Worst mess in van?

At Applecross a couple of years ago.

I took Ruby (our Boxer) for a walk and she found some really thick, gloopy, black, stagnant mud. She went in up to her belly. We were parked outside the pub, and when I got back I was just taking my boots off when Julie opened the door to let us in. Ruby shot past her, ran straight through the van and jumped up onto the bed, then back down and put her paws all over Julie's jeans.

Naturally, I got the blame. Apparently I should have chucked her in the sea before I brought her back for Julie to shower her.

I was sent to the pub whilst Julie cleaned up the carnage.

Bet you didn’t complain being sent to the pub :cheers::cheers:
Calais Migrants

Had a team of two blokes who spent a day fumigating the van after the police chucked them out.
Olive oil. Pah!
It didn't go away so looked back to see a cider river flowing from the fridge! Stopped to do a quick mop up but had to do a full scale clean once we parked up.... cider is very sticky!

I feel your pain!

I was driving around the highlands a few years back when I smelled something 'fruity' I paid it no particular mind until a couple of hours later when we stopped for a break - a 20L box of cider stored under one of the bench seats had spring a leak - hard to say which was worst the sticky residue or the waste of about 1L of the good stuff!
(ever tried sucking cider out of soggy cardboard? - - I have)
Worst one we ever had was in the Austrian Alps. Lovely hot sunny day. I put the canopy out and then sat and watched the blackest of clouds and a huge storm appear and roll down the mountain towards me. It just looked like Armageddon approaching. What did I do? Nothing. Just sat there looking at it like a rabbit in the headlights. The wind came first followed by the rain which was horizontal. All the doors and windows open and the awning ripped out the ground like a feather. I hung onto it but it was like a sail. Somehow we got it in but not before it had lifted me off the ground almost and got itself in a right state. During which time the van was pretty much soaked through inside and stuff scattered everywhere.

It must have been really bad as I remember having to give Mrs D a hand to clear it all up. :(

Lesson was. Never ever anything ever leave a canopy unattended in the Alps, especially Austria which seems prone to these sudden flash winds and storms. Many of the lakes have warning sirens on them. We got caught out in the dinghy at Halstatsee but luckily on our way back with the huge wind on the stern. you could have water skied off the back of it. :D

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