I phoned the Navigation to make sure they could accommodate 2 motorhomesfor the weekend just gone and they declined. They told me that until further notice they can't accept any motorhomes stopping overnight. She told me that several locals have complained to the council and they are being investigated. She said they are currently liaising with the council and they hope to resolve the problem soon. That's all I know.
I had a pub once,''well several actually'',this particular one was called The Boat and Railway,Shaw lane,Stoke Prior,Bromsgrove.When My wife''ex'' and I went there it was a down and out place taking very little money,but with it's location on the Birmingham/Worcester canal I thought I'd take a punt.
We went in as tenants,owned everything inside,but not the building.After a lot of hard graft and long hours we got it back on it's feet.
We advertised the function room,from that we got birthday/wedding bashes the lot.We even got a Hells Angels chapter having gigs there,absolutely top notch.
Oh,try the big fishing match breakfasts and after contest celebrations due...drinking started at 5am along with breakfast,you better believe it.
So what's my point?..the point is,I had a huge birthday bash one Saturday night,put in for my usual extension while 2.00am at court..got that,no problem.
For all you old blues fans,you might remember Stan Webb and Chickenshack,with a line up in the 60's which included Christine Mc.Vie..of Fleetwood Mac.They were the main attraction that night.
The gig went down a storm,boats arrived and moored up for the night,campersvans came,couldn't count the number of cars+mini buses.
The next day,''sunday'' just as dinner session was in full swing,in walked the ''old bill''......can I have a word Steve,he said.
In a nutshell he said that he had been on duty the saturday night because they had a complaint come in from a local about the amount of vehicles and people coming and going.
The police found nothing untoward and told the local the same.
That same local also complained to the council,they too told him that all that was going on was legal...see,the thing is,when there is someone with common sense,and no axe to grind,everyone will get along...In my experience, lazy good for nothing people get jealous of seeing people succeed,and these are the ones who ruin the WORLD.
By the way,the complainant never did step foot in my pub,ever.
Let's hope that the landlord stands up for himself.