confuuuuuused about looooo's


Taking my loved one camping next weekend (and Kaye i mean her) and the dogs

been looking on ebay for a portable toilet thingy but getting confused. prices seem to rise as the code number rises, and they all seem about the same thing really.

thought i was ask you lot on here, whats a good one, but not expensive. or better, what cheap crap (haha) should i avoid. i dont want to cause a stink with Kaye :)

i have seen those side/rear cartridge ones, but because i havnt completed the van yet properly i cant commit to one not knowing how it will end up.

need to be tall, as i have a bad back (mind you Kaye does now, WIttmann tripped her up while she was going down the staircase other day.................luckily no damage done to the stairs lol)

so if anyone can take a look on ebay, and show me which ones to look at, price wise, quality, ease etc as i havent got a clue and dont want to pick the wrong one..

help much app :)

cant wait to take her to that Newark place next weekend, Sat to Mon!!!! she and the dogs will love it, nice sunday dinner at that little back st pub we all liked too.

Fiamma Bi-Pot 30 Portable Toilet - Fiamma Bi-Pot 30 Portable Toilet + Spare Parts

I have one of these and although at the cheap end of the scale I have found it reliable and have had no problems with
leaks. My campervan came with a more expensive one that pressures the water tank, but it works overall no better
than this one, and this one is also easier to seperate into two.

I picked this one up last summer from my local camping shop for £45

thanks, thats in my price range just, seems ok too! will see if i can find one local first
A bucket would do the same job you big woosie ! lol

lol its for Kaye not me.....she expected central heating, full shower and toilet in the campervan!!!!!! its not a TARDIS i tried to explain hehe
hi.thetford portta potty jacksons leisure . used one for years . the cassette are ok but expensive and not really that better convieniance wise. with porta potty you can stick it in awning hide it behind a tree use it in the house in emergency etc.
i never use chemicals drop of vinegar in bottom part or a bit of washing powder . ideally nothing let it work itself.
i also hear many more faults happening to cassettes ,not much to go wrong with pta po .just the pump but mine is 15yr old and never let me down yet. after all money is better spent on other things .
Its not as bound as it sounds but :scared: you can pick good 2nd hand ones up on e bay.

A lot of people buy them for a family camp then find they don't like camping and sell of all of the gear that is hardly used.

A quick spray of dettol and a wet wipe and "fannys your wotsit"
Its not as bound as it sounds but :scared: you can pick good 2nd hand ones up on e bay.

A lot of people buy them for a family camp then find they don't like camping and sell of all of the gear that is hardly used.

A quick spray of dettol and a wet wipe and "fannys your wotsit"

looked on ebay for a 2nd hand one locally but none about

i had one years ago i got off freecycle but didnt use it so offered it back, been asking for a while on there but no luck
Of any are too far away to collect, ask if you can arrange your own courier.

Parcels2Go are a good search engine and reasonably cheep.

Just put in the size & weight and click on quote. i think you might be pleasantly surprised.
Hey jen tell him not to poo under a rock:mad::mad::mad::mad: remember my experiance:scared::scared::scared::scared:

A Shewee and an empty milk carton :lol-053:


A bucket with a lid (a large plastic emulsion paint pot is perfect with tight fitting lid and handle), some cat litter, and an inflatable neck cushion as a seat. Costs about a tenner in total, easy to clean if lined with plastic bag. Alternative to cat litter is wood shavings (much lighter). I tried this out on my first weekend away in the big white van and it did the job perfectly and most comfortably. I was planning to get a Portapotti loo but this worked so well that I've decided not to bother and to put the £30-£40 saved towards beers at Ribblehead.
Shall i tell you a little tale about my wifey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok its safe shes in the bath:bow:

we was out wild camping in wales in a forest lovely spot i must say, anyway she was new to this wild camping lark and new to me at the time,,,"Ahhhhhhh them wher the days when she was a fresh faced young lady" not like now all weather beaten & scabby:bow::bow::bow:lol,, well it was early one morning & she says "Oooooooooooooooooooo i think i need the loo" "GO ON THEN" fully knowing she wouldnt go the Loo in front of me in them days:lol-053:so off she goes with toilet paper & spade in hand Tra la la la laaa laaaaaa,,,,, well as time goes on she continues this very activity,,,, so one early morn in the forest at a later date & time in our oh SO SO Lovely relationship:scared:well i sleep with ear plugs so cant hear a dam thing in the mornings, well this one morning im rudely wakened by the van door opening,, "morning dear" she says nowdays its Ohi you:mad: so back to the story "morning dear ive been for a little walky poos along that little trail back there you want to have a look its splendid" ok while your doing me some lovely strawbery jam on toast i will go and have a look,,,, so off i trundle Tra la laa,,,,,, i get to the little trail take a look down onto a fallen log to find a freshish Large man type Poo that has been deposited on top of the fallen log:scared::scared::scared:
I get back to the van,,"here yo go dear heres your toast" she says i bite into the toast straight away,, but thinking of the massive Poo poo i had just seen put me right off my toast,, but i eat one slice,
"YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT SOME DIRTY BARSTOOL HAS DONE ON TOP OF THAT LOG DOWN THER A GREAT BIG POO"":scared::scared: she red faced says it was not me honest, i went in the bushes for my toilet"
hang on a mo i thinks to myself!!!!!!!!!!! i dont have any hot water on board or hand wash!!!!!!!!!!!!! & you have just made me Jam on toast:scared::scared::scared::scared:
i say "did you just do a poo or a wee dear?? wee,,,,, she says,, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i still recon that double log was her:hammer::hammer::hammer:

anyway cant look at jam on toast anymore,,, loved it too,,, Damm that woman of mine:mad1::mad1::mad1::mad1::mad1:

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Barry, I think you've found the answer to the eternal question........Do bears sh!t in the woods?
Oh Yeah!! for sure she is 100% bear with sore head now days,,,, i know it was her that done her Dirty log balancing act,,,,Dirty Bear Lol

Barry, I think you've found the answer to the eternal question........Do bears sh!t in the woods?
Dont think i fancy the paint pot idea :scared:
We have a small thetford 135 Porta Potti and it can last about a week before it needs emptying with out any bother. :wacko:
new to this pooo

loved the tale about the log left on the log if you get my drift, we are going to try out our van shortly and was thinking of wilding somewhere not to remote, near to a pub or on a street near to the coast, so do you suggest i should send me wife out with a spade and tell her to did a hole in someones lawn and leave a deposit there? they may think its moles!!!!!, or do i let her use the porta poti for number two's, carnt belive im asking this, sorry for any offence

If she ends up using the porta potti Tommy, it's odds-on you'll be the one who empties it!:egg:

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