Helen that’s great that you contributed to the local economy, we to try to do our bit on that front when out in the van.
But I reckon we seriously have to look at this situation.
Its almost from a position of guilt that we do so, we have been made to feel that we are burdens on local economies, and somehow have to justify ourselves as being economically viable. But look at the 500,000 who visited Bournemouth, what did they offer the local economy. Well they created pandemonium blocking roads, making it difficult for local businesses to operate, and emergency services to go about their business. They left several tonnes of litter for local services to clear up, and they probably infected some locals with Covid 19. There were apparently no toilet facilities available so its impossible that human waste was not also an issue.
How many times have I seen car parks full of day trippers who venture no further than the beach, St. Andrews is a prime example. The fact that they are a burden on local communities being ignored. Yet folk love to tell us that we who make up 0.5% of road traffic are no more than a bunch of freeloaders. The fact is we may not spend nearly as much as folk staying in hotels, and B&Bs, but we probably spend more than your average car driver, and we tend to take more interest in were we visit. We have forked out thousands in VAT, Fuel duty, road tax,
insurance, and maintenance, we have put billions into the uk economy long before we parked up for the night.
All the best to this FB group, but they have a difficult task on their hands. And no doubt they will find that resistance to their campaign will not only come from outside the wild camping fraternity, but also sadly from within.