Brake fade heeeeeeeeeeelp

Old Hank the Tank used to stink on big downhills. The exhaust fumes somehow used to back up. When you finally got to the bottom and floored the accelerator the smoke it belched out was horrendous for a good five or ten minutes. Dunno what was going on there. It was like that for as long as I can remember.
Old Hank the Tank used to stink on big downhills. The exhaust fumes somehow used to back up. When you finally got to the bottom and floored the accelerator the smoke it belched out was horrendous for a good five or ten minutes. Dunno what was going on there. It was like that for as long as I can remember.
My petrol savvy car does that, cause is ex valve seals go hard.
Old Hank the Tank used to stink on big downhills. The exhaust fumes somehow used to back up. When you finally got to the bottom and floored the accelerator the smoke it belched out was horrendous for a good five or ten minutes. Dunno what was going on there. It was like that for as long as I can remember.
Modern diesel engines cut the injectors on the overrun so no fuel is supplied.

I suspect your old 'van might not have had this feature so the engine was probably being overfueled.

This I imagine would cause plenty smoke!
Modern diesel engines cut the injectors on the overrun so no fuel is supplied.

I suspect your old 'van might not have had this feature so the engine was probably being overfueled.

This I imagine would cause plenty smoke!

When you started it up it was similar. Spluttered like hell and kicked out loads of smoke. Quick drive up the road it was fine. Nobody ever resolved that one. Its probably responsible for the ice caps melting. Sorry about that.
Fiat ducato maxi, 9000 miles when i bought it 15 months ago, now done 24,000
Went to switzerland in the summer brakes faded, so had the pads replaced with genuine fiat , brake fluid changed and front and rear on a mot rolling road and no problems , we are now in south of italy doing some of the italian coastal villages and nountain roads and we have brake fade again , yes the van is slightly over the 3.5 ton but its a maxi chassis plated to 4 ton, my driv8ng is sedate compared with the italians who are passing me in all sorts of vans and trucks , two questions
Have they really had there brain removed the speed they are going at,
Has anyone fitted performance pads /discs to a ducato and are they any good
Use dot5.
Please inform why not?
here you go, im as good as Scotty KIlmore LOL.
dot 5 d.jpg
dot 5 c.jpg
dot 5 b.jpg
dot 5 a.jpg
I have used dot5 in my 911`s mitsubishi 9 and tommi rs ect for years,obviously you have to completely flush and clean your system before use,all brake fluids are synthetic and it depends on the additives within,maybe my mistake and should have said 5.1 dot if mixing with dot 3/4 that are soluble but as stated i have used dot 5 after extreme cleaning out the old fluids. I know there are very many savvay folk in our great club but with serious info on mechanical info please check with the auto manufacturor. If i could prove drinking red bull gave you wings,would you drink it?
I have worked extensively with braking systems and differing types of fluid used in them, including having to completely rebuild a braking system for a customer who used DOT5 in their aircraft brakes.
p.s. have been running a lab test to determine degradation of different seal materials using DOT4, 5, 5.1 and Mil-H-5606, twenty years and counting.
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Driven close to a million miles in 20 years as an AA man, ive boughtnew cars and motorhomes and put tens of thousands of miles on them , and only usuallychange the pads at anout 30,000. Miles managed 45,000 on my 2008 rapido auto sprinter , gonna look into load sensor when back in uk . Thanks for all replys
Guy Martin gets 100,000 miles from a set of front pads on his Transit. He got really cross when he let his dad drive a bit when they were both going somewhere. The skill of not using your brakes on normal roads is all down to forward observation, as you are taught in advanced driving. There was a complaint in MMM some years ago where someone bought a new motorhome and at its first service (8,000 miles I think) they were charged for new front brakes and pads. When complaining they were shown the old bits and were told that if they continued to brake at every bend in the road, that is what will continue to happen. It is possible to drive long distances without using the brakes at all if you observe what other traffic is doing, take a guess at when the lights are going to change, and so on. None of the above applies to the Alps or Pyrennees of course, you just have to stop at every layby / viewpoint and have a cup of tea. I was in an old Burstner Mk1 Ducato coming down an Alp with engine screaming in first gear, brake down to 10mph - let brakes off - engine screams to whoknowwhat (there was no rev counter) - brake down to 10 again, repeat for 40 minutes and at the bottom I was faced with approaching a T junction. I could not stop, I just had to swing the steering wheel round and luckily nothing was coming and I vowed to renew all the brakes when I got home.
I will be renewing everything for Norway this summer . . . .
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How do you expect your brakes to cool down if you don't go above 20 mph.
You have to go as fast as possible on the straight to get as much air as possible round the discs, then bang on your brakes at the last minute for the hairpins, if you do it right all tyres will be screeching, then floor it till the next corner. ;) :rolleyes:

Obviously no-one should use this method. :p
Lawrence of Arabia bought lots of Brough Superiors. Each one was tested before it was sold to make sure it would do at least 100mph. Lawrence used the indisputible theory that the safest way to go through a cross roads was to go at full speed. The logic is that you will spend the least possible amount of time in the path of other traffic and therefore less likely to have an accident.
He was killed in a motorcycle accident . . . .
Problem with not using brakes is the pistons seize and sometimes new calipers are required, true it is on how you use brakes, ie think ahead & read the road, the thottle is the correct way to controlany veh, sterling moss said that so must be correct.
Problem with not using brakes is the pistons seize and sometimes new calipers are required, true it is on how you use brakes, ie think ahead & read the road, the thottle is the correct way to controlany veh, sterling moss said that so must be correct.
So that's why he was never world campion. 😜
Fiat ducato maxi, 9000 miles when i bought it 15 months ago, now done 24,000
Went to switzerland in the summer brakes faded, so had the pads replaced with genuine fiat , brake fluid changed and front and rear on a mot rolling road and no problems , we are now in south of italy doing some of the italian coastal villages and nountain roads and we have brake fade again , yes the van is slightly over the 3.5 ton but its a maxi chassis plated to 4 ton, my driv8ng is sedate compared with the italians who are passing me in all sorts of vans and trucks , two questions
Have they really had there brain removed the speed they are going at,
Has anyone fitted performance pads /discs to a ducato and are they any good
In alpine areas the remedy is decendong more slowly in a lower gear, obs, but more realistic is the vacuum brake option.
Fiat ducato maxi, 9000 miles when i bought it 15 months ago, now done 24,000
Went to switzerland in the summer brakes faded, so had the pads replaced with genuine fiat , brake fluid changed and front and rear on a mot rolling road and no problems , we are now in south of italy doing some of the italian coastal villages and nountain roads and we have brake fade again , yes the van is slightly over the 3.5 ton but its a maxi chassis plated to 4 ton, my driv8ng is sedate compared with the italians who are passing me in all sorts of vans and trucks , two questions
Have they really had there brain removed the speed they are going at,
Has anyone fitted performance pads /discs to a ducato and are they any good
i Try to keep the brakes as cool as poss, brake on brake off repeatedly on long steep inclines. At least they are discs all around unlike many not do cheap car brands with with primative drums on the rear not even any cooling fins.
My wife's 2023 dacia sandero auto has rear drums but they are finned.
Our 2009 Ducati 6m has done 72,000 miles on the original brakes. Everytime at the annual service I ask them to check and they always say 'brakes are ok'. We did a lot of mountain roads this summer in France and Italy. I use engine braking as much as possible and never had any sign of brake fade. The pads low warning light has flashed on a couple of times so I reckon next service they will need replacing.
I used to sell Pagid pads, never a problem and have them our x250
Old Hank the Tank used to stink on big downhills. The exhaust fumes somehow used to back up. When you finally got to the bottom and floored the accelerator the smoke it belched out was horrendous for a good five or ten minutes. Dunno what was going on there. It was like that for as long as I can remember.
Valve stem oil seals?

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