a serious rant. was i right or was i wrong.

Sorry you had such a bad time, Cooljules. Hospital car parks are a nightmare but I'm surprised no-one would offer to help you if you have a disabled badge and you told them you couldn't get a space nearby.
I hope you feel better tomorrow, pain really drags you down and makes everything hard to cope with. I hope the clinic is a good help when you finally manage to attend!

ta, im not too bad at the mo. hoping im ok enough this weekend to work on the van and do the light work on the interior, just get my mates to do the lifting and lugging stuff.

after 16 years sort of learnt to live with it, what i can n cant do. could be a lot worse though so cant complain too much
[h=3]Misuse of the Blue Badge[/h] Blue Badges are the property of local councils, who can take them away if they are misused.
The Blue Badge is for your use only, it is an offence to allow other people to use the Blue Badge to:

  • do something on your behalf such as shopping whilst you stay at home
  • allow friends or family to park for free even if they are visiting you
  • let non-disabled people take advantage of the benefits while you sit in the car
It's not illegal to remain in the vehicle with the badge displayed, if you are either:

  • a Blue Badge holder
  • a non-badge holder waiting for the Blue Badge holder to return

From the Direct Gov website. So you are allowed to park in a space and wait for someone. You aren't allowed to go about the disabled persons business on your own such as shopping, and rightly so - that's open to all kinds of abuse.

One of my friend's mother has one, as she can't walk too well. But he frequently uses it himself for his own parking!

I guess Jool's question is not if it is technically right or wrong, but if the guy in the space could have been more accommodating. He could have parked on the road just behind Jool's car blocking him in. Then if Jools came back first, he could have let him out and taken the space back. If his wife came back first, she would have surely seen him behind Jool's car and not had to walk any further. If another person adjacent had come back first, he could have taken their space. I think there were ways round the problem.
Some authorities also insist that a car is tax exempt as well as carrying a blue badge before they can use disabled parking facilities. This is up to the local authority as they are the issuing authority for the badges. Not central government.
That's totally unfair! You are only allowed tax exemption on one vehicle (quite rightly!). But you may be away in your camper van (or at home trying to get into small spaces in your car!). Alternatively your only vehicle may have broken down and you may have had to borrow/ hire another! Or some people may have their own reasons for not using their entitlement to tax exemption (e.g. they only have one vehicle and it's mostly used by someone else, therefore they feel they are not entitled to it under the rules).
I guess Jool's question is not if it is technically right or wrong, but if the guy in the space could have been more accommodating. He could have parked on the road just behind Jool's car blocking him in. Then if Jools came back first, he could have let him out and taken the space back. If his wife came back first, she would have surely seen him behind Jool's car and not had to walk any further. If another person adjacent had come back first, he could have taken their space. I think there were ways round the problem.

I agree. I'm really sorry that CJ had such a horrific time trying to park at the hospital, and as you say the legalities of the situation don't really cover things. I'm very lucky that most of the time when I have to go to the hospital my friend comes with me, so if parking is really difficult he can drop me off near the entrance so I'm not late, and join me later once he's found somewhere, but if I go on my own I don't have that reassurance, so those who take being with a companion for granted really should try to put themselves in the shoes of those who are on their own in these places.

To me it's about doing what's morally right and decent, not about what the rules say. Some peoples' needs are greater than others: sometimes all of the time (as in the fact that some Blue Badge holders really can hardly walk at all, whereas others may be a bit more mobile, or may have assistance (like someone to put them into a wheelchair and push them)), and sometimes in particular situations (like CJ needing to get parked up for his appointment at the hospital). Some people may on occasion really need to park on double yellow lines, but few need to park on them regularly (and don't even get me started about the people who park on junctions blocking buses and leaving traffic backed up down a one-way street for almost an hour, but miraculously are not to be found anywhere in the nearby shops!). If we all tried to do more of that the world would be a better place :)
That's totally unfair! You are only allowed tax exemption on one vehicle (quite rightly!). But you may be away in your camper van (or at home trying to get into small spaces in your car!). Alternatively your only vehicle may have broken down and you may have had to borrow/ hire another! Or some people may have their own reasons for not using their entitlement to tax exemption (e.g. they only have one vehicle and it's mostly used by someone else, therefore they feel they are not entitled to it under the rules).

I think this is slightly wrong, I think what is meant is free disabled parking is only allowed in some areas if a car has disabled tax(which will catch you out if the car has the disabled tax disc and are away in the van) surely the blue badge is a European scheme which allows the user bigger more conveniently positioned parking spaces where possible(not necessarily free). The blue badge does not apply to 'Off street car parks' according to the Direct gov website 'However, parking spaces may be offered to badge holders, but do not assume you can park for free'.
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I think this is slightly wrong, I think what is meant is free disabled parking is only allowed in some areas if a car has disabled tax(which will catch you out if the car has the disabled tax disc and are away in the van) surely the blue badge is a European scheme which allows the user bigger more conveniently positioned parking spaces where possible(not necessarily free). The blue badge does not apply to 'Off street car parks' according to the Direct gov website 'However, parking spaces may be offered to badge holders, but do not assume you can park for free'.

That is axactly it Jane. Also when applying for a badge you have to specify the number of the vehicle that you are using it in.
On an earlier question.... If a person is sat in a car with his wifes badge displayed he is in effect using his wifes badge which he is not entitled to. This is clearly laid out in the booklet that comes with the badge. But the main thing is that these type of people only do this because they want to get out of paying for parking. They are inconsiderate of the needs of people who are realy disabled and need that space. I have notices which I give out to such people. they say "stupidity is not a disability . PARK ELSEWHERE". I laso always report misuse of a blue badge to the authorities and insist they follow my complaint up. after all it is my taxes paying for this scheme. Why should I stand by and watch it abused?
It is interesting to note that Forged Badges can be bought in Cambridge for 600 pounds. and when you think of the daily cost of parking in that city that is a cheap three years parking. Hense the stand by the Blue Badge Association to bring in paid parking right across the board for disabled as well as able bodied.|Why should people get free parking just because they have a disability? I am war disabled and like ALL disabled people am paid a substntial sum every month buy the government to help with my mobility needs. this includes parking.
Rant over. except:
Disabled people have special needs. But they cannot demand special or preferential treatment. They can however demand equality. but saying that. I would also say that they cannot demand to be more equal.:lol-061:
When I applied for my Blue Badge there was nothing about any vehicles, I also never had any booklet. From my understanding if I am in any vehicle as a driver or passenger then I am entitled to use the blue badge to park - example If I am taken to the hospital, doctors or shopping parking area then the vehicle I am in can use the blue badge to park. To me it is irrelevant what the driver of the vehicle does, so if my daughter takes me somewhere & parks using the blue badge whilst I go somewhere then she can accompany me or stay in the car till I return. What she wouldn't be allowed to do is to use the badge if I am not in the car at the time she is parking.Getting back to the original post of somebody parked using his wife's disabled badge he was perfectly entitled to do so but inconsiderate of other people by not allowing you to park if he was staying in the vehicle & could do as you asked & wait not in a parking bay (I'm sure if he was challenged about waiting not in a designated bay he could explain the reason why).
By chance I came across this today:

Blue Badge parking bays

It is an offence to park a vehicle in a Blue Badge parking bay, without displaying a Blue Badge. If you see this happening you should report it to a traffic attendant or the local police.
Police officers and traffic attendants have the right to inspect Blue Badges. It is an offence to refuse or fail to produce a badge for inspection, without reasonable excuse. This offence carries a maximum fine of £1,000.

'Off-street' parking bays for people with disabilities

Most parking bays for people with disabilities in off-street car parks (for example, supermarket car parks) are not covered by Blue Badge scheme regulations. Car parks and parking bays like these are likely to be privately owned and managed by the individual business.
The agreement -and any cost to use them - will be between the owner and the motorists/customers.
If you are a motorist with disabilities (or passenger) and you complain, for example, to a supermarket that a motorist without disabilities has parked in a bay for people with disabilities, an employee of the store could ask the driver to move their car from the bay, but they will not be in a position to legally insist on it.
If you think that people are unfairly parking in bays for people with disabilities, speak or write to the management of the store or car park.

So unless the disabled parking is actually on a road, and not just a public place, the spaces are privately enforced and largely rely on the good nature of other drivers not parking in them. Not many employees now a days are willing to confront people about anything, they just quib
Health and Safety not my job....so I don't see any easy solution to this problem in the future if you think someone is in an off road disabled bay
By chance I came across this today:

Blue Badge parking bays

It is an offence to park a vehicle in a Blue Badge parking bay, without displaying a Blue Badge. If you see this happening you should report it to a traffic attendant or the local police.
Police officers and traffic attendants have the right to inspect Blue Badges. It is an offence to refuse or fail to produce a badge for inspection, without reasonable excuse. This offence carries a maximum fine of £1,000.

'Off-street' parking bays for people with disabilities

Most parking bays for people with disabilities in off-street car parks (for example, supermarket car parks) are not covered by Blue Badge scheme regulations. Car parks and parking bays like these are likely to be privately owned and managed by the individual business.
The agreement -and any cost to use them - will be between the owner and the motorists/customers.
If you are a motorist with disabilities (or passenger) and you complain, for example, to a supermarket that a motorist without disabilities has parked in a bay for people with disabilities, an employee of the store could ask the driver to move their car from the bay, but they will not be in a position to legally insist on it.
If you think that people are unfairly parking in bays for people with disabilities, speak or write to the management of the store or car park.

So unless the disabled parking is actually on a road, and not just a public place, the spaces are privately enforced and largely rely on the good nature of other drivers not parking in them. Not many employees now a days are willing to confront people about anything, they just quib
Health and Safety not my job....so I don't see any easy solution to this problem in the future if you think someone is in an off road disabled bay

While this is correct as far as I know any shop, hospital or establishment has to comply with the DDA and provide a certain percentage of disabled spaces for the use of disabled customers and if they do not they are in breach of the act, so they technically should police these spaces to make sure they are available for disabled customers.
While this is correct as far as I know any shop, hospital or establishment has to comply with the DDA and provide a certain percentage of disabled spaces for the use of disabled customers and if they do not they are in breach of the act, so they technically should police these spaces to make sure they are available for disabled customers.

No. They are not forced to provide parking spaces, but if they do so the DDA 1995 says thay must police those spaces.
No. They are not forced to provide parking spaces, but if they do so the DDA 1995 says thay must police those spaces.

The DDA used to state that if a car park is marked into spaces then a certain percentage of those spaces(Im not sure what that percentage was) have to be marked for the disabled. Of course there has been an update to the DDA now 'The Equality Act 2010' and I am not sure how that applies.
i have had some really nasty neighbours, it got to a point where i was recording them using the video on my fone (but sound only, as obviously i wasnt pointing the fone at em)

i recorded so much, inc where they foned the police infront of me, saying was attacking them and throwing dog crap at em with a help me voice...yet recorded before and after where they were swearing and saying im gonna fone the police and get me nicked (they were throwing dog crap at me)

recordings of them saying do i like the new paintwork on my car (brake fluid all over, front to rear and sides........................................)

council wont do anything, or even bother to listen to them, as they say they would deny it, and say i just edited, er....doctord the recodrings.

same with the police.

yet after the riots in london etc, the cops asked for fotos and recordings off mobile fones..

i have fotos showing the neighbours cutting down trees, fly tipping etc etc but again they wont use them

after mt car got keyed (before the brake fluid) i asked for the council to install cc tv, to THERE standard for legal action, but they said you drive a old car so doesnt really matter and not important (then a week later brake fluid)

its one rule for them, and one rule for job public.

only time the cops did listen to the recordings is when i got a bent copper, siding with the neighbours (who came across all innocent and the victims) and the copper said i a doley layabout, no disiability at all, and he hates people like me as his taxes goto my dole when i sign on etc. thats when i went to a inspector and threatend them with the newspapers. this copper tried to do me for saying my was a inch stuck out of my drive, that i should move it, its a peice of old **** etc etc.

im the only person on the street to stand upto the neighbours, no one else dares. i have even been told not to record on my fone as i leave or enter my house and path......

they attacked and stabbed 2 removal men a few months back, but they were too scared to press charges as one of the workmen, was a huge body builder, and the neighbour went on the fone, mentioned this guys name, and the bodybuilder realised who it was, a propper drug dealer thats known to shoot people.......these are the sort i have to put up with. my doc has had to fill me full of anti depressants, i cant even leave my house if they are about.

had total lies about me, been reprted for selling stolen goods, selling alcohol to underage kids, my girlfriend lives with me etc etc etc. the list goes on. i even have a recording say they are lieing about me, to get my evicted so one of there family can get my council house. 2 weeks ago i was reported for having a bonfire in the day, having a party, slamming my car doors in the early hours etc. again total BS.

council say, while they cant prove i have done these things, it still goes against me as a compaint. i have been trying to get a property that is better for my disiabilty, but they wont give me on, as all the compaints against me, which they admit there is noooooooooooooooooo proof, just acusations. i tried to say these are malicious acusations, but the council dont care.

the copper was dealt with, given warning and behaviour training(he even made sarcastic voice talking slow, when i said i had dyslexia and could he read out the statement to me why i was being given a caution). im waiting to hear back from the big disiabled and discrimination thingy wotsit.

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