I like to think
We would help out those in dire need (but not diarrhea need - well somebody had to pun it).
Our 2.5 good deeds are
1) Asking a lone long distance cyclist into our vehicle for a hot cuppa
We were just inside the Arctic Circle it was summer but cold wind and sleeting.
We had overnighted in a large lay-by / carpark and were just finishing breakfast
2a Similar but not cold again a long-distance cyclist mid afternoon
Well south South of Greymouth (NZ SI)
2b He set off before us afterwards and as we got near him we noticed he had a puncture
So we stopped...Not really a puncture more a totally wrecked tyre and tube (FUBAR)
We loaded him and his kit into the vehicle and took them to Haast
This was our route anyway
Oh yes I am a "Saint".... not that it will help me as I am probably destined for the downstairs furnace !
Correction not a Saint but a Saint's supporter (As in Southampton FC)
Oh and another (very minor)
Helped a Dutch man on an aire (Grobbendonk just east of Antwerp - nice place) take off, repair the connections to, his
solar panel and re-fit