clean clothes

Washing clothes is the biggest problem I find in a motorhome then you got to dry them and launderettes aren't cheap.

Kit is cheaper to kit out in a charity shop at 2 quid for jeans .50 p a t shirt over a week than time and effort at a launderette and cost.

After a week you have sisters

Blimey what charity shops do you use? here in Swindon it is nearly always cheaper to buy cloths from Tesco or Asda than it is from a charity shop
We are always around 3/4 months on the road. I carry 3 of everything. One on me, one in the wash, one in the copboard ready to wear. The Mrs has 4 times more of what I carry. Washing line from one end of awning post to the other. Dry in less than an hour.
Another solution for socks and smalls etc is a babys nappy bucket or similar .with a lid...chuck in yer clothes, set. Of on your travels and the driving agitates the water like a washing machine....on stopping rinse and dry.

I use the uni laundry it's cheap and open 24/7..365 days
Washed and tumble dried all for £ 3.00
You won't beat that....:drive::wacko::banana:
Are you planning to live in your van Lorraine? i get that if you are, but if its just for pleasure then i would say its a waste of a precious resource, water and lecky :banana:

yes i am Jen..have found a site to be on for part of the week,but is only small and has no laundry room.(ideal spot for work though)..also have good friends and family but i dont want to be imposing on them too much..have also found a laundrette not too far away but its in an area well known for having things go walkabout..
We use a hand operated machine - we bought it several years ago in a camping shop. Basically it's a drum with a handle - doesn't take too much at a time but it works, that's that main thing!
wow!! some great ideas there..thankyou!!! ...and re the uniform..nothing to get excited about..its a horrible green,cross between a paramedics and a somerfield fact i often get asked to point out where things are when i go shopping after work, good fun when i point them in the opposite direction:)..but i do have a good supply of latex gloves i use for work lol..could use them for wringing!
When I'm on the road I tend to wear what I was wearing in the pub the other night, lightweight bush kit, which is either non-iron, or minimum iron and easy to wash and dry. I also carry a smart shirt and trousers in case I need them. Somebody on one of the forums that they do their washing using one of the blue plastic drums, filled with washing powder, water and their dirty washing. They lash the drum to their bike rack and the movement of the vehicle does their washing, so they only need to rinse and dry at the other end.

Your situation is slightly different as you are going to be on site a lot, but before buying a generator I would look at posts about these on here, as some are very noisy and you will get complaints. I think Maplins do a portable washing machine for caravans etc. You could do what a friend who lives in a static caravan does and turn up with washing powder, fabric conditioner and dirty washing when you visit friends.

PS, after a week on here you should know better than to mention that you wear uniform...don't feed their fantasies or you could cause a lot of coronaries. x

brill idea, i like that!..think i,ve put folk right re the uniform..i did mention latex gloves though..might have jumped out of the frying pan...:raofl:
Expeditions use the wind and sun to clean clothes.

Especially in deserts, hanging clothes outside freshens them up and the ultra violet light gets rid of the bacteria which cause smells.
Washing clothes is the biggest problem I find in a motorhome then you got to dry them and launderettes aren't cheap.

Kit is cheaper to kit out in a charity shop at 2 quid for jeans .50 p a t shirt over a week than time and effort at a launderette and cost.

After a week you have sisters

Blimey what charity shops do you use? here in Swindon it is nearly always cheaper to buy cloths from Tesco or Asda than it is from a charity shop

Sally army Inverness...tends to be cheapest...

Bloke that used to work for me lived on a leaky, rotten hulk of a boat.

We ended up washing his stuff for him so that the smell didn't upset the customers!!.

Thing was, he was good at what he did!!
wow!! Some great ideas there..thankyou!!! ...and re the uniform..nothing to get excited about..its a horrible green,cross between a paramedics and a somerfield fact i often get asked to point out where things are when i go shopping after work, good fun when i point them in the opposite direction:)..but i do have a good supply of latex gloves i use for work lol..could use them for wringing!

Afraid the green would put me off. My ex is a paramedic.

she did have a sense of humour though. I mean she had to have to marry me. but one night I rang her from the pub and asked if she would get her mate to drop her off so that she could drive me home as I had the car in the pub car park. an hour later they turned up with blues and twos and came into the pub with a stretcher to pick me up. :lol-053:
Afraid the green would put me off. My ex is a paramedic.

she did have a sense of humour though. I mean she had to have to marry me. but one night I rang her from the pub and asked if she would get her mate to drop her off so that she could drive me home as I had the car in the pub car park. an hour later they turned up with blues and twos and came into the pub with a stretcher to pick me up. :lol-053:

An alternative approach - wear wicking outdoorsy gear which wicks away sweat, doesn't smell, is easy to wash, will dry within the hour, doesn't need ironing and doesn't crease. Icebreaker gear is also good - you can wear it for a few weeks with no smell and still feels (relatively) fresh!
hi .for the past few years i have used a small washing machine bought in spain .and a mangle . i got that from my dad ,think it came from my gran. works great. now i have a twintub . not actually used it yet .but m,y mate as had one for about 5 years . the washing part is smll but works for sheets one at a time. the spinner is magic . we use the mangle and then spin .still gets some water out. Morocco 2008-2009 151.jpg
hopefully heres one of the washing machine .its 240v and i run it through an inverter. but there are a few twintubs on ebay .and single tub washing machines are available here now . for a mangle ebay again very often as them.

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