Cameron is a sad disappointment. As the Telegraph (OK I know that's me categorized!) pointed out, he has a very good first class honours degree from Oxbridge but despite all his big talk, has achieved absolutely nothing positive from any of the international conferences he's been to since taking office. He's also made a stack of promises at home but has wriggled out of actually implementing any of them (Euro referendum, slashing immigration, stopping scroungers, etc). As far as he's concerned becoming PM was the objective, and he's made it - what he actually does while being it is secondary in his mind. Mind you, he'll have us at war in Syria before too long, I'm sure - like Blair, he can't resist using the armed forces to show the world he's a force to be reckoned with. Any British deaths that result are just an inconvenient disadvantage.
Wouldn't give tuppence for any of the front bench team either. Pity David Davis isn't running the show, now there's someone who has plenty of real-life experience and a head well screwed on to his shoulders.