No BBQ on the beach either (13) or even yoga in the park (16)! They are going to have fun with people being "upset" by so many things! We love Rye, but will avoid in future. Has anyone found an address to email?
Just exchanged messages with a resident of the area.
She didn't have a problem with the guy living on the front or people sleeping on the beach, obviously some residents do have a problem with this.
I agree, I think we will see more and more PSPO.s used. It certainly seems local authorities are abusing democratic process and consultation 1984 springs to mind
I don’t have a problem with them. If somebody doesn’t want me to park then I won’t. I will go elsewhere to sleep. For example you can’t sleep in your van in Weymouth ‘s free overnight car parks . But you go to the outskirts and park up at the side of the road then nothing the council can do . Most towns have a industrial estate , or out of town shopping sites. And people rant about lorries , you never see them in town car parks do you?
Enforced by a Fixed Penalty Notice. The PSPO has created a crime.
There is no right of appeal
Your only chance is to wait for your criminal prosecution in the Magistrates' Court and give your defence there.
Was that quote from the PSPO itself?
Who would they prosecute, if you do not give your name? The Registered Keeper? Do they have that authority under law?
How many Enforcement Officers will they need for all thesr 'offences'?
For info, a 3.5 tonne van does not need a tacho, but anyone driving one on business is subject to the driving hours rules. See Driving a van - GOV.UK and 2. Great Britain domestic rules - Drivers’ hours and tachographs: goods vehicles - Guidance - GOV.UK. FWIW, this is one reason why one of my clients wouldn't let me drive my van from Plymouth to Bristol, do a full day's work and then drive back; as they would have been obliged to arrange overnight accommodation. It was cheaper for them to provide a hire car as the driving hours rules don't apply to carsBecause a 3.5t van does not need a tacho and tacho rules, you could have better worded that as:-
'van driver in charge of a 4.2t van...........'.
Then the point is valid.
If stopped YES you do have a legal obligation to provide a name and address separate legislation contained within a PSPO
Was that quote from the PSPO itself?
Who would they prosecute, if you do not give your name? The Registered Keeper? Do they have that authority under law?
How many Enforcement Officers will they need for all thesr 'offences'?