Children unsecured in rear of motorhomes

Beemer, therefore you would be content if a 12 stone man was propelled towards you or your front seat passenger at 30 to 60mph depending on speed at point of collision, and hitting you with the force of an African elephant. I witnessed drivers with broken necks due to them being struck by unsecured rear adult passengers. If an adult did not wish to belt up in my vehicle he would do so in the front of the vehicle were he or she would pose no risk to others....

Not just passengers either...
I recall when I was a Service Engineer on Computer Peripherals, we had Austin Maestros and Montegos as Company Cars. One chap had a big Line Printer he put in the back seat of his Maestro (unsecured - no rear belts to wrap round it) and he had an accident. The inertia caused the printer to continue towards and it totally crushed the front seat back as it travelled through to the front.
Luckily for him he put it on the passenger side or that would have been his last outing (as it was he was totally uninjured).
(The companies rules changed after that about carrying stuff inside the car!)

So not just unsecured passengers can be out to get you - heavy furniture secured with a few wood screws in a self-conversion could be just as bad :(
Beemer, therefore you would be content if a 12 stone man was propelled towards you or your front seat passenger at 30 to 60mph depending on speed at point of collision, and hitting you with the force of an African elephant. I witnessed drivers with broken necks due to them being struck by unsecured rear adult passengers. If an adult did not wish to belt up in my vehicle he would do so in the front of the vehicle were he or she would pose no risk to others.

Also in any vehicle side impact collisions were vehicles have little protection can be fatal.
Also what you say is correct. It would be better in a side impact collision if you were thrown away from the point of impact rather than being held in a fixed position by a seatbelt. But only around 20% of rtas are side impact the majority being front or rear impact were seatbelts have saved many lives, Yes seatbelts have been counterproductive in some accidents but they have saved many more lives than been responsible to some extent for accentuating injury.

I understand the point you are making but to assume I would be content? I am pretty sure I did not say that :( "if" we were doing 30-60 mph, "if" there was a collision, "if" the 12 stone man were to hit me with the force of an African elephant, I think it would be more than a broken neck.
I did not say, nor promote the fact that travelling without a seat belt is OK, but I can guarantee that during a motorhome drive, my other half will get out of her front seat and move to the back of the van where the bathroom is and use the loo. I also have seating in the back that does not have seat belts by design.

I work at a university where paramedic courses play out the "if" scenarios, to cater for most potential incidents, for good reason, but if we were to live by "what if" we would never go out, let alone ride a motorbike or drive a plastic box on the road.
If the van has seat belts then I insist on children being belted, but adults have a brain and must know the dangers of travelling in a car without one on.
Looking at some of the moho accidents on Youtube, it does seem like the vehicle would crumple very easily, so injuries would be, or could be worse, depending on the type of accident if you were fixed to your seat.

You could get 3 points for letting any one travel in your van without belts on.
I understand the point you are making but to assume I would be content? I am pretty sure I did not say that :( "if" we were doing 30-60 mph, "if" there was a collision, "if" the 12 stone man were to hit me with the force of an African elephant, I think it would be more than a broken neck.
I did not say, nor promote the fact that travelling without a seat belt is OK, but I can guarantee that during a motorhome drive, my other half will get out of her front seat and move to the back of the van where the bathroom is and use the loo. I also have seating in the back that does not have seat belts by design.

I work at a university where paramedic courses play out the "if" scenarios, to cater for most potential incidents, for good reason, but if we were to live by "what if" we would never go out, let alone ride a motorbike or drive a plastic box on the road.

Stop for the poor girl to wee,never unfasten belts when driving.
Mind you i see at my kids school many dads bring the we ones in co vans sitting in the front seats not secured.
One day the police turned up and watched,a lot of mums/dads had red faces that day,all nicked.
The other good one is in Motorhomes people fitting magnetic kitchen knife holders, Great until the knifes fly off in an accident, yet would never be a knife throwers assistant

The other good one is in Motorhomes people fitting magnetic kitchen knife holders, Great until the knifes fly off in an accident, yet would never be a knife throwers assistant

a good point :)

There is a line from a Youtuber that I like ... "Driving a Camper is like having a Monsoon outside and an Earthquake inside" (slight paraphrase as cannot remember exactly).

So all the fixtures and fittings (and people!) should be secured accordingly :)
a good point :)

There is a line from a Youtuber that I like ... "Driving a Camper is like having a Monsoon outside and an Earthquake inside" (slight paraphrase as cannot remember exactly).

So all the fixtures and fittings (and people!) should be secured accordingly :)

You will be telling me next I should be taking the kettle off the hob before we set off :)

Oh, yes, not a normal lightweight kettle either, a stocking great cast beggar that would write the next three cars in line off :(
One motorhome safety issues I have is the rear fitted fridge or cooker being ejected through the windscreen after a rear impact .
The other good one is in Motorhomes people fitting magnetic kitchen knife holders, Great until the knifes fly off in an accident, yet would never be a knife throwers assistant


Have people actually done this ?

Maybe somebody should start a thread on the daftest things fitted in a motorhome ?
Have people actually done this ?

Maybe somebody should start a thread on the daftest things fitted in a motorhome ?

Fitted magnetic knife holders? it is very common indeed - packing them away before setting off away is less common though.
I am not saying this is right, to travel unsecured all the points are well valued. But on a side issue people are allowed to stand on buses and trains that prob do comparable speeds to us in our motorhomes, and they are not belted up. Some busses have side facing seats and the furniture in buses are not exactly collision friendly.
In the past two weeks I have witnessed twice motorhomes being driven with children in the rear unsecured in the habitation area.

In my line of work I witnessed many tragic road accidents, and saw first hand the consequences of such stupidity.

If your vehicle is traveling at say 35mph, and you come to a sudden stop, any unsecured occupants will travel at 35mph forward within the vehicle.
I did not manage to get the registration of either vehicle, but if I had I would have passed this onto the police.

****, hope you don't get behind me when I'm taking the grandchildren to the fun park:scared::drive:
I am not saying this is right, to travel unsecured all the points are well valued. But on a side issue people are allowed to stand on buses and trains that prob do comparable speeds to us in our motorhomes, and they are not belted up. Some busses have side facing seats and the furniture in buses are not exactly collision friendly.

Sorry but this point has been raised already, two wrongs don't make a right.

If you value your precious cargo then you will make their journey as safe as possible.
The other good one is in Motorhomes people fitting magnetic kitchen knife holders, Great until the knifes fly off in an accident, yet would never be a knife throwers assistant


Yep i put mine in my drawers.:scared::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:
I am not saying this is right, to travel unsecured all the points are well valued. But on a side issue people are allowed to stand on buses and trains that prob do comparable speeds to us in our motorhomes, and they are not belted up. Some busses have side facing seats and the furniture in buses are not exactly collision friendly.

Correct and just look how many get killed or injured on bus trips here and over seas, on the news at least every mth in uk.
Buses here are all belted these days,only taxies dont require you to use em.
So how come they build motorhomes to sleep 'x' number of people but often don't have the equivalent number of belted seats to transport all those 'x' people while driving? :confused:

Seems vey illogical.

Ah well, thats so you can pick up some waifs and strays when you park up :lol-049:

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