Electric bike/trike


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Up until recently I had this bike and I loved it my only issue it was too heavy for me to get up and down the steps in my garden

Any recommendations please ?
Fold up
Three wheel (trike) style
Not in the thousands

Is there such a thing ?
Our folding e-bike (Halfords) weighs 24kg including battery, and is heavy to lift, so we have 2 non-electric folding bikes (14kg each) which we use for "nipping to the shop" and they fit in the motorhome garage or car boot very easily. We also have various normal bikes, an e-bike each, and a tandem....... plus 2 motorbikes.... completely bike mad in all honesty!
It's hard to get a very lightweight folding e-bike without spending silly money. But you might like to start looking at Estarli and Fiido brands as a starting point.
As for e-trikes, Jorvik Tricycles have a great reputation, but they weigh over 30kg and start about £2000. There are non-electric Jorviks on ebay etc quite often for around £500, they no longer make non-electric ones so can't buy new any more, unfortunately.
It depends how far you need to lift/carry it, how important the folding aspect is and your budget, unfortunately with bikes you can usually only pick two out of "strong", "light" and "cheap".
If you go to a local proper bike shop (not Halfords) and explain what you want, they should be really helpful. If they aren't, go elsewhere. Good luck.
Thank you so much I did look at the Jorvik and they look amazing but way out of my budget.
I’ll take a look at the ones you recommended.
Sometimes you just get lucky on eBay etc and something comes along.
Does it have to be an electric trike? I have a friend who is thinking of selling his folding Jorvik trike (non-electric).
I converted our tandem with a kit which has worked brilliantly, and means we can hill start without the risk of falling off (into a hedge... true story!) Might be worth thinking about if you can get a trike.....
… I haven’t got enough Oomph anymore 😆
Surely the above comment is down to interpretation Jac 🤭

Anyhooooo, I bought two of these from our local Halfords, possibly 2017, no later. Weight in at 18kg approx, all alloy, and fold to fit in your purse. What I like about the eCity is, the battery slots inside the cross member, so not as obvious a leccie bike. I note Halford website state not in stock. I have no regrets with my purchase. And for mileage example with doggy hut trailer fitted to mine, with dog inside, I did full circle of Rutland water with power left over, OK, I still have plenty Ooomph 😂

Surely the above comment is down to interpretation Jac 🤭

Anyhooooo, I bought two of these from our local Halfords, possibly 2017, no later. Weight in at 18kg approx, all alloy, and fold to fit in your purse. What I like about the eCity is, the battery slots inside the cross member, so not as obvious a leccie bike. I note Halford website state not in stock. I have no regrets with my purchase. And for mileage example with doggy hut trailer fitted to mine, with dog inside, I did full circle of Rutland water with power left over, OK, I still have plenty Ooomph 😂

They look neat Terry !

How do you get on with the seat ? 😆
It looks like it could slice your never regions in half 🤣

Spent the afternoon looking at what options are and I think I’m being impractical thinking trike is going to be any easier for me as much as I love them. Storing it at home and getting it in and out the van to the house etc ..

I then looked at the scooters with the seats but I saw the thread about not being legal and to be honest I’d be dangerous on one of them it would end in tears.
I’ll keep looking and read up on the one you recommended. 👍



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To be honest Jac, after a long cycle sitting on original saddle would be close to experiencing a night locked up in prison 😫

Cured by extra cushion padding bought from Amazon.

Repeating, no regrets with the purchase, along with the eye watering saddle!
To be honest Jac, after a long cycle sitting on original saddle would be close to experiencing a night locked up in prison 😫

Cured by extra cushion padding bought from Amazon.

Repeating, no regrets with the purchase, along with the eye watering saddle!

🤣🤣 … I do like the look of it though.

I spotted this too which looks good and within my budget. There’s so many to choose from and to be honest for what I want it for is just basic.

His lordship insist I need a basket to put toto in
cheeky so and so…


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Sorry, just realised my mistake. It's Mrs Wheelie's e-bike that weighs 24kg. I've just weighted our 2017 "Carrera Cross City Folding Electric Bike" and it's 19.2kg, but that's still too heavy to put in the car very often, and we both find the fold mechanism very stiff. But it's had A LOT of use, we had to get a new battery for it about 18 months ago. Just be aware the new version has a Shengyi hub drive rather than the Bafang which ours has. I was in Halford's in Chester over the weekend, and they have them in stock there for about £900. We paid £585 in 2017! It is a great, solid, little folding bike, but we both find it quite heavy and hard to fold. Mrs W can't ride it without the e-assist switched on as it's just too heavy for her, and she's no slouch - she rides her normal bike about 40-50 miles a week. We live in North Wales, so hills are unavoidable!
Maybe go to your local Halfords and ask for a demo?
The trikes are amazing machines, but unwieldy to transport unfortunately. Do have a look at those electrification kits though. As I say, our tandem is amazing since I've converted it.
Sorry, just realised my mistake. It's Mrs Wheelie's e-bike that weighs 24kg. I've just weighted our 2017 "Carrera Cross City Folding Electric Bike" and it's 19.2kg, but that's still too heavy to put in the car very often, and we both find the fold mechanism very stiff. But it's had A LOT of use, we had to get a new battery for it about 18 months ago. Just be aware the new version has a Shengyi hub drive rather than the Bafang which ours has. I was in Halford's in Chester over the weekend, and they have them in stock there for about £900. We paid £585 in 2017! It is a great, solid, little folding bike, but we both find it quite heavy and hard to fold. Mrs W can't ride it without the e-assist switched on as it's just too heavy for her, and she's no slouch - she rides her normal bike about 40-50 miles a week. We live in North Wales, so hills are unavoidable!
Maybe go to your local Halfords and ask for a demo?
The trikes are amazing machines, but unwieldy to transport unfortunately. Do have a look at those electrification kits though. As I say, our tandem is amazing since I've converted it.
Thanks so much it’s really helpful ! Blimey I know inflation gone up and all but that’s a massive jump.
I looked at the carrera city bike so your feed back is really useful. Now that I decided the trike not going to be practical I have opened up my options.
I’ve fancied an Electric ‘Trike’ for a while now, & As I understand it Jorvik is still the best option for ‘ME’ as they are UK road Legal, PERFECT for hooking up a little Trailer to carry my Donut stash & has got slightly fatter Tyers that can Carry my Bulk too,, But as previously mentioned ALSO carry the Price tag , So 🤷🏻‍♂️,,,I’m going to wait.
Interesting thread though….🤔
I’ve fancied an Electric ‘Trike’ for a while now, & As I understand it Jorvik is still the best option for ‘ME’ as they are UK road Legal, PERFECT for hooking up a little Trailer to carry my Donut stash & has got slightly fatter Tyers that can Carry my Bulk too,, But as previously mentioned ALSO carry the Price tag , So 🤷🏻‍♂️,,,I’m going to wait.
Interesting thread though….🤔
This might be of interest!

Jac, I think bikes were retailing @ around £700 mark, so yes, a fair jump in price, as most electric bikes have increased due to demand. When bikes are not in use, batteries are removed and stored in house, cold kills them, also give each battery a charge every so often during removal. All well to date.
One reason for weight variation is battery size. Lighter folding e-bikes have smaller batteries and a lower range which also, of course, depends on how much assistance is required. But this can only amount to a 2kg difference between smaller (20 mile range) and larger batteries (40 mile range) assuming the folding bike type with 20” wheels.

You can of course remove the battery to lighten the bike for lifting onto a rack or placing into a garage. We fabricated a ramp to roll our folded e-bikes into the garage so no real heavy lifting required.

Rather than a trike I have seen adult bikes with stabilisers fitted where riders are clearly potentially unsteady on a bike. Search for them on Amazon.

Decathlon do a reasonable folding ebike which they sell throughout Europe. They claim it weights 18.2kg but the range is a bit limited due to its relatively small 187w battery. I have a folding ebike with a 612w battery that weights 22kg but I do a lot of hill climbing so need the large battery. Basically batteries work out at about £100 per 100w. You will struggle to buy a bike with a higher capacity battery that is within your budget.

These ideas may help to expand the options available.
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Yes having had an electric bike now I don’t think I could do without … I haven’t got enough Oomph anymore 😆
We bought a pair of Whisper 705s in Sep 2022. They weigh about 22kg inc the supplied 375w Battery. Pedal to start the bike and then the Battery can be used, giving roughly the equivalent of the pedal power the Rider is generating, Really good on short steep climbs, change down on the pedal gears and increase the battery assist to ensure you can make the summit! The Bikes cost £1499 each and we splashed out on 2 x Arbus high security locks.


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