There wouldn't be much point, i'd be amazed if we can travel into Europe anytime this year.Well you can renew for a further year ...
There wouldn't be much point, i'd be amazed if we can travel into Europe anytime this year.
Am I reading it wrong? "The services associated with classic ADAC membership, such as breakdown assistance in Germany, legal advice, ADAC Tourset or the ADAC benefit program, remain in effect for you." I take to mean If membership downgraded to Classic from Plus means theres only breakdown cover in Germany.But the cover also applies in the UK.
Do you have other breakdown cover for the UK?
The letter I received states my "plus benefits" will expire after that renewal has elapsed (June 2021).
Does your letter specifically state "plus benefits" will expire after renewal has elapsed (June 2021)." ?
The translation of my letter states this:
"Therefore we will change your ADAC Plus membership (and possibly existing partnerships of partners / children) from 01.06.21 to a membership without plus benefits."
Mine's due 1/6/20 so though I got a renewal two days later I got the letter and translated it to find the membership from 1/6/20 would be Classic not Plus.
My very humble apologies I just re read and yes your right my letter does say it is from 1/6/2021 that the changes occur. So we're being given 12 month notice of the changes. I still don't think I'll renew as I don't think we'll be able to travel EU/Schengen this side of Christmas and in any case I have some cover with my Safeguard Insurance. The ADAC + benefits are a no brainer at the price but it seems that bubbles burst. Possibly another consequence of ******.I am basing my assumption on this statement: "Therefore we will change your ADAC Plus membership (and possibly existing partnerships of partners / children) from 01.06.21 to a membership without plus benefits.".
The translation seems clear to me that I will receive Plus membership up until 01.06.21, however the translation (from Google translate) could be at fault if you have received a letter saying you are already now on Classic.
I have checked again & the "ab dem" before the date is being translated as "from the".
On other translators I am offered "As of" when taken in context with a date.
I do not have a renewal letter yet; only the one detailing the above.
******?My very humble apologies I just re read and yes your right my letter does say it is from 1/6/2021 that the changes occur. So we're being given 12 month notice of the changes. I still don't think I'll renew as I don't think we'll be able to travel EU/Schengen this side of Christmas and in any case I have some cover with my Safeguard Insurance. The ADAC + benefits are a no brainer at the price but it seems that bubbles burst. Possibly another consequence of ******.
Maybe Germany are in early planning stages for an exit!******?
Ah, I must have missed that Germany have left the EU as well because the UK has? (Guessing this must be the case if ****** is to blame for ADAC removing it's PLUS service to residents of Spain, France, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Poland, yadda yadda yadda ...)
If they had any sense ....Maybe Germany are in early planning stages for an exit!
Have queried the situation via e-mail to ADAC and here's the response:
Dear David,
due to the ******, ADAC changed their terms and conditions. You need to have your residence in Germany to have all Plus Membership benefits. If you like to, we can send a cancellation to our center in Munich.
Please tell me if we should cancell or renew the membership.
Kindest regards
Vanessa Wittmann
Geschäftsstelle & Reisebüro can you supply her email address?
Thank you