Aircon options to keep dogs cool

No way would I leave my dogs unattended in the motorhome let alone a camper ...

Let alone in warm weather And relying on something cooling them down ...
Too many opportunities for things,to go very pearshaped .

We've just adjusted our ways to make sure they are never left alone
With a handle like yours you’d think you could offer amazing cooling advice.
I did ....

Refrigerant based system is the only effective means of cooling a vehicle ...
And there's no way I'd risk it with a dog of mine ...
End of
What other folks do is down to them I'm afraid ....

Hopefully no dogs suffer .
Sometimes things happen in your life that force you into a position you don’t want to be in.
For personal reasons I had to leave my dog Ben at home for 14 hours whilst I was nightshift before retiring. I hated doing that to him, but I knew I would be retiring in just over a year and after that this situation would end. I could not bring myself to get rid of him, possibly I should have. So possibly Arnold has a personal issue which forces him into this position. I had Ben for many years after this, he was a brilliant dog.
Hi, I am looking for a bit of advice please. I have a VW transporter with a pop top. I don't think I can put an air con unit on the roof. I sometimes have to leave my dogs in the van and I need a way to cool it down. Tried a fan that made little/ no difference. Any recommendations please?
hi. Ecoflow do the best (IMHO) portable aircon unit in the market. It currently has the highest output for a portable unit and has its own 'sit on' battery. or you can use it directly from mains, battery or solar. It's called the WAVE2.
hi. Ecoflow do the best (IMHO) portable aircon unit in the market. It currently has the highest output for a portable unit and has its own 'sit on' battery. or you can use it directly from mains, battery or solar. It's called the WAVE2.
5100 btu is around 1.49kw in modern money ....

The smallest I'd recommend for a typical brick built bedroom would be typically 3.5kw of cooling (my bedroom is south facing so gets the sun all day long and my 3.5kw is enough )

Bearing in mind the insulation properties of the brick construction ...
It's bearable in the room with no aircon on until the sun has dropped and the brick work starts to radiate it's absorbed heat back (just like a storage radiator )

Then it's time for the ac to go on ...

Most vehicles don't have the thermal buffer that buildings have ...
Soon as the sun is on it then the temp will climb ...
Worse in a dark colour OR with more windows ....
5100 btu is around 1.49kw in modern money ....

The smallest I'd recommend for a typical brick built bedroom would be typically 3.5kw of cooling (my bedroom is south facing so gets the sun all day long and my 3.5kw is enough )

Bearing in mind the insulation properties of the brick construction ...
It's bearable in the room with no aircon on until the sun has dropped and the brick work starts to radiate it's absorbed heat back (just like a storage radiator )

Then it's time for the ac to go on ...

Most vehicles don't have the thermal buffer that buildings have ...
Soon as the sun is on it then the temp will climb ...
Worse in a dark colour OR with more windows ....
Thanks for your breakdown of the power output and comparison with a house. Oh I forgot to mention I have an ambulance with very good thermal insulation and 2 black windows. The volume is about 10M2 with the cab and bathroom sealed off. I couldn't be happier with my purchase. I also didn't mention that the vehicle is fitted with AC front and back but this only works with the engine running. Oh and 1 more thing, I don't have any pets. lol
I'm not sure I want to post on this thread with the replies that come out...

Just to say we have had a Transcool unit for over 10 years..they were designed in Australia for use by truckers in cabs ..they do that size( double sleeper cab) very my view it won't cool a 7.5 mtr motorhome though does the same as cab air con..
you can put ice in instead of water.
It just plugs in the fag lighter...or mains
There are cheaper options.
A tip for anyone with or without pets. When it is hot, park with the fridge vents on the sheltered side in the shade. Fully open the windows and using clothes pegs, attach large towels to the windows with the excess hanging down to fully shade the interior on the sunny side. A fan is also a must on a calm day.
Not offering an opinion on what has been discussed before, however if you are trying to cool your vehicle using space blankets with silver side to the sun substantially reduces the suns’ heating effect.

Yes, our Silver Screen makes a big difference too.
I tried the space blanket idea in France when it was hovering around 40 degrees , didn’t record the figures but when I measured the skin of the van covered and uncovered there was a substantial difference.

I will try it (IF we get another heatwave!) I have a couple of space blankets lying around in my camping gear somewhere.
Hi, I am looking for a bit of advice please. I have a VW transporter with a pop top. I don't think I can put an air con unit on the roof. I sometimes have to leave my dogs in the van and I need a way to cool it down. Tried a fan that made little/ no difference. Any recommendations please?
Evaporative air coolers if charged with ice rather than water can help, but in humid weather can't work well.
Roof fans one in one out may help but if the roof is hot......drawing air up thru
the floor is better, so a roof fan pulls cooler air up. Close dash vent and don't park on hot tarmac, on damp grass is best of course.
I have a black car and today it is an oven. I have a white van and today I have been working in it all day with the blinds down and it has been fine. I really can't believe some of the responses on this thread. Some are just ridiculous.
Indeed, well offf piste arguments and impollite language have no place.
Always be polite and try to stick strictly to the subject.