Actually, you couldn't be more wrong! I used the Med as an example of a destination that's a long way to travel! We seldom go to the Med itself and I've visited virtually every part of France many times over many years. This year we went to the Tarn for the third time and in the last two or three years alone have been to Brittany, Isle de Rey, Isle d'Oleron, Upper Lot, Dordogne, the Basque Country near St. Jean de Luz and many other places too numerous to mention.
What people fail to realise is that we're not all retired with all the time in the world. I never go to France or anywhere from mid-June until the end of August and there are times when I won't use toll roads but there are also times when it's preferable for me. We went to St. Jean de Luz and the Basque country not long ago (for the second time!) and we had three weeks. Take off a day each end to get from the Channel to Lancashire and I'm sorry, but I am not going to waste two to four extra days by not using fast toll roads. If I want a holiday in the Basque country I do not want to waste several days driving slowly through French regions that I've visited many times. I just want to get where I'm going as quickly as possible.
Why does this make me an idiot? Your policy is a bit like the aires and sites debate, that which ever one you prefer is the only way and the opposite camp are fools with to much money, or tight buggers who won't spend a penny, when neither stereotype is accurate.
In January, we're going to southern Spain and Portugal for a month and I shall use toll roads. I am not interested in wasting three or four extra days driving through rural France in the middle of winter. I just want to get to the south as quickly as possible. In May, we're going again to visit friends in the Loire and Lot et Garonne but this time we shall take our time and enjoy the nice parts by using N roads and other non-motorway roads.
Just because people have a different attitude to you as regards paying tolls does not make them idiots. We weigh up the options and make what we consider is the best choice and you should respect that.
As you yourself said: "Road hauliers balance the cost of tolls against the lower wear and tear on HGVs when maintaining steady speeds for long distances, fewer hours on the road, quicker turn-rounds and several other factors, including safety." Substitute 'HGVs' with 'Motorhomers' and that's what I and many others do, we balance the cost against many other things! The point that I was also making of course is that, in the terrible old U.K., hauliers don't have to make this calculation, as our motorways are free!
And before you ask why I'm not simply using the Plymouth/Santander route, we did that last year and were both so ill that we said never again. It was a terrible crossing and about eighteen hours of retching has put us off for life. Which is why this year we're still going to Spain but we're driving from Calais, as quickly as possible!