British Attitudes to Tourists

Have you tried driving along parts of the Mediterranean coast and trying to find somewhere to park, let alone an aire?

Yes, earlier this year. Apart from near Saint Tropez, I toured using free aires, apart from two nights when I chose to take a break on a campsite.

The biggest problem I encountered was not the lack of aires, but the way that the Massif made it more difficult to break away from the coast in some areas...there are strict rules about overnighting on the Massif. /shrug

Actually, you couldn't be more wrong! I used the Med as an example of a destination that's a long way to travel! We seldom go to the Med itself and I've visited virtually every part of France many times over many years. This year we went to the Tarn for the third time and in the last two or three years alone have been to Brittany, Isle de Rey, Isle d'Oleron, Upper Lot, Dordogne, the Basque Country near St. Jean de Luz and many other places too numerous to mention.

What people fail to realise is that we're not all retired with all the time in the world. I never go to France or anywhere from mid-June until the end of August and there are times when I won't use toll roads but there are also times when it's preferable for me. We went to St. Jean de Luz and the Basque country not long ago (for the second time!) and we had three weeks. Take off a day each end to get from the Channel to Lancashire and I'm sorry, but I am not going to waste two to four extra days by not using fast toll roads. If I want a holiday in the Basque country I do not want to waste several days driving slowly through French regions that I've visited many times. I just want to get where I'm going as quickly as possible.

Why does this make me an idiot? Your policy is a bit like the aires and sites debate, that which ever one you prefer is the only way and the opposite camp are fools with to much money, or tight buggers who won't spend a penny, when neither stereotype is accurate.

In January, we're going to southern Spain and Portugal for a month and I shall use toll roads. I am not interested in wasting three or four extra days driving through rural France in the middle of winter. I just want to get to the south as quickly as possible. In May, we're going again to visit friends in the Loire and Lot et Garonne but this time we shall take our time and enjoy the nice parts by using N roads and other non-motorway roads.

Just because people have a different attitude to you as regards paying tolls does not make them idiots. We weigh up the options and make what we consider is the best choice and you should respect that.

As you yourself said: "Road hauliers balance the cost of tolls against the lower wear and tear on HGVs when maintaining steady speeds for long distances, fewer hours on the road, quicker turn-rounds and several other factors, including safety." Substitute 'HGVs' with 'Motorhomers' and that's what I and many others do, we balance the cost against many other things! The point that I was also making of course is that, in the terrible old U.K., hauliers don't have to make this calculation, as our motorways are free!

And before you ask why I'm not simply using the Plymouth/Santander route, we did that last year and were both so ill that we said never again. It was a terrible crossing and about eighteen hours of retching has put us off for life. Which is why this year we're still going to Spain but we're driving from Calais, as quickly as possible!
Yes, earlier this year. Apart from near Saint Tropez, I toured using free aires, apart from two nights when I chose to take a break on a campsite.

The biggest problem I encountered was not the lack of aires, but the way that the Massif made it more difficult to break away from the coast in some areas...there are strict rules about overnighting on the Massif. /shrug


I'm sure that you're right and we all generalise a bit but as an example this year, returning from Spain, we wanted to visit Sete, which looked really interesting. Like Argele down the coast, it was a nightmare. Height barriers everywhere and one aire, too far out of town to walk and it was crammed packed full with people who looked like they were permanent residents. And in some way this proves my point, places such as Sete and St. Tropez, where land costs are much higher don't have many, if any, decent aires.

Please don't misunderstand me. I love France, it's a great motorhoming country. We go a lot and we often use aires but I just wish that people would try to understand why we don't have them in Britain. It's not obstreperous or corrupt councils, it's more to do with the cost of land and the fact that, compared to France, the UK is a minor motorhoming country. In France, because of what it is, it has far more campers, caravanners and motorhomers and it's adapted. Many villages suffer from rural flight and are desperate to get any kind of extra revenue to keep their shops open, so they'll open an aire.

Finally, there are many aires that have closed because of complaints from the locals, there was one last year in the Carcassonne region that I was looking forward to but a resident told us that it had closed for that reason. I mention this because there's this myth that the French are lovely people who'll let you park on their drive and welcome you with open arms! Not always I'm afraid!
hi. i agree that using the toll roads doesnt get you there any quicker . just use the n routes fine by me.
.back to the original thread . does it really matter i hope the shopkeepers suffer alot . even better lets hope a nice big supermarket opens up and kicks their asses into touch. .
as to the polish grandfather , the war was declared on germany by us to help the poles . better they go home and not be here if thats what they think. mind perhaps history isnt one of their subjects.
as for tourists in general dont think the british want them be them foreign or uk tourists . every holiday comunity hates them. bit like here in cornwall better they empty their pockets at the border and --ck off home is the local thought. then curse that they havent got any jobs.
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hi. i agree that using the toll roads doesnt get you there any quicker . just use the n routes fine by me.
.back to the original thread . does it really matter i hope the shopkeepers suffer alot . even better lets hope a nice big supermarket opens up and kicks their asses into touch. .
as to the polish grandfather , the war was declared on germany by us to help the poles . better they go home and not be here if thats what they think. mind perhaps history isnt one of their subjects.
as for tourists in general dont think the british want them be them foreign or uk tourists . every holiday comunity hates them. bit like here in cornwall better they empty their pockets at the border and --ck off home is the local thought. then curse that they havent got any jobs.

I'm puzzled. If you never use toll roads, how do you know that they're no quicker? If there's a 300 mile journey and you can do it all the way by motorways I reckon that in my motorhome I can do it in six hours, driving at a steady 60 mph and allowing for the occasional stop for a meal. How long would that take on N roads and going through endless villages and towns? A couple of weeks ago I went to Glasgow and back in a day. Three hours there and slightly less coming back. This is because it's all motorway. In the days when I had to drive through Chorley and Preston and Lancaster and Carlisle it would have taken more than twice as long and I'd have had to stay in an hotel overnight, and France is no different.

I couldn't care less if there are poor people who can't affords tolls, that nothing to be ashamed of, but perleeeeease, cut out the fairy stories about how you can get there just as quickly using N roads! The only advantage of using the N roads I suppose is that you have all the lovely little bakers and greengrocers and butchers, where you can buy better food at half the prices charged by the greedy supermarkets, who won't be happy until they have monopoly and can charge us whatever they like. :lol-053: I do accept by the way that there are some who can afford to use tolls and have the time not to, in fact I often use N roads myself if I'm not in a hurry. But I'm realistic enough to know that it's going to take a lot longer to get where I'm going. I'm just amused though by some who claim that they never use tolls as they can get there on N roads just as quickly, when what they're really saying is "I don't want to spend the money".
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hi .i have used motorways and toll roads . thats why i can say it. used to drive about 500miles aday as a truck driver so i think i do know my way around. certainly could manage a tripand a half to gibralter every week. either using or not using tolls . very often the fastest route is straight through the town or city centers.
then i was controlled by drivers hours . it is possible to arrive in roscoff and be just below lieda north of barcelona in one hit ,but its not advised and certainly not abidding with drivers hours etc.
as for super markets they get that way because they have good ptrices and people shop in them. tesco started as a barrow boy . asda was yorkshire farmers selling out of boxes . (yes its not the same now).
as someone that had my own business i think i can say if your doors are closed you wont sell anything.
24/7 is the way ,or get out of it leave it to the pros.
never mind keep trying .
Ah Notherner, I see you don't want a debate; you want an argument. I recognise you. You are really JohnH and I claim my £5.00.

I think there are few places now indulging in the luxury of a half day. You really haven't read the article, have you? Have you read the comments made by people who live there now? You really think sailing timetables can be changed so easily? At a stroke?

But all that really isn't my point. I recognise you will stubbornly refuse to accept what I say when I tell you that I see this as exactly what we see with local councils and campervans. A refusal to see a business oportunity. That's what councils should see us campervanners as - a business opportunity.

But, go on, have your little argument.

Wo wo wo WO!! Go maureenand tom GO!
Give 'em hell!
I'll give you the £5 myself! Do you accept paypal?
He IS John H in disguise, he will argue that black is white and disbelieve any evidence you present, especially if it has been on the TV or in the newspapers!
Would you like to visit my wall before I demolish it with my head?:lol-049:
C'Mon Brits.

maureenandtom..Some just don't get the point..
I can't believe the negative crap some of them write. You live in a great country and should be thankful. As for the opening hours of small business.
This is a lifestyle choice, not a money making exercise. How many of these neg comments are coming from small business owners. I have a strong feeling, NONE.
I have owned and run a reasonable sized manufacturing company, them 2 small businesses. Some days in the off season we might have 2 customers a day.
The point is to have your shop open for the public. In Australia we open 5 1/2 days a week. Some tourist type shops will open Sunday for food. That's it.
Like it or go work for someone else. The more service you provide the better the reputation and the custom will follow.
If your town is struggling then do the hard yards and reap the benefits later. Vote in better council if the one you have is not working.
Use the Chamber of commerce systems (for all shops, not the monopolies).
I notice some councils are staring to embrace wild camping.
Jump on bandwagon with them.
Get the people there first and give them service. The rest will follow.
Don't let negative no hopers ruin your beautiful scenic country.
Wo wo wo WO!! Go maureenand tom GO!
Give 'em hell!
I'll give you the £5 myself! Do you accept paypal?
He IS John H in disguise, he will argue that black is white and disbelieve any evidence you present, especially if it has been on the TV or in the newspapers!
Would you like to visit my wall before I demolish it with my head?:lol-049:

What are you on about at all? You're obviously confusing me with someone else. When have I ever mentioned TV or newspapers? Evidence? About what? And I don't remember you producing anything but the paranoid ramblings of a conspiracy freak who's a bit dodgy from banging his head on the wall a lot. Here's some good advice. Get away in your motorhome for a few days but be careful though, they'll still be watching you from those secret drones that fly overhead and monitor our every action!:bow::bow:
maureenandtom..Some just don't get the point..
I can't believe the negative crap some of them write. You live in a great country and should be thankful. As for the opening hours of small business.
This is a lifestyle choice, not a money making exercise. How many of these neg comments are coming from small business owners. I have a strong feeling, NONE.
I have owned and run a reasonable sized manufacturing company, them 2 small businesses. Some days in the off season we might have 2 customers a day.
The point is to have your shop open for the public. In Australia we open 5 1/2 days a week. Some tourist type shops will open Sunday for food. That's it.
Like it or go work for someone else. The more service you provide the better the reputation and the custom will follow.
If your town is struggling then do the hard yards and reap the benefits later. Vote in better council if the one you have is not working.
Use the Chamber of commerce systems (for all shops, not the monopolies).
I notice some councils are staring to embrace wild camping.
Jump on bandwagon with them.
Get the people there first and give them service. The rest will follow.
Don't let negative no hopers ruin your beautiful scenic country.

At last, some common sense from a reasonable person. I was beginning to give up all hope! Britain is still a great country and we should be thankful!
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maureenandtom..Some just don't get the point..
I can't believe the negative crap some of them write. You live in a great country and should be thankful. As for the opening hours of small business.
This is a lifestyle choice, not a money making exercise. How many of these neg comments are coming from small business owners. I have a strong feeling, NONE.
I have owned and run a reasonable sized manufacturing company, them 2 small businesses. Some days in the off season we might have 2 customers a day.
The point is to have your shop open for the public. In Australia we open 5 1/2 days a week. Some tourist type shops will open Sunday for food. That's it.
Like it or go work for someone else. The more service you provide the better the reputation and the custom will follow.
If your town is struggling then do the hard yards and reap the benefits later. Vote in better council if the one you have is not working.
Use the Chamber of commerce systems (for all shops, not the monopolies).
I notice some councils are staring to embrace wild camping.
Jump on bandwagon with them.
Get the people there first and give them service. The rest will follow.
Don't let negative no hopers ruin your beautiful scenic country.

Be careful little mutt, that northerner likes your post, I think he has been sniffing something tonight. He likes your post then rips into mine, he is ruled by the moon I tell you!:lol-053:
What are you on about at all? You're obviously confusing me with someone else. When have I ever mentioned TV or newspapers? Evidence? About what? And I don't remember you producing anything but the paranoid ramblings of a conspiracy freak who's a bit dodgy from banging his head on the wall a lot. Here's some good advice. Get away in your motorhome for a few days but be careful though, they'll still be watching you from those secret drones that fly overhead and monitor our every action!:bow::bow:

Nah, you and that other nutter from mars...both loonies in my opinion:lol-053:
Nah, you and that other nutter from mars...both loonies in my opinion:lol-053:

No further debate with you. I'm starting to learn who the trolls are on this site. And the only thing worse than a troll is a paranoid troll! Toodle pip! :sleep-027::sleep-027:
No further debate with you. I'm starting to learn who the trolls are on this site. And the only thing worse than a troll is a paranoid troll! Toodle pip! :sleep-027::sleep-027:

DEBATE??? Don't make me laugh! You haven't got a debate in you.
So, we are down to name calling now are we, my my, how brave of you!:raofl:
:blah:No comment. :lol-061:

Not YOU again, I thought you'd gone to bed! You need to get some sleep to recharge both those brain cells. there will be some threads on here tomorrow that you can disagree with and you need the rest, those 2 brain cells are working hard:raofl:
. . .

It isn't an opportunity for the shopkeepers of Campbeltown for the very good reason that Wednesday is half day closing. When the ship comes in the shops will be closed. They want the ship to come in on a different day that isn't half day closing.

. . .

I'm sorry, but my sympathies lie with the shopkeepers. They already open five and a half days a week and remember, these will be small businesses run by a couple of people who can't afford to employ temporary staff.

. . .

[. . .
The point is to have your shop open for the public. In Australia we open 5 1/2 days a week. Some tourist type shops will open Sunday for food. That's it.
Like it or go work for someone else. The more service you provide the better the reputation and the custom will follow.
If your town is struggling then do the hard yards and reap the benefits later. . . .
Get the people there first and give them service. The rest will follow.
. . .

At last, some common sense from a reasonable person. I was beginning to give up all hope! Britain is still a great country and we should be thankful!

I know who the Troll is. A Troll who can't remember, or thinks I won't remember, what he wrote.
I know who the Troll is. A Troll who can't remember, or thinks I won't remember, what he wrote.

I thought it may have been clear (as I wrote it) that I was supporting his view that Britain is still a great country. This was in reaction to one man's view that it's finished, has no future blah, blah, blah. I chose not to carry on with the shopkeeper debate as it's all been said but, if you must know, I still strongly disagree with the selfish people who would have small shopkeepers working every hour God sends. People who generally work in the public sector or very large companies and have several weeks holidays and a fortnight off on paid sick leave every year. As for trolls I don't classify you as a troll because you disagree with me and Im would hope that you'd give me the same courtesy. The kind of person I classify as a troll is the one who enters a thread, not to debate the issue, but to simply attack another member with whom he's had a disagreement in a totally different thread and, like some scorned lover, then stalks you for ever! And I appear to have a stalker!

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