chasing moisture out of air in van

Ive left it too late now I fear. Too busy mincing about on here and farting about on the internet to try the open windows and fan heater trick and now its gone all drizzly outside so I reckon the air will be damp again outside the van so ill have to leave it for now. I did open the bathroom roof earlier though but that was more out of preserving the lives of the internal occupants after my "visit" than getting shot of moisture. :poop:
Maybe its best just to leave them on the drive Rob and look at them from your window.

I even managed to perfectly split in two a Fiamma Jumbo levelling block yesterday. I always pride myself on being able to get onto the blocks perfectly well on my own without Mrs D helping (not that she would anyway). Must of been out of practice as I reversed onto them, went too far and dropped off the edge flipping and wedging one block hard up against the underside of the van. Took it out and its in two perfect halves now. I just stuck it back together and tried again. Amazingly it didnt fall apart.
Maybe its best just to leave them on the drive Rob and look at them from your window.

I even managed to perfectly split in two a Fiamma Jumbo levelling block yesterday. I always pride myself on being able to get onto the blocks perfectly well on my own without Mrs D helping (not that she would anyway). Must of been out of practice as I reversed onto them, went too far and dropped off the edge flipping and wedging one block hard up against the underside of the van. Took it out and its in two perfect halves now. I just stuck it back together and tried again. Amazingly it didnt fall apart.

Two mates of mine (on this forum but can't mention their names coz I promised Jim and Alan I wouldn't) were parked near to each other on a site somewhere or other and one of them (let's just call him Alan coz that's his name) drove off of his blocks a bit briskly and fired one of the blocks like an exocet and it embedded itself into Jim's door leaving a fekkin great hole.

My, how Jim chortled!
I can recall getting my first 10 bob note when I was a youngster - wow! Riches indeed.

I used to get a Threepenny bit to take to school every day for the tuck shop.

I still have one and another member @Bongobaz made me a hiking pole and set it into the handle for me.

Well I think you are a rotten lot. It’s Christmas and here’s a guy genuinely asking a question and he ends up with all sorts of innuendoes about his personal generosity. All he needed was a simple answer about basic physics, it’s not his fault he bunked off all the science lessons to sell cigarette cards round the back of the bike shed. Let’s have some Yuletide bonhomie. Merry Xmas to one and all…….
Have put the Christmas lights up but its not made it any warmer. Its actually 20 degrees in here according to the thermometer so I have come to the conclusion that its maybe me. I have had no booze since the beginning of the week and do not plan to get pissed until Christmas day night so I may have keeled over by then. :(

Thanks for all the helpful technical advice here though. Phil should make this thread a sticky or summat for newbies to look at should they need to know how to keep their vans warm in winter.


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