Carpet or Vinyl?


Thinking about removing the 17 year old carpet from my van and replacing it with a cushionfloor type vinyl:eek:

Has anyone done this or can anyone advise on the pro,s and con,s of of this action?.
its got to be easer to clean and less odours lingering especially if you have a dog

Thats precisely the reason I was thinking about the change;) but will it make the van cooler and less cosy?

Thanks for the response,Gaz, and welcome to the site:)
Carpet or vinyl

Hi Lenny would think that a good quality vinyl wouldn't be all that cold another option have you thought about laminate flooring?is it feasible to put in yourself:confused:might be easier than removing cupboards and seats ect,thinking about renewing my carpet in the van also,Andy.
Cheers Andy, I'm not keen on the laminate flooring,and you're right about the need to remove cupboards etc. cos it looks like the furniture was built on top of the laid carpet.
I was planning on carefully cutting the carpet around all the fittings ,removing it, then using it as a template to cut the cushion floor the same shape, what do you reckon?:cool:
Carpet or vinyl

Spot on Lenny use the old carpet as a template but i would add an extra couple of milly all the way around just in case the old carpet has shrunk after 17 years:rolleyes:can you still buy red and white striped carpet?Andy.
Hi lenny
We took the removable carpet out of our van for our beach holiday last year
because we thought it'd mean less cleaning etc.
Oh-boy did we suffer cold feet or what?
It's ok when the weather's warm and wind free but we're not going to do that again.
But on the other hand, friends of ours took the carpet out and had cushion flooring installed and they absolutely love-it. Thing-is we mostly have our shoes off in the van but they keep theirs on!
Horses for courses i think.

Hi lenny
We took the removable carpet out of our van for our beach holiday last year
because we thought it'd mean less cleaning etc.
Oh-boy did we suffer cold feet or what?
It's ok when the weather's warm and wind free but we're not going to do that again.
But on the other hand, friends of ours took the carpet out and had cushion flooring installed and they absolutely love-it. Thing-is we mostly have our shoes off in the van but they keep theirs on!
Horses for courses i think.


he could always invest in some carpet slippers :D
Carpet is great until it gets wet; then it is B. unpleasant and stinks to high Heaven. I've just had 10L of water through the van and it took some hard work by 2 dehumidifiers to clear it. The carpet now looks B. awful and has water stains all over it. I will never use carpet again.

I have also tried Flotex & it is very good. It it is terribly expensive but, obviously, you don't need much to "carpet" a van.

The best floor covering that I have seen to date is the stuff that Nomad has down in his Iveco. It is some form of "rubber" tile that is intended for workshop use. It seems both durable and warm under foot. Good stuff, maybe a PM to Nomad may get you an answer?
on the carpet

Carpet much more comfortable than hard flooring.Why not cushionfloor the van and then have a fitted removable carpet for colder periods? Cheap offcuts from discount places does ok.
I love to wriggle the tootsies in a long pile carpet!
Mind I don't usually have to clean it.

Carpet much more comfortable than hard flooring.Why not cushionfloor the van and then have a fitted removable carpet for colder periods? Cheap offcuts from discount places does ok.
I love to wriggle the tootsies in a long pile carpet!
Mind I don't usually have to clean it.


We have removable carpets but the carpet in the kitchen/galley area which is also part of the entrance we have never put down.

swivel seat and dinning area we leave down, burber type carpet and do clean up well. We try to keep dirt out:eek: but ahh can't keep walking on egg shells:D
So question carpet or vinyl you can have both:):)
From scratches to rags

I took the removable carpet out of my van cos of the dog, mud etc but soon got fed up with the coldness and gritty bits on the hard floor. It seems that within moments of cleaning the floor you tread in more bits of grit that scrunch around underfoot - yich!:( Worse on laminate than vinyl cushionfloor I suspect.

So, because I wanted to keep the carpet in good nick, have bought several rag rugs to cover the vinyl floor. Warmer, no scrunch, easily shaken out and cheap to replace if necessary. Just an ole hippy, me! :)
Job Done

Thanks all for the response, I decided to heed all the warning about venturing out into the chaotic driving conditions and thought :rolleyes:, lets go for it;), a trip down to the carpet shop,bought the necessary and back to rip out the old fitted carpet:eek:, phew, what a job:(

That done decided to fit my nice new silver:eek: carpet


:p:D, only kidding, this is laminate underlay which apparantly offers moisture protection,sound reduction (20 Db.), and thermal insulation.

Still got some left if anyone wants it:)
Job Done II

And this is the result of my days work:cool:, a cushion floor type vinyl on top of a thermal underlay;)


Maybe finish off tomorrow when it's settled with a thin bead of beige mastic around the edges to hide the cock ups:eek::p.

All in all, quite happy:), Total cost £72;)
Carpet or vinyl

Don't let Jack see his reflection in the new flooring:D
Carpet or vinyl

Looks really good,when are you free to do mine Lenny:cool:
I keep thinking about getting shot of the carpet in my Tribby. Its a cheap quality nylon carpet, and grass, leaves, and everything else sticks to it like the proverbial to a blanket. It always looks a mess because its dark blue and everything shows up on it.

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