Would You ?

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Partly my point Bill , sadly I don't share your eloquence nor diplomacy

Been pondering this same question myself lately
If someone with a disability asked, then I'd let them. I'd probably let women use it too.

I base my decision on the way most people seem to treat public toilets, the disabled ones are always treated with respect by those who use them!!

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Where my wife works, they used to let delivery drivers & customers use the staff toilet, they stopped this after a number of occasions that resulted in them calling out a professional cleaning company to literally clean the crap off of the back wall, floor & toilet.

Some People are for some reason, unable to clean up after themselves & they spoil it for the rest!!

Just out of interest....imagine you are stuck on a closed motorway due to an accident...everyone has turned their cars off and are milling around waiting for it to reopen. No clear indication of when that would be...and it looks like it could be a few hours...would you allow strangers to use your facilities if they ask?
absolutely no chance whatsoever . anyone can pee behind a car door, and if they're too posh to p iss outdoors , hard luck
Late at night and rather the worse for wear (vinoitus) I am rather surprised at some of the comments on this thread. It seems to me as a member of a caring community that we would actually tell folks to poss iff. Being a male person (well I was last time I looked) I realise that we can pee anywhere even on the highway according to an ancient law that covers hackney drivers providing that one hand is on the vehicle, the fairer sex do not have that privilege. I realise that there must be limitations and on the odd occasion a wee fib must be told. No problem selling brews / butties though.
Time for bed
Bon nuit
Late at night and rather the worse for wear (vinoitus) I am rather surprised at some of the comments on this thread. It seems to me as a member of a caring community that we would actually tell folks to poss iff. Being a male person (well I was last time I looked) I realise that we can pee anywhere even on the highway according to an ancient law that covers hackney drivers providing that one hand is on the vehicle, the fairer sex do not have that privilege. I realise that there must be limitations and on the odd occasion a wee fib must be told. No problem selling brews / butties though.
Time for bed
Bon nuit

I have heard that a Pregnant Lady can legally pee in a Policemans Helmet in a public place.

Never seen it meself like. :eek:
I like to think

We would help out those in dire need (but not diarrhea need - well somebody had to pun it).

Our 2.5 good deeds are
1) Asking a lone long distance cyclist into our vehicle for a hot cuppa
We were just inside the Arctic Circle it was summer but cold wind and sleeting.
We had overnighted in a large lay-by / carpark and were just finishing breakfast

2a Similar but not cold again a long-distance cyclist mid afternoon
Well south South of Greymouth (NZ SI)

2b He set off before us afterwards and as we got near him we noticed he had a puncture
So we stopped...Not really a puncture more a totally wrecked tyre and tube (FUBAR)
We loaded him and his kit into the vehicle and took them to Haast
This was our route anyway

Oh yes I am a "Saint".... not that it will help me as I am probably destined for the downstairs furnace !
Correction not a Saint but a Saint's supporter (As in Southampton FC)

Oh and another (very minor)
Helped a Dutch man on an aire (Grobbendonk just east of Antwerp - nice place) take off, repair the connections to, his solar panel and re-fit
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Yes, I'd let women use the toilet, but would soon get fed up with giving instructions on how to operate it. I walk with the Ramblers and the women go off to pee behind a tree, but there can be a distinct lack of cover on the side of a motorway.
I've been in this situation twice.

Both times I said no, the second time I got a load of abuse.

I would gladly make cups of tea or hot dogs etc. for kids, but there are limits.
this is only a problem because we live in a prissy victorian society where natural functions like urination, defecation and breastfeeding are seen as illegal and shameful acts if done in public view. unless you're an animal of course, in which case no-one bats an eyelid !

i could , hypothetically, be done for discreetly 'watering' a tree, by a copper on a horse that has just dumped a gallon of wee and a bucket of poo on the path in full view of anyone there. a dog has more freedom than me !

meanwhile in France, i've seen respectable middle aged women in twinsets and pearls crouch down in bushes having been caught short at a bus stop. perfectly reasonable behaviour imo
my favourite was seeing a cop in Spain , directing traffic from a little raised island, stop all the traffic, and keeping his tackle covered by his hand , calmly let loose an almost interminable stream of wee onto the road. nobody seemed to find this unusual
Yeah I would. Quid a go. I would be too busy flogging bacon sandwiches though. Well, you should never pass up on an opportunity to make a few quid. Maybe even open a bar! :tongue:
About 95% of the population have never been in a motorhome or even a caravan so wouldn’t get the concept that all the toilet waste gose in a small plastic container that needs emptying on a regular bases and is a nasty job think if they new how it all worked might think twice in even asking they probably just think that waste is same as a house just flush and go as said if it was an emergency and all other options were depleted then I would consider small children pensioners and pregnant woman. The tea and biscuits would be a defanate hot water and a teabag costs nowt.
The best thing to do would be stand outside with jug of water poring it into a basin a few times,then watch the folk buzzing around like bees looking for a tree to weeeeeeee.:wacko:,naughty but fun.
Yes, I'd let women use the toilet, but would soon get fed up with giving instructions on how to operate it. I walk with the Ramblers and the women go off to pee behind a tree, but there can be a distinct lack of cover on the side of a motorway.

if i make a journey in campervan going to loo...no problem......if travelling in a car i always take along a sheet which can then be draped

over open car door for privacy.

when i used to go with the ramblers it was a question of ladies one side of the wall... gents over the otherside...rather embarassing first time ........

would i allow someone to use campervan facilities......hmmm. depends on person and personal situation they might be in (that is of course if they wanted to use a bucket with a seat on it........and they were prepared to use a plastic bag and dispose of it themselves......

same with liquid......if they are prepared to empty it into bushes etc. and of course clean it.......wouldnt want to see anyone in an embarassing situation if it is possible to help and there is no alternative for them.
The last person that used the loo in the shop where my wife works, was a 72 year old very well off woman.

She was a regular customer & always spent a lot of money in the shop. She asked to use the loo & afterwards she mentioned that she'd made a bit of a mess.

She was the last person to use it, the owner said never again!!

Probably not in those circumstances but I once let a group of passing disabled woman[Downs syndrom it appeared] led by a career [6 of them ] use our van toilet when we were on an Aire in France, there were no toilet facilities there just a dumping point, I had just emptied my cassette when the career asked me if there was a toilet there on the Aire and as her ladies were desperate and as there wasn't I allowed them under the care of their career and my wife who in the dark days was a District Nurse use our van toilet, bit of a mess afterwards but soon cleaned up. must say I felt good about doing that afterwards .

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