Tell yow wat arr kid if us start tawlking loike proper Blackcountry mon there bay be no un on ere could understond a wurd we sed.
if yow lot cor spake or rhite proper engrish then yow shud goo bak te scewel...
btw 1... i'm a black coootree dispepsic...
Anyow, Ow bin ya ?/ bin yow OK ??
Were bin yow gooin ? or am yow cumming back ?
I'll see ya down by the goo stops in Darlo ...
Taa raaa a bit
I do miss my pint of Highgate mild in Walsall with a good old bag of pork scratchings accompaniment...
Translates into >>
I'm bosting fer a point of 'gate wiv a bag of jed pig, me fecking stumack finks me froats bin cut....
By the way, I'm 60 and born and raised in the areas of Tipton, Wednesbury, Walsall and Coalpool on cut.
I was rather well educated for a Council estate boy.
BUT I would never ridicule someone else's fopars, unless it's CHAV text speak which does get on my tits
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