sleeping on them
5. Door handle on bathroom missing
6. Waiting now for a replacement radio as this is faulty which affects the odometer and steering wheel controls for Bluetooth ( don't understand exactly but they did a software fix which didn't work!) Odometer flashes constantly.
All these faults have been notified to the garage in February and March and we have been waiting for them to "get parts" consequently we cannot use the van for the purpose purchased. So fed up and disappointed we are now thinking that we will reject it as not fit for purpose since they have not managed to fix anything yet! Does anyone out there have more knowledge about whether we would have a case? There is a six month time limit I think,
Are we being unreasonable? Planned to drive to Portugal fairly soon but don't want to with all the issues!
Opinions would be appreciated.