confuuuuuused about looooo's

cooking is the only thing im good at, its really painful to do, due to my back, so after a sunday dinner, takes me 2 or 3 days to recover

get a old pc chair on wheels scoot round kitchen on that it do help use mine all round the house if back is giving me gip ok i live on one floor so no stair so use it like walking frame on bad days and to sit on when in kitchen as height adjustable can get high enough to do jobs in kitchen ok dont use my oven but do use the microwave one it is a convection oven as well so that is worktop hieght so no bendiing to use oven and it got better timings on it more accurate on temp than guesswork with normal oven
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Best system is to only put number 2 in the portapotti. Do number 1 in bottles. If you put number 1 in the portapotti, it only lasts 2 days or so. I can't be bothered to empty it every 2 days... too much like hard work!

I'm assuming you're full timing or living a reasonable amount of time in the van. If you just use the van for a couple of days at a time on weekends away, It doesn't really matter what you do.
Have you got a porta potty yet?
if not we have one here, not using at the mo, but might do tomorrow....:lol-053: sorry.

no we have a spare one that hasn't been needed for about a year or so, so now very dusty. was going to put on ebay next year. its a 365 I think.

Have you got a porta potty yet?
if not we have one here, not using at the mo, but might do tomorrow....:lol-053: sorry.

no we have a spare one that hasn't been needed for about a year or so, so now very dusty. was going to put on ebay next year. its a 365 I think.


Hi not yet. i think we were going to lincs first, to collect 100 litres of wvo before heading off to Newark :)
pm me your email and I'll send some pics tomorrow when i get back off a couple of jobs i have.
Best system is to only put number 2 in the portapotti

Lol...don't know about that Firefox....don't like the idea of having to deal with a vertical log in a small porta-potti.:hammer:
Lol...don't know about that Firefox....don't like the idea of having to deal with a vertical log in a small porta-potti.:hammer:

Been there, done that - you stand there thinking "How the hell do I deal with THAT??" and end up beating it into submission with the loo brush! (NOT recommended for the nervous or squeamish!!) :scared:
Lol...nearly as bad...what did you do with the loo brush then....:lol-049:
A Shewee and an empty milk carton :lol-053:


A bucket with a lid (a large plastic emulsion paint pot is perfect with tight fitting lid and handle), some cat litter, and an inflatable neck cushion as a seat. Costs about a tenner in total, easy to clean if lined with plastic bag. Alternative to cat litter is wood shavings (much lighter). I tried this out on my first weekend away in the big white van and it did the job perfectly and most comfortably. I was planning to get a Portapotti loo but this worked so well that I've decided not to bother and to put the £30-£40 saved towards beers at Ribblehead.

Bumping this up as I've been busy making a deluxe version of the above over the weekend, photos to follow but in the meantime I thought this might be useful ...

Glow in the Dark Commode Seat

Fiamma Bi-Pot 30 Portable Toilet - Fiamma Bi-Pot 30 Portable Toilet + Spare Parts

I have one of these and although at the cheap end of the scale I have found it reliable and have had no problems with
leaks. My campervan came with a more expensive one that pressures the water tank, but it works overall no better
than this one, and this one is also easier to seperate into two.

I picked this one up last summer from my local camping shop for £45

I've had one of these for years, Lidl's some times do them for about £30, Ideal for a transit sized van

now got a power flush loo. needs 12v supply, bus is 24v.......:juggle:

Lorry :drive:

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