I can't believe the cynicism whenever any government tries to do something to save lives or improve our well-being. First of all I don't believe that this will ever become law, but for someone to suggest for example that it's all a plot to save French policemen from carrying breathalysers is just verging on the incredible! And I do understand that no one on this forum has suggested this but apparently it's being mooted on another!
But let's assume that it does become law and we all have to carry one in our glove box. Any politicians, from local councillors to MPs, have to declare an interest and abstain in any decision such as this, but why would we assume that they'll come from a French factory, where a French MP's wife's third cousin might have an interest? Like most things they'll probably come from half a dozen different firms in China/Taiwan/Malaysia and, by doing so, actually make the French economy slightly worse. No country is allowed to have a monopoly on any product and it would have to be available on the open market.
Did governments insist on seat belts, or air bags, or catalytic converters because an MP has a stake in a factory that makes these things? Most times, things are exactly as they are presented. Some MP comes up with an idea and tries to get it through parliament, which is how many of the great advances that we've made in safety and health have come about.
Anyway, why do I think that this idea is nuts? So, you've had a couple of drinks and you blow into your personal breathalyser and it comes up right on the line. So off you drive to be stopped five minutes later by the police, who ask you to use their breathalyser, which is more accurate and shows you to be a fraction over. So you lose your licence and sue the manufacturer of yours? Or if you're really clever you blow into yours whilst you're still sober and you keep that one in your glove box in case you're stopped. You then present that to the cops to prove that you've not had a drink - and they'll believe you? Yea! Of course they will!
When a government wishes to really do something serious about drink driving it will insist that all cars have a built-in breathalyser, which you have to use before you can start the ignition and, if you fail it won't start. You could say that all you have to do is get a sober passenger to do the test for you, and you could, but that would be a very serious offence and most people wouldn't be prepared to take the risk. No system is perfect except the one where the police stop a suspected driver and use their own professional breathalyser, followed if necessary by a blood test. Oh yes, we have that one already!