
Thankyou for all your good wishes I’m on my 3rd lot of antibiotics as they are still trying to clear my chest I am putting up a fight but we always knew that if I got it it would not be an easy fix and so the fight goes on. ❤️❤️❤️💋
I have a friend called Vic shall I get him to pop over and give you a rub down? P.s. his mate is a keen fisherman.😉
Annie try and get you doc to give youu a ventolin spray, i have to use these for asma, thay are v good at clearing the lungs out, get well soon sweety pie.
PS have you tried menthal crystals in hot water tub with a towel over the head.
Get one of these (if you haven't already got one) currently stocked at Home Bargains for £1.99.

Add a couple of drops of Olbas Oil (also available from Home Bargains for £2.99) or a good brand of peppermint oil suitable for inhalation use. (y) 👌

medisure-steam-inhaler-cup-71663070866 copy.jpg
Some ladies don't mind a bit of fur, my last GF turned out to be partial, somehow it's didn't really bother me, I think if I was of the lady type I'd go in that direction too now and then, certainly better looking and smell better.

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