Any members been to Amschterdam?

i can see it both ways - probably the yoot will just find something more destructive to shock they parents with. I notice the legalisation of fentanyl isn’t going too well in Vancouver, just adding to human misery and degradation
Germany is seriously considering de-criminalising cannabis, Canada has paid off its national debt since they did it. Wonder when the Mail, Express and Sun will decide to decriminalize it here?
Where did you get that gem from?
We have been to Amsterdam many times over the years, staying at city camp or gaasper.
We have gone when either an art gallery or museum has an special exhibition on.
Then we just wander.
Without ever coming across any of the adventures !!! others seemed to have encountered.
Where did you get that gem from?
From a very upright and straight 76 y old scottish lawyer who is married to a cousin of mine. They have just returned from a 3 month tour.

So hearsay but I found it credible knowing him.

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