Deleted member 2636
There's plenty of posts on UKCS on this subject
I wonder how long it will be before someone starts selling dodgy breathalyser kits that always read under the limit. The technology can't be that hard surely?
And the point of that would be.....?
I may be misunderstanding this thread. Either you have a breathalyser in your car to test yourself which. I'm assuming would then be useless or, you have it in the car for the police to test you. If the latter is the reason then a dodgy breathalyser would offer a person over the legal limit a lower reading. Does that make sense?
You are misunderstanding the thread. Apart from which, can you imagine the law suits if a breathalyser was manufactured to deliberately under-read? You test yourself and drive off. You're then stopped by the police who test you with theirs and you are over the limit and lose your licence and your job. How can anyone conceive that a company could consider making a deliberately under-reading breathalyser? The mind boggles!
In my experience, as fast as a law is enacted there is someone somewhere looking to avoid, ignore or circumvent it regardless of any possible cost to the life and limb of self or others. The point I was trying and failing to make was that someone somewhere will be looking to do just that. I don't believe for a minute that any reputable company would engage in such behaviour. With regard to your comment about losing license and job for driving whilst over the limit, that is happening somewhere right now.
Is your mind still boggling?
I really do not understand what the fact that someone may, at this moment, be losing their licence and job through drink driving, has got to do with this debate? No matter what the law some idiot will always ignore it but that doesn't make it a bad law!
And where is this circumvention of laws designed to protect life? When seat belts were introduced did someone make fake ones at half the price to make it look as though people were obeying the law? So perhaps you can explain how some clever person is trying to circumvent this law, perhaps by your original method of making breathalysers that deliberately under-read? Brilliant idea that!
Sorry, but my mind is boggling even more now!
Just to explain it again as you appear to have missed the whole point. You will be required to carry a breathalyser and, if you think that you may be over the limit, you should use it on yourself. If it's clear, you are safe to drive knowing that you are not breaking the law. It's purpose is to make people think before driving after drinking. If you are over the limit and you choose to ignore the reading and still drive you will face the consequences if stopped. If the police should then check and see that your personal breathalyser shows that you are over the limit, I suspect that the penalty will be much more severe, as you have driven in the full knowledge that you are over the limit.