Camping in a Parking lot

wonder if they carry the jockey rock with them :scared::lol-053:
What is a pity of course is the knock-on effect of this kind of unreasonable behaviour on others. It's not surprising if notices start to appear banning overnight stops in public areas and that is just what we don't want, do we! Is it significant that no-one has popped up here and said, "Hey! Take my picture off of here!"? Clearly only sensible wild campers visit these pages!

That is precisely why I said I would delete the picture if one of our friends on the Forum objected to it. It seems as though this MH owner is not a WC member. On the other hand, perhaps someone on here in the Scottisch area MIGHT recognize the Swift, Kontiki and the plate. I hope not, as I would be a dead duck for posting the picture☺☺☺
This is one reson you will find it hard next year to freecamp down here every year for the last 6 years we meet friends in Almeria always the same place this week we were told to move on as no sleeping over night, is now only allowed on approved site,s were ever there are.

Hi Ken

Has the law changed in Spain?

No estableix el Reglament General de Circulació altres condicions que hagin de complir-se al efectuar l’aturada o l’estacionament del vehicle, motiu pel qual es considera que mentre un vehicle qualsevol estigui correctament estacionat, sense excedir les marques vials de delimitació de la zona d’estacionament , ni la limitació temporal del mateix, si n’hi hagués, no és rellevant el fet que els seus ocupants es
trobin en l’interior del mateix i l’autocaravana no és una excepció, havent-hi prou amb que l’activitat que es pugui portar a terme en el seu interior no s’exterioritzi a l’exterior mitjançant el desplegament de documents que traspassin el perímetre del vehicle com parades, tendals, dispositius d’anivellament, suports d’ estabilització, etc.

in English

The General Traffic Regulations do not establish any other conditions for stopping or parking a vehicle, so, therefore, this General Directorate of Traffic believes that while any vehicle is parked properly, without exceeding markings on the delimitation of the parking space, nor exceeds the time permitted, if any, it is irrelevant whether the occupants are inside the vehicle, and the motorhome is no exception, being sufficient that the activity in the interior does not transcend to the exterior by the setting up of elements which surpass the perimeter of the vehicle such as stalls, awnings, levelling devices, stabilizing devices, etc.

The way I understand this is that it is OK to sleep in a vehicle in Spain provided that nothing is put outside the vehicle. It is standing on it tyres only and is not causing an obstruction. The trailer tent outfit in the picture is obviously in violation of this instruction 08/V-74 from the ministry of the interior. If it was parked as a van towing a trailer and the trailer was folded up then it would comply.
I know that spot well and have stayed overnight in it - along with many others. I cannot be sure if its the same one but there is often a trailer tent parked there next to a children's roundabout which I think they run. So it may be that they are there legitimately. On the other hand..........

Sorry, David, I wrote this before reading your latest post in which you say you saw them unhitching the trailer, so obviously it is not the one I remember and they deserve to be named and shamed. If this kind of thing continues then a ban on overnight parking in this popular spot is likely. There's always (at least) one!
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I only took the picture. All I said they might have hassle with the Cops. My Mrs had a chat with them on a friendly basis and she said they were on their way to Alicanti. I thought best not to say anything further. It is my favourite spot, as I do meet up with a Spanish and Portugese family most years. We have great hand signal chats.
Where to this year JH? I think you did mention where you were going, being old and senile I have forgotten. Whatever, have a great time and keep your bones nice and warm. I know I will. Oz, from Dec 10 to April 5.
When in the UK on car parks I try to hug the edge or better still get into a corner, however car drivers will still come and park right next to us even though there are other spaces available.

In the UK, that may be their way of trying to annoy the heck out of dare you park your motorhome in OUR car park!!

does not transcend to the exterior by the setting up of elements which surpass the perimeter of the vehicle such as stalls, awnings, levelling devices, stabilizing devices, etc.

I would not take this to mean that the tyres have to be in contact with the road. It seems leveling ramps would be OK so long as they do not "surpass the perimeter of the vehicle". If they are under the tyres they don't in a horizontal sense. Whereas as levelling devices such as outriggers or stabilizers could do so.

In practice I wouldn't use ramps in a car park, road, or wilding situation, but the way this is worded doesn't seem to preclude their use... in Spain anyway!
Where to this year JH? I think you did mention where you were going, being old and senile I have forgotten. Whatever, have a great time and keep your bones nice and warm. I know I will. Oz, from Dec 10 to April 5.

Off to South-east Asia this winter (without the motorhome!). Enjoy Xmas in Australia - and if you are in Sydney on Australia Day (26th Jan I think) it is well worth joining in the celebrations. :have fun:
I would not take this to mean that the tyres have to be in contact with the road. It seems leveling ramps would be OK so long as they do not "surpass the perimeter of the vehicle". If they are under the tyres they don't in a horizontal sense. Whereas as levelling devices such as outriggers or stabilizers could do so.

In practice I wouldn't use ramps in a car park, road, or wilding situation, but the way this is worded doesn't seem to preclude their use... in Spain anyway!

The rule as described apples to parking on urban streets or roadways. The vehicle must be parked parallel to the kerb and in a way that allows a maximum use of the remaining space by other users. If parked on a intercity routes (not motorways or stopping restricted highways) in a non urban areas the vehicle must be as far as possible from the carrageway, leaving the hard shoulder free and on the right hand side. Car parks can have restrictions applied by the authorities.
As I have mentioned on other posts, that when asked the Spanish police have told me it's OK to park (with the usual caveats of course) overnight on the public road whether you are overnight sleeping or not. But as soon as you put out anything considered as camping equipment, you are then not parking but camping, and they can then tell you to go.
In reality of course most motorhomers will move on if told to by the police even if they, the M/homers, feel that they are in the right. The usual reason for moving M/homers on they explained was complaints by the foreign home owners, well they would wouldn't they?
Hi Ken

Has the law changed in Spain?

The way I understand this is that it is OK to sleep in a vehicle in Spain provided that nothing is put outside the vehicle. It is standing on it tyres only and is not causing an obstruction. The trailer tent outfit in the picture is obviously in violation of this instruction 08/V-74 from the ministry of the interior. If it was parked as a van towing a trailer and the trailer was folded up then it would comply.

Hi John
All I can tell you is what we were told this week from the Spanish police that next year you my only sleep in an approved site but can park anywere a car parks this is how my Spanish friends explaned it to me. Even they could not understand it and said they were going to look into it
Off to South-east Asia this winter (without the motorhome!). Enjoy Xmas in Australia - and if you are in Sydney on Australia Day (26th Jan I think) it is well worth joining in the celebrations. :have fun:

You are correct, 26th Jan: Done it, got the T-Shirt. Done it in Sydney 1997, Melbourne 2003, Perth 2007.
that's what i like about the spanish,they probably looked at this setup,saw a family with kids in an old van on a low budget holiday and thought fair play to them.bit more tolerant than some of the comments i've just read.very child freindly along the med,that includes the cops,plus they all understand skint and doing the best with what you've and shame? try looking at things from a perspective other than your own.
that's what i like about the spanish,they probably looked at this setup,saw a family with kids in an old van on a low budget holiday and thought fair play to them.bit more tolerant than some of the comments i've just read.very child freindly along the med,that includes the cops,plus they all understand skint and doing the best with what you've and shame? try looking at things from a perspective other than your own.

That's all so true you can't apply the exact same response to a situation in Spain to that of the UK. I would also add that there are still strong memories of the poverty and deprivation suffered by the majority of the population in the Franco days, hence an empathy toward those that may be down on their luck.
Still just to lighten things up, I would say I've seen better chairs thrown in Spanish skips than those in the pic!
chairs skips which skips .you never know what you will find in a skip. cant walk past one with out looking in .even here. thousands live out of them . didnt put you as a skip rat ,byronic.found some really good stuff sometimes. mind i used to drivev dustbins and skips so i ,m used to it. hee he.
found 10 crates of out of date beer two winters ago inportugal. went down a treat.
chairs skips which skips .you never know what you will find in a skip. cant walk past one with out looking in .even here. thousands live out of them . didnt put you as a skip rat ,byronic.found some really good stuff sometimes. mind i used to drivev dustbins and skips so i ,m used to it. hee he.
found 10 crates of out of date beer two winters ago inportugal. went down a treat.

that's weird my daughter found the same last year,was it the same lixo bin,jhust outside algoz
.name and shame? try looking at things from a perspective other than your own.

so if anyone does something (in such a selfish manner, by staying in spots for weeks on end, dumping rubbish, blatantly annoying the locals, whatever reason used to ban wilding), that stops or hinders others who want to quietly wild.. then, you say we should turn a blind eye because they may be hard up or have kids......
no chance...not me...I have kids and little money the same as most people nowdays, and also struggle to make ends meet, this doesn't make me want be selfish so I don't see why we should have to put up with it. their antics effect us all and eventually prevent us from roaming and camping..

i've seen m'homers, wrapping rubbish up in tidy bags and then tossing it out the windows....emptying black waste in the wrong places, blatantly camping in carparks with chairs and such, sat outside their vans on chairs on the pavement outside someones house, obviously this was ok because this was a seaside town.....?

Name and shame!!!!
chairs skips which skips .you never know what you will find in a skip. cant walk past one with out looking in .even here. thousands live out of them . didnt put you as a skip rat ,byronic.found some really good stuff sometimes. mind i used to drivev dustbins and skips so i ,m used to it. hee he.
found 10 crates of out of date beer two winters ago inportugal. went down a treat.

Sometimes I think I'm driving a skip. 10 crates of beer eh. I'm definitely missing out on something. Are you sure it was beer! After the first crate went down the pink highway I don't suppose you cared anyway.
some strong feelings here,can't quite see how it applies to this lot though,but i understand the sentiment. shame you don't understand my point. feel i have to defend myself here.i've been doing this for years,always integrated with the locals,learnt enough of the language and worked in the area,travelled with my family and never had a problem with the locals,even when i hung the washing out in the trees!.i bet this guy had a relationship with the locals and had taken the trouble to introduce himself,which i don't think most "wild" campers do. name and shame to who exactly? the one thing "wild" campers need is policing,bit of a conumdrum innit

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