confuuuuuused about looooo's

I don't allow crappin in my porta potti....that gets done in a hotel, services or pub.

When i was working in a large building we had someone who was a bit of a joker....we think
it was a 'he'....anyway he got shoes from somewhere...I guess a charity shop...and filled all
the booths...must have done it early and crawled under the partitions because the stalls were
all locked from the inside with pairs of shoes just visible in each one!

Another favourite trick was a huge crap left upright in the bowl with red matches sticking up as eyes..
a few appeared in the we're not totally sure...but there was more males than females in the

You could usually tell and think 'again' when you heard the odd scream come from the ladies loo!
Best to get one of these then:
Get her a "Bumper Dumper", basically a toilet seat that fits on a tow ball with a plastic bag to contain the 1's and 2's. It was designed for american logger :lol-049: and outdoor types. :wave:
Get her a "Bumper Dumper", basically a toilet seat that fits on a tow ball with a plastic bag to contain the 1's and 2's. It was designed for american logger :lol-049: and outdoor types. :wave:

yeah i saw them......... good idea

looking foward to the meet :)
The Brown Box could easily be made yourself by just getting the local builders merchant to pre-cut the sides to order
from plywood, then all you would need would be the plastic bags which you could order or improvise with compostable
ones...if you wanted to really do it cheap. Hinges could be bought or even made from rubber inner tube and fixed with
screws and strip of thin metal or plastic. best a space saver anyway.
The Brown Box could easily be made yourself by just getting the local builders merchant to pre-cut the sides to order
from plywood, then all you would need would be the plastic bags which you could order or improvise with compostable
ones...if you wanted to really do it cheap. Hinges could be bought or even made from rubber inner tube and fixed with
screws and strip of thin metal or plastic. best a space saver anyway.
me and DIY dont mix lol. worth a shot though
my favourite al fresco crapper was an old twin tub mounted over a massive drop overlooking most of provence,bit scary but that just helped you go. my favourite porta potti story;my mate had his outside in a tent,no blue in it of course,one very hot morning his gorgeous girlfriend stumbled outside naked,middle of nowhere,sat on it and pulled the trap handle,he hears a scream and rushes out as she comes stumbling out covered in it.leave them in the heat no blue and watch them swell up!i'd pay to watch that.
Give me a proper, confortable, flushable, Smell free, hassle free, easy emptying, porta pottie loo anytime. :sleep-027:
You might save a few quid, but get it wring and it will certainly hit (and stick too) the fan. :scared:
I still reckon you can't beat the good old ELSAN!! No parts to go wrong or wear out, and you KNOW when it's clean cos you can see it all!! No nasties lurking in the corner of the cassette. We still have ours, and wouldn't part with it, even though it has only been used when someone was ill and couldn't get to the toilet.

This looks intersting....

or maybe this??

I've just found that a brand-new Elsan costs £114.24 Ex VAT !!
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well thanks for all your postings, i like the bumper thingy but would be tempted to drive away while she was on it, then the s--t would hit the fan, so loads going to ribblesdale viaduct, i can just picture on a morning a row of spades stuck in the turf and a load of full moons on the moors, or is there a hidden toilet block? all answers on a postcard please, best one gets a roll of izal, haha
A bucket would do the same job you big woosie ! lol

Line it with bin liners first and you can dispose of it or take it home with you.:mad1:

I got rid of my porta potti as it had never been used in two years, and would you believe it I needed it the very next day. I have a s,h,i,t, box now. excelent things. after all it is only in an emergency.

You could always make sure you stop near to other motor homes. preferable the larger type then make up an excuse to borrow theirs.:lol-049:

On a bit different thread. Now that you have Kay in tow. You do know that as a member of this club you are surposed to allow her to go out for the evening with RT and DT. Don't you? so they can teach her the ways of the wilders.:goodluck::wave:
Line it with bin liners first and you can dispose of it or take it home with you.:mad1:

I got rid of my porta potti as it had never been used in two years, and would you believe it I needed it the very next day. I have a s,h,i,t, box now. excelent things. after all it is only in an emergency.

You could always make sure you stop near to other motor homes. preferable the larger type then make up an excuse to borrow theirs.:lol-049:

On a bit different thread. Now that you have Kay in tow. You do know that as a member of this club you are surposed to allow her to go out for the evening with RT and DT. Don't you? so they can teach her the ways of the wilders.:goodluck::wave:

lol i have warned kaye about you, i cant stop laughing about that time we was all at that little boozer and you and me was speaking german about the young barmaid...........what a good friendly meet up that was :)

shes moved in now, her father is slowly coming around to the idea, as previously said when we dated as teenagers her dad really hated me.....but we might be able to be in the same room in a month or 2 without trying to kill each other lol. him and me are exactly the same kaye says, always fiddling with things, small workroom where we disapeer for hours, cant have too many tools or bits (even though i have no idea how to use em!!!) infact for xmas they are giving us some nice gifts for the house, but were trying to move due to my scabby neighbours, kaye doesnt feel safe and i cant blame her.

she wont drive my car, says its too big, its only a old bmw, and she says the camper never lol.

The newyear meetup, shes working on the fri, so i will pick her up and set straight off, will arrive late evening but shes looking forward to it lol. and next weekend im taking her to that Newark place. :) thanks to er.... scotsy for his help last week, tescos's very good cheap sleepingbags etc. cant wait.

its hard to be belive we split up exactly 20 years ago, when she was 16 and i was 20. we still act (or she says i do) like we did back then....i havent felt this happy for a long time, but just taking it one day at a time :)

im in hosp, docs etc a lot this week, so getting the loo sent to her parents, so when we pick it up, i need to careful, as i expect her dad to have used it and then pour it over my head lol.........he hasnt mellowed with age!
Good luck to the both of you. I hope you have a great Christmas.:king:

thanks, very kind, its the first one in years i have been looking forward too, and not turning over a radio channel when a xmas song comes on. not sure if you saw on another thread, why i have hated xmas for a couple of years, but this time, should be ok.
only problem is, i love to cook, but kaye hates anything with herbs, spices etc. last week i did duck, pheasent etc but she hated it.......she says chicken only, she likes plain food. bah. i wanted to do goose, duck etc for xmas i told her i will get a really really large chicken, that looks a different and goes honk honk instead of cluck cluck lol. last xmas i gave everything to the samaritans as i just couldnt face xmas. kaye hates curry (i love it) and she was shocked at the size of my spice and herb cuboard. literally hundreds. but shes made me to promise only allowed to buy 5 a week! she liked my stew and dumplings the other week, until i told her it was made from dog bones and pigs trotters etc. no pleasing some people :)

cooking is the only thing im good at, its really painful to do, due to my back, so after a sunday dinner, takes me 2 or 3 days to recover, but she knows how much it means to me, that she eats ok, and her mom is happy i make her eat, as shes one of these who wil miss breakfast and dinner and just something quick for tea.

i say to her im her house husband, she goes out to work, i stay at home and do what i can, and make sure she has a nice meal ready when she comes home....and she knows i do what i can cleaning wise etc. and as long as i feel im ok, shes happy with that. cant be easy for her though, being with someone like me, but hey....a relationship i think is lots of comprimises and a bit of give and take. :)

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