Aircon options to keep dogs cool


Full Member
Hi, I am looking for a bit of advice please. I have a VW transporter with a pop top. I don't think I can put an air con unit on the roof. I sometimes have to leave my dogs in the van and I need a way to cool it down. Tried a fan that made little/ no difference. Any recommendations please?
We had a small portable Aircon unit which ran on 12v . Not fantastic but definitely cooled things down. Filled with cold water....some have very small tanks but ours was about 750ml . That and cool coats might improve life for them but depends how long they are left.
No way would I leave my dogs unattended in the motorhome let alone a camper ...

Let alone in warm weather And relying on something cooling them down ...
Too many opportunities for things,to go very pearshaped .

We've just adjusted our ways to make sure they are never left alone
Sorry but when I had my dog anywhere I went with him involved him.
He was part of whatever I did, leaving him in the house or with my sister was the only places I ever left him. The thought of leaving him in a Motorhome would not even be considered.
Same here Taya is never left in the van where I go she goes
Some people live alone, or travel alone and have to shop or similar. Dogs are not allowed in shops and the days of tying your dog up outside have long gone as they are likely to be stolen (an attempted theft was made on one of our dogs before we adopted him). I believe the OP is a good owner who has no other option and is doing his best to care for his dog.
We had a small portable Aircon unit which ran on 12v . Not fantastic but definitely cooled things down. Filled with cold water....some have very small tanks but ours was about 750ml . That and cool coats might improve life for them but depends how long they are left.
What brand, make and model was it please?
Some people live alone, or travel alone and have to shop or similar. Dogs are not allowed in shops and the days of tying your dog up outside have long gone as they are likely to be stolen (an attempted theft was made on one of our dogs before we adopted him). I believe the OP is a good owner who has no other option and is doing his best to care for his dog.
This is correct. Thank you.
Some people live alone, or travel alone and have to shop or similar. Dogs are not allowed in shops and the days of tying your dog up outside have long gone as they are likely to be stolen (an attempted theft was made on one of our dogs before we adopted him). I believe the OP is a good owner who has no other option and is doing his best to care for his dog.

Sometimes it has to be done Jim. We wouldn't do it in scorching heat though, but if we really had to it would only be for a very short while and like you we use the cool coats and we leave plenty of water and ventilation.

Circumstances sometime dictates that you have to do this.
Maybe I phrased the question wrong. I'm just asking for any recommendations for portable air con units please, or air con solutions that work with a pop top.
Some people live alone, or travel alone and have to shop or similar. Dogs are not allowed in shops and the days of tying your dog up outside have long gone as they are likely to be stolen (an attempted theft was made on one of our dogs before we adopted him). I believe the OP is a good owner who has no other option and is doing his best to care for his dog.
I would have thought if someone was thinking of installing air conditioning which requires mains supply and great cost would suggest longer periods for the dog being left alone in a camper. Theres nothing wrong with leaving your dog in your camper for a few short minutes whilst shopping or attending to something else. Sorry but the question clearly at least hinted at the dog being left for prolonged periods, not short periods.
IMG_1200.pngIMG_1199.png Or maybe leave the windows down with one of those security mesh/trellis type thingy jigs ,if it has sliding windows all the better and maybe a sticker saying don’t put your hand in the window as the dog bites.
I've also seen things that hold a rear door open a bit - not enough for anyone to get in, but enough to let air in. I don't know if you have a rear door but if they make them for rear doors, they likely make them for other doors.

And park in the shade, shop (if that's what you are doing) early morning or late afternoon, make sure there's water etc etc.
Most of the Warners shows have several dealers selling the portable transcool type coolers, try them, the little picture showed £339, much cheaper at the shows.
here’s a used unit in eBay for £180 or nearest offer.
But make sure you have sufficient battery power to run it for a prolonged period, if not on EHU.

I would have thought if someone was thinking of installing air conditioning which requires mains supply and great cost would suggest longer periods for the dog being left alone in a camper. Theres nothing wrong with leaving your dog in your camper for a few short minutes whilst shopping or attending to something else. Sorry but the question clearly at least hinted at the dog being left for prolonged periods, not short periods.
Not to me it didn't, probably because my mind works differently to yours.
Not to me it didn't, probably because my mind works differently to yours.
Everybody’s mind works differently from everyone else’s.
But that has nothing to do with how our minds work.

The OP himself acknowledges that his question was phrased wrongly, and I agree it was.
Someone considering installing air conditioning into a camper costing lots of money, to keep his dogs cool whilst he is away, does not sound like he is simply popping into the shops for a short while, as you suggest. Hence why myself and other dog lovers showed our concern.

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