A little goodbye From mothman,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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trouble is a few of us might be thinking we've hit a nerve.my son has pointed out that if i don't use smilies humour doesn't work,but surely thats not true,could say more on this subject but a bit worried about upsetting someone

Me too! What is the matter with everyone? Smilies don't work, as I found on another forum where I made a tongue in cheek remark with a smiley at the end of it and found quite a few people taking it seriously.

Well Mothman, I'm sorry to see you go also because your funny stories made me laugh. It's none of my business but if something has upset you, wouldn't it be better to tell us and see if someone can't make it right? If we don't know, then how can we stop it happening again?

I'll try a few smilies anyway :):):):juggle:
I'm sorry to see your leaving and wish you all the best and lots of fun with any future wilding :drive::goodluck:
Hi Guys thank you for your kind words i feel very humbled and sligthly choked up, the absence of some peoples comments speak for themselfs as its them that are Pi55ing me off, im fed up of coming on here and reading more and more bad minded comments i know it a forum thing all over the world but im fed up of it now, its not what im about its not my style, not joining anyother forum as i find myself making friends only to see them dissed by the bad minded haters in this sorry sad world, i will keep in touch with my friends who ive made on here they are what counts to me they are solid beautiful like minded people thats why i love them the few people on here that im proud to call my friend are true friends indeed please please keep incontact with me ive pm you my number,
its this simple i dont like bad minded people im not that way and i dont like reading bad sh*t everyday, so rather than not reading that section whitch i cant really advide so no ulternative left than pack it all in and leave,, its just started getting me down thats all, most of you guys are so so nice and helpful but the odd ones well!!!! thats it really! Phil keep smiling and keep up the good work mate,
Well I have not commented on your decision and now I am racking my brain to see if I have said something to offend you. Like Phil, I cannot see any nasty posts to kick things off.

if you are fed up then just stop posting for a while, you can keep in touch with your friends by pm. I did that for a while and the members who were a pain disappeared (the bad ones always do).

You are an adult and know your own mind, so I will simply say cool it for a while and then get back in the saddle.
No not you maingate,

You know what i mean dont you guys? im just fed that is all and when i read post on here from good well meaning people like myself only to have somebody put them down with sacasm or real bitterness it is p155ing me off a tad to say the least,, im not an over sensetive type at all but im just thinking Do i really enjoy reading the bad post on a daily basis??? No i dont, but i really will miss the good hearted banter and the funny posts and the good help ive had off you guys, but ive been feeling this way for a while,, im not gonna come on this or any other forum to argue or try to explain or fight mine or any one elses corner why should we,, so if im fed up of it what ulternative do i really have? this and alot of forums are a lifeline to alot of people its the good guys i feel sorry for,,
feel for Phil too must be a p155 off for him big time to try and keep harmony, your dammed if you do your dammed if you dont!

cant win,,,,,,,
i to am new to the site and still trying to find my way around and other things and all forums are the same you can please some of the people all the time but you cant please them all the time and yes by you leaving the members who has said or done are going to be the winners not you mothman as i am sure there is more good in this club then not just dont take what ever has been said to heart and let it ride over you have your say about it if you wish but just dont let what ever they same back get to you and with the messages and the sadness to see you go i to think you should reconsider and rise above it and them :)
Just pick and choose carefully what you get involved with? no need to leave.
You can still communicate behind the scenes and contribute when you feel up to it.
Maybe Phil needs a sidekick? to share the FLAK
No not you maingate,

You know what i mean dont you guys? im just fed that is all and when i read post on here from good well meaning people like myself only to have somebody put them down with sacasm or real bitterness it is p155ing me off a tad to say the least,, im not an over sensetive type at all but im just thinking Do i really enjoy reading the bad post on a daily basis??? No i dont, but i really will miss the good hearted banter and the funny posts and the good help ive had off you guys, but ive been feeling this way for a while,, im not gonna come on this or any other forum to argue or try to explain or fight mine or any one elses corner why should we,, so if im fed up of it what ulternative do i really have? this and alot of forums are a lifeline to alot of people its the good guys i feel sorry for,,
feel for Phil too must be a p155 off for him big time to try and keep harmony, your dammed if you do your dammed if you dont!

cant win,,,,,,,

Now I get it.....this is just a cover.....you and Whitevanwoman are eloping to sunnier climes...very sneaky!

:have fun::shag::goodluck::lol-053::boat::lol-049:;).....in case of misunderstandings!.... lol,raffle, OMG, pmsole...etc
I would hope that I havent upset anyone either, If I have or do It wouldnt be intentional.

No not you maingate,

You know what i mean dont you guys? im just fed that is all and when i read post on here from good well meaning people like myself only to have somebody put them down with sacasm or real bitterness it is p155ing me off a tad to say the least,, im not an over sensetive type at all but im just thinking Do i really enjoy reading the bad post on a daily basis??? No i dont, but i really will miss the good hearted banter and the funny posts and the good help ive had off you guys, but ive been feeling this way for a while,, im not gonna come on this or any other forum to argue or try to explain or fight mine or any one elses corner why should we,, so if im fed up of it what ulternative do i really have? this and alot of forums are a lifeline to alot of people its the good guys i feel sorry for,,
feel for Phil too must be a p155 off for him big time to try and keep harmony, your dammed if you do your dammed if you dont!

cant win,,,,,,,

You can win mate...

I can understand your annoyance....but all you need to do is to add the names of the pisser offers to your ignore list under Settings/My Account/Edit Ignore List (very top menu right hand side opposite the Wild Camping Header)......pisser offers are pissed off permanently lol..you don't see any more of their posts or replies....ever.
Now I get it.....this is just a cover.....you and Whitevanwoman are eloping to sunnier climes...very sneaky!

:have fun::shag::goodluck::lol-053::boat::lol-049:;).....in case of misunderstandings!.... lol,raffle, OMG, pmsole...etc

You got it wrong Paul, He has just stopped collecting Moffs and is now collecting likes, :lol-053::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:
Yes I shall miss moffman as well.:sad:
Hi guys i dont want to seem rude by just diapeering from this site, i have made some very very good friends on here they know why im leaving this forum nothing personal,,i have my reasons so please the friends i have made please keep in touch i will forward you my details if you want to pm me,

Phil i have sent a message through your new system, keep up the good work Phil, and all you guys keep up the good work all my very best,

Happy camping,,,,


Hi Mothman - sorry to hear you are leaving as well, hope you will think long and hard about it B4 you finally pull the plug as many on this site will miss you, but whatever you decide I wish you well and perhaps meet up some day - take care and travel safe.:have fun:

One of the reasons I never text people is because text messages can come out so misconstrued and I have such a dry sense of humour that I was often asked what I meant about certain comments. It happens with good friends, girlfriends, ex girlfriends, bosses and all sorts, so I keep texing to a minimum. I think a little of the same is happening on this site atm, i'm not saying this happened to Mothman because I don't know what occured but all I do know is that a very good member has gone and will be a big loss on here. Only a few days ago he was asking Phil to make a new thread about what alterations people had made to their rides, you could tell he had a genuine passion about seeing improvement folk had made. This doesn't seem to me like a man that was about to leave so it must have been something pretty serious, I wish you well Mothman and I hope you just lurk for a while then start posting again when you feel ready.
Still Angry :mad2:
Hi Haaamster many thanks for the kind words, im still about mate lurking, ive been really taken back by the lovely comments ive recived on here, that makes me really sad Neh p155ed off big time to know that certain people are too sarky IMOfor me to deal with i just had enough mate not only from the putt downers but the sarky ones too it just got to me, especially after a couple of friends had had crap off people on here too i thought sod it im off dont want or need to deal with know alls that know f**K all the ones that just seem to get off on smart remarks, it does make you angry though as im sure half these people wouldnt say anything to me face to face,, in a nut shell i just made a split choice and switch off, rightly or wrongly,,, im not gonna show anyone up or diss anyone on here not my style at all,, im now thinking Mmmmmmmm whats it all about then hey!!!:rolleyes2:just makes you not want to post up on your passions hey,, the times ive thought im gonna comment on this one or that one they need telling whats what but i kept my views to myself thinking let the fools carry on just keep out of it not worth it, i cant belive or understand how people have the nerve and bit between there teeth to carry arguments on or bad mouth others for no good reason at all then hide behind a smilly like that makes it ok!!!!!!!! ive had my say ive had my sulk im very swayed by the lovely kind comments on here i just want to forget it now & move on ie just chill out for a while kick back relax and see how i feel,,ho hum!!!!

i now know what a couple of you ment now when you told me that you felt that you no longer wanted to post up anything anymore evan if it was to help someone you take so many knock then snap unless you really are thick skinned,its a crying shame really,
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i dont be on here as much those times mainly when i want to ask or look up something.
in the past i have said things quite innocent not meaning anything by it & it has been taken up the wrong way even by phil.
so now i keep to myself.
probably us irish have got more of a sense of humour.

Hi guys i dont want to seem rude by just diapeering from this site, i have made some very very good friends on here they know why im leaving this forum nothing personal,,i have my reasons so please the friends i have made please keep in touch i will forward you my details if you want to pm me,

Phil i have sent a message through your new system, keep up the good work Phil, and all you guys keep up the good work all my very best,

Happy camping,,,,

mothman never met you sir but dont like to see people leaving something they like,if your ever parked next to a white ldv where theres a bloke getting shouted at come over and we can share a beer.. fare well on your journeys.red ted
open road

Mothman sorry to see you go, safe trip, see you on the road

regards Snowbirds :drive::drive:


Hi guys i dont want to seem rude by just diapeering from this site, i have made some very very good friends on here they know why im leaving this forum nothing personal,,i have my reasons so please the friends i have made please keep in touch i will forward you my details if you want to pm me,

Phil i have sent a message through your new system, keep up the good work Phil, and all you guys keep up the good work all my very best,

Happy camping,,,,

i think its time to move these im going threads so new people can't be seen
not looking good for the forum for all new people joining
sorry to sound like a old fart but being new if i saw the threads before i signed up it would put me off
i think its time to move these im going threads so new people can't be seen
not looking good for the forum for all new people joining
sorry to sound like a old fart but being new if i saw the threads before i signed up it would put me off

Hi Veedubmatt

Glad you said it as I have been thinking it for a couple of days but have not wanted to sound like one of the bullies. I think you put it very well.

I would like to add that we are in danger of stopping people from tell you when you are wrong and as a person who does make mistakes and can be wrong, I think this would be a disaster

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