Change the name. This term is outdated: WildCamping

  • Thread starter Deleted member 74229
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Deleted member 74229

Message on CAMpRA (FB page) today calls to stop using the term ‘Wild Camping’ - I agree:


We are in danger of being overtaken by the latest trend of “dirty camping” that is grabbing the media attention.

Wild Camping is being dragged into this by the media and motorhomes and campervans are being associated with tents and groups of campers and day trippers.


EVERY MEMBER of this group needs to act NOW tomorrow is too late.

We need to get the message out there that we do not condone this behaviour the simplest and biggest first step is for everyone of us to contact EVERY motorhome and campervan owner we know by whatever means are available to stop using the phrase “wild camping” we must get the message out that we are “PARKING not CAMPING”
It may sound a simple thing but old habits die hard, people are reluctant to change but if we do not want our freedom to even park in our outfits to be lost for ever we MUST CHANGE NOW, TODAY not tomorrow.
I am not saying to stop parking in quite remote areas or to start using campsites I am asking that just stop referring to it “wild camping” or indeed camping at all.

So please let’s use the power of this group to activate this first step NOW 👍👍
Aires and Wild Camping are not the same things.

First, let us look at what this community is focused on.

Wild Camping, Boondocking, Freedom Camping, Off-Grid Camping.

These are all labels given to the activity of sleeping, cooking, eating, washing, showering, relaxing, parking, etc, in a motor caravan, which can all be in the daytime or at night.

The definition of parking is 'the act of leaving a car somewhere for a period of time". The critical word here is 'leaving' if you are using the vehicle, it is not parked in the legal definition of the word.

Within British English, it is commonly accepted that the term "Camping" is the act of using a tent, caravan or motor caravan for leisure purposes. "Are you off camping in the motorhome this weekend?" Works better than "Are you off parking in the motorhome this weekend?".

So camping is correct.

The term 'Wild', when used with camping in a motor caravan, has always been accepted as meaning 'without any services" it does not mean wilderness. The term 'off-grid' has come to us from the USA; we tend to use the word network rather than grid, we don't say "water grid" or "gas grid".

Now UK Aires

When I am planning an adventure, I tend to avoid the town centre urban car parks, which is what most UK Aires will be.

People can call their activity whatever they want; they can also politely suggest that others change to their label for the activity.

While we are discussing labels, I would suggest that having a campaign in the UK to convince people that they should have 'Real Aires' (translation 'Real Areas') is not a great name. Very few people who have not toured in Europe will have any idea what an 'Aire' is and convincing local councils would mean first educating them and the local population as to what it means. I would suggest that the 'Campaign for Motorhome Overnight Camping Areas' maybe a better title.

So to sum up

The label "Wild Camping" is not outdated and is the correct label for the activities that this forum is focused on.
Comparing wild camping and Aires is the same as comparing wild camping and certified locations (CL, CS).
You would not say you were wild camping at a certified location nor would you do so at an Aire.

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I couldn’t agree more - I have just read a letter in Friday 24th July’s Daily Record entitled “Campervans must pay” and I would urge everyone to respond - here is my response - I hope you all agree it got the point over...

In response to Peter from Helensburgh’s letter “Campervans must pay” in Fridays’ Daily Record...
I wonder where he gets his train of thought from - for him to suggest people in Campervans stay in places where they don’t pay anything and expect services to be available - Seems to me he is singling them out for whatever reason only known to him. The very vast majority of Campervan owners use them sensibly with respect to the environment - They don’t actually need services as are self contained with their own power supply AND toilet facilities - they will also ensure to lift any trace they have been there including lifting other peoples waste - AND will try to support the local economy by purchasing from local shops and garages - also using chemical toilet disposable services for a charge at campsites if they are not staying there - unlike many car owners and tent campers who leave litter and toilet waste everywhere - maybe Peter should get off his high horse and get his facts right!
MR, Glasgow
Attached is the Daily Record letter.
Kind regards to all, Martin

Nice how posts shift on tent campers and cars ,,,,exactly the sort of response those pointing fingers want. There is irresponsible behaviour in all parts of the camping community

Ultimately tent motorhome or tarp for the evening people don’t understand our recreational lifestyles they can’t fathom it, our activity is fringelike by its nature and people are always suspicious, history is littered with examples
Aires and Wild Camping are not the same things.

First, let us look at what this community is focused on.

Wild Camping, Boondocking, Freedom Camping, Off-Grid Camping.

These are all labels given to the activity of sleeping, cooking, eating, washing, showering, relaxing, parking, etc, in a motor caravan, which can all be in the daytime or at night.

The definition of parking is 'the act of leaving a car somewhere for a period of time". The critical word here is 'leaving' if you are using the vehicle, it is not parked in the legal definition of the word.

Within British English, it is commonly accepted that the term "Camping" is the act of using a tent, caravan or motor caravan for leisure purposes. "Are you off camping in the motorhome this weekend?" Works better than "Are you off parking in the motorhome this weekend?".

So camping is correct.

The term 'Wild', when used with camping in a motor caravan, has always been accepted as meaning 'without any services" it does not mean wilderness. The term 'off-grid' has come to us from the USA; we tend to use the word network rather than grid, we don't say "water grid" or "gas grid".

Now UK Aires

When I am planning an adventure, I tend to avoid the town centre urban car parks, which is what UK Aires will be.

People can call their activity whatever they want; they can also politely suggest that others change to their label for the activity.

While we are discussing labels, I would suggest that having a campaign in the UK to convince people that they should have 'Real Aires' (translation 'Real Areas') is not a great name. Very few people who have not toured in Europe will have any idea what an 'Aire' is and convincing local councils would mean first educating them and the local population as to what it means. I would suggest that the 'Campaign for Motorhome Overnight Camping Areas' maybe a better title.

So to sum up

The label "Wild Camping" is not outdated and is the correct label for the activities that this forum is focused on.
Comparing wild camping and Aires is the same as comparing wild camping and certified locations (CL, CS).
You would not say you were wild camping at a certified location nor would you do so at an Aire.

Hi Phil. After reading what you have written here, I have to agree with you. But the title you suggested "Campaign for Motorhome Overnight Camping Areas" has one issue. I think the issue is the word camping, as the general public see camping as a week or two's holiday in one area.
Maybe if we could use a title of Motorhome/Campervan Stop Over Area. So the council and public might understand that we aren't setting up a campsite but are wanting to stop over near a destination to spend our money there before we move on. That way the councillors that have a financial interest in campsites won't feel that they are losing out as it's clear that it's only an area that is legal for us to stop over a max of say 2 nights. Maybe replenish our vans and dump the loo, but also spend money in the locality on fuel, shopping and gifts etc. So maybe then we wouldn't be seen as Freeloaders but part of the much needed side of tourism..
I'm with Phil on this one. As previously said there are irresponsible people in all walks of life. We live at the seaside and after the visitors have gone home the whole arera needs a good clean up. While the lockdown was on and MOST sensible people stayed away, the whole town was cleaner.If you look i the dictionary there are many definitions for the word 'wild'. Are we going to join the emptyheads who spend fortunes on changing signs that read "facilities" or "departments" to "faculties".
EVERY MEMBER of this group needs to act NOW tomorrow is too late.
Some time ago a name change for this site was talked about but wasn't favoured by the majority of members (don't think it would have been before You joined) The out come of it was The sister site so members could choose for them selves most seem to use both so whats in a name
After reading the above I asked 10 people in the Health Center what the expression 'wild camping' meant to them. Everyone of them said 'in a tent but not on a campsite' and when I asked if you classed a MH in a rural car park as 'wild camping' all said no. I havent adjusted well to the expression either, during my 30's my work and social circle included canoeists, hikers, climbers, bushcrafters etc and in no way would a car park be considered wild camping. I don't disagree with any of Phils points, as far as the dictionary goes he is spot on but in reality the majority of people do not associate the practice with MH's and campervans.

With regards to 'grid'.....the internet, especially You Tube actually determines what the populous call an activity and whether right or wrongly the most understood expression for what we do is 'off grid'
Wild Parking? Sounds crackers to me although I see plenty of examples from the Cocoon brigade in their Nissan Micras in Barney and Richmond.

I also agree with Phil. I like the name. It sums up parking on a mountain top, by a river, lake or sea to me in a remote place on our own. Parking in a town or urban area is an overnight stopover to me not wild camping so if you are going to campaign for those type of stopovers then a campaign for motorhome overnight stopovers sounds about right. Its not wild camping, its parking for the night. To me.

The only places I "wild" are those that meet my first description. I have no desire to park in a town centre overnight but would happily support a campaign for those that do. I dont see my kind of wilding changing or disappearing because of what we call it.
This is not about defining the words “wild camping“, it’s about creating a divide between us and those who use tents, then leave their mess behind them.
What Phill states is accurate, but I really don’t think the term wild camping does us any favours.

Look at the letter printed in the Daily Record, Scotland’s most popular newspaper.
Most of us know this is utter nonsense, but unfortunately this is how we are being perceived. And letters Like this only serve to persuade the ill informed that he has a point. Thousands of cars can turn up at a resort, use the facilities provided, then go home, and no one will accuse them of free loading, or failing to help local communities. I am willing to bet that per capita we do far more for local communities than car drivers.

I honestly think we should stop using the term wild camping, and use another term.
The sooner we start to try to change our image, based on misinformation, and ignorance the better. And using another term will be a start towards this. It will help isolate us from the poor behaviour of others.
Why does this CAMpRA brigade think they are doing us all a favour? I like Scotland just the way it is and would hate to have to use an aire type overnight spot. Seeing pictures of Aires they are tarmac concrete places with vans packed in together and in built up areas. Nothing wrong with the situation in Scotland and as we loose one spot we gain another.
How dare they ask the Geekmyster to change the name of the best motorhome related forum there is 🤬🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Why does this CAMpRA brigade think they are doing us all a favour? I like Scotland just the way it is and would hate to have to use an aire type overnight spot. Seeing pictures of Aires they are tarmac concrete places with vans packed in together and in built up areas. Nothing wrong with the situation in Scotland and as we loose one spot we gain another.
How dare they ask the Geekmyster to change the name of the best motorhome related forum there is 🤬🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

And I personally think this is one of the issues with those desperate for European type aires....

Once places have those set up I think it's likely that the next thing will be comments like 'Why is that motorhome/campervan parked anywhere BUT in the aire that's been provided.

Personally I don't want to be close to other folks hence why I studiously avoid people as much as possible and choose my spots carefully....
And my campsites even more carefully (usually CL/CS or others like shell island out of season when I can be sure of finding somewhere away from people.
And I personally think this is one of the issues with those desperate for European type aires....

Once places have those set up I think it's likely that the next thing will be comments like 'Why is that motorhome/campervan parked anywhere BUT in the aire that's been provided.

Personally I don't want to be close to other folks hence why I studiously avoid people as much as possible and choose my spots carefully....
And my campsites even more carefully (usually CL/CS or others like shell island out of season when I can be sure of finding somewhere away from people.

Yes I agree I am not in favour of aires either.
And like you I prefer rural locations to urban.
But many others prefer towns and villages.
To my way of thinking what we need to is try to change attitudes towards us, and to try to convince local authorities to stop putting up barriers and signage.
Most of these carparks are empty all night, it’s stupidity and ignorance that prevents us from using them.
All that’s required is we are treated the same as other road users.
After all that’s exactly what we are.
The fact that we wish to use carparks at night should not be the issue it has become. Much of what we have been witnessing recently stems from opinions based on the above letter, and the letter published in April’s CCC magazine, which I and others replied to.
This is not about defining the words “wild camping“, it’s about creating a divide between us and those who use tents, then leave their mess behind them.
What Phill states is accurate, but I really don’t think the term wild camping does us any favours.

Look at the letter printed in the Daily Record, Scotland’s most popular newspaper.
Most of us know this is utter nonsense, but unfortunately this is how we are being perceived. And letters Like this only serve to persuade the ill informed that he has a point. Thousands of cars can turn up at a resort, use the facilities provided, then go home, and no one will accuse them of free loading, or failing to help local communities. I am willing to bet that per capita we do far more for local communities than car drivers.

I honestly think we should stop using the term wild camping, and use another term.
The sooner we start to try to change our image, based on misinformation, and ignorance the better. And using another term will be a start towards this. It will help isolate us from the poor behaviour of others.
I like the term "Dry Camping" that I think is popular in some countries. It tends to imply self-contained to me (although I guess to some might sound like an Camping division of AA?). "Freedom Camping" as used in NZ is good as well.
I personally use the term "off-grid" instead of "wild camping" as that is pretty well understood even if it is American in origin

But I really dislike this constant reference to "Aires"! I didn't know we were in France? Why is there this desire to have "Aires" in the UK? why not "Stellplatz" for example? Yes, have the features a Stellplatz (or an 'Aire') provides, but have a proper name for it, not some imported term!
I know they mean well, but they are just like any other brigade, trying to force their opinion on everyone else, and create cliques/lobbys, blah blah that not all will agree with.

Ill be wild camping in my motorhome as and when I want , where I want and how I want as long as Im within the local rules. Roaming round doing my own thing without the "gang"
If anything, then I may say Im wild motorhoming :p :p :p but I dont see whats wild about running round in something that cost me more then double the price of my first house :eek:
I think groups like CAMpRA come and go and lots have tried the campaign thing. Personally I think it’s education some motorhome users need as the places where we’ve been banned from are normally because a carpark gets turned into an unofficial campsite by motorhomes cramming in. East Lothian is a perfect example.
This forum does a pretty good job on the education of how to wild camp responsibly
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