A little goodbye From mothman,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Well, I for one think you should stay, otherwise they whoever they are have won and we don't want that do we.
Please give it a little more thought!

Could not agree more !!!


instead of getting pissed off, just ignore them. You have mobile number, I have sent you a message, keep in touch, hope to see you around.


Think you have made the right decision. Sounds like this forum is not doing you any good.


Blue Skies

Think you have made the right decision. Sounds like this forum is not doing you any good.


Blue Skies

Now I'd waste no time in seeing your rapid departure (no smileys)
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Tra LA laa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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All just serves to show I'm a good judge of character or lack of it. How is it possible that posters like this are tolerated. I fully understand now Mothman. Do not leave
Now im doing it sorry Phil i wont be as low as them i will remove my posts,,,,,,,,
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Mothman mate! Thought I wasn't in the best place I'd ever been emotionally but OMG you must be upset.....and I hoped to goodness it wasn't me. However the last page of posts has brought out some nasty attitude from some individuals so now I can see...

My first response would be to ask the moderators to suspend membership of anyone being nasty after a warning, assuming it's possible to report posts inappropriate to this friendly site. If I was a loving and forgiving person I would accept everyone warts and all.....we are all God's creation after all. But I'm not, so I've printed off the icons of the nasty members and I'm sticking pins in their effigies (I'm JOKING!)

Just a short story, I moved to the village I live in two years ago, they have a form on the web which I enjoyed reading and contributing. Until I realised there were two sour members that sniped, tossed and griped at every comment. Put me right off getting involved. Recently a new member appeared and contributed several posts on different issues over a few weeks, not a personality I would gravitate to by the sound of them but thats for me to think in private and I enjoyed the fact they were bothering to get involved. I sincerely hoped they wouldn't be put off by the two bad apples, so made a point of making them welcome.....you have to make the baddies a minority in life, it is the only way because it's impossible to beat them!

Wilding is a great lifestyle, but not a club exclusive to people we like or people that are nice.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh what's the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im leaving on a jet plane don't know when i will be back again,

"keep the player haters on the run ya'll"

If anyone has an email address for Mothman please could they PM me as I would like to send him a PM but he has disabled PMs. Don't worry about passing his email address on to me, I'm happy to send my PM for him to you for you to forward on to Mothman. Or please pass on that I am trying to contact him, and I will PM you my email address so that he can contact me if he wants.

I've re-enabled my PMs.

The Plan

Decided I need to befriend all the nice people on here.....wilding is a great pastime, this is a great site, I'm going to contribute more in future (and befriend as many nice people as I can) 'cos its the only way to keep the negative types as invisible as possible!

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Hi Phil i have sent you a message,

Maybe Time to lock this one up hey!

before it ruins a good site with fantastic membesr on it, that is 99.9% fantastic members on here,,,,,,,,,
If anyone has an email address for Mothman please could they PM me as I would like to send him a PM but he has disabled PMs. Don't worry about passing his email address on to me, I'm happy to send my PM for him to you for you to forward on to Mothman. Or please pass on that I am trying to contact him, and I will PM you my email address so that he can contact me if he wants.

I've re-enabled my PMs.


I have spoke to barry (mothman) this morning and i am happy to pass on any numbers if you want to PM me or email me at jenny.kimba@blueyonder.co.uk
you can trust me with your numbers, WVW will vouch for me on that one, i am unable to give out his details without his permission, hope you understand.

Jen xx
Techno100 ( is this your age???????? you sir are a C**K no wonder no friends made,, ive looked through alot of your posts and "boy oh boy" are you ever a small minded bitter little urchin indeed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

NUFF SAID LOOSER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DONKEY BRAIN,,,,,,,

A very strange response from someone who appears to be a supporter of Mothman, a misunderstanding perhaps?
Whether so or not, anyone who knows me will regard your slander as complete nonsense.
So you've looked through a lot of my posts have you? well I'd like a link to any evidence of your claims
Dear tiggerjenna,

You are very angry that members threaten to leave this site because of bullying (real or perceived) and yet you resort to bad mannered antics yourself. This makes you a bully yourself plus the fact you use swearing to reinforce your outbursts.

If it was up to me, you would be gone from the forum for your juvenile outbursts. Either grow up or go away.
Now I'd waste no time in seeing your rapid departure (no smileys)

I think this post caused tiggerjenna's reaction. It looks like you are saying get lost and good riddance to Mothman.
As I said earlier some posts can be misconstrued.
Which is why I said perhaps a misunderstanding?
This however does not undo the blatant lies and slander and SHEER spite
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