Worst mess in van?


Full Member
I know to hold my spare hand up to overhead lockers when opening them after a journey. Somehow the olive oil slipped out sideways ... 1litre smashed all over pots on hob, walls, floor and me! Clearing up nearly drove us to break our no booze night vow!
Note to self ... decant oil into a spare water bottle and no glass up top!

Think our other worst mess was when a 5 ltr wine container slipped through my hands onto the table and the red stuff came out like a fountain!

Your worst messes?
At Applecross a couple of years ago.

I took Ruby (our Boxer) for a walk and she found some really thick, gloopy, black, stagnant mud. She went in up to her belly. We were parked outside the pub, and when I got back I was just taking my boots off when Julie opened the door to let us in. Ruby shot past her, ran straight through the van and jumped up onto the bed, then back down and put her paws all over Julie's jeans.

Naturally, I got the blame. Apparently I should have chucked her in the sea before I brought her back for Julie to shower her.

I was sent to the pub whilst Julie cleaned up the carnage.
well all liquid stuf goes on the floor in bottom cupboard srrounded by tins in a plastic bag just in case worst mess was flask of coffee on way to new years meet was on table fell off though that on it stainless flask be ok went on to chair and leaked black coffee stain and it was strong black coffee
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At Applecross a couple of years ago.

I took Ruby (our Boxer) for a walk and she found some really thick, gloopy, black, stagnant mud. She went in up to her belly. We were parked outside the pub, and when I got back I was just taking my boots off when Julie opened the door to let us in. Ruby shot past her, ran straight through the van and jumped up onto the bed, then back down and put her paws all over Julie's jeans.

Naturally, I got the blame. Apparently I should have chucked her in the sea before I brought her back for Julie to shower her.

I was sent to the pub whilst Julie cleaned up the carnage.

Or "RAN AWAY".......It's a hard life !
This makes me retch just thinking about it.
Twas dark and in the wilds of Scotland stopped in a lay by,
I got out of the van for a breather, bit of a walk
when I got back in tramped around a fair bit, tired not thinking, you've guessed
it there was an overpowering stench of dog ****, never been so glad
to get to campsite for full nuclear standard decontamination. I have become paranoid in not making the same mistake again.

footnote: could have been human excretia but it was Scotland and I'm sure they
don't do things like that up there.
It always amazes me how much is in a glass of red wine when it's spilt ... when it's going where it's intended there hardly seems anything there and a refill is soon required! :lol-053:
My worst mess happened when the waste pipe came off the sink. The washing up water emptied itself into the drawers below. Thankfully, because the pots get a good wipe down before they're washed, it wasn't too smelly.

Before you ask Charlie, yes, it is a swift.;)

I know to hold my spare hand up to overhead lockers when opening them after a journey. Somehow the olive oil slipped out sideways ... 1litre smashed all over pots on hob, walls, floor and me! Clearing up nearly drove us to break our no booze night vow!
Note to self ... decant oil into a spare water bottle and no glass up top!

Think our other worst mess was when a 5 ltr wine container slipped through my hands onto the table and the red stuff came out like a fountain!

Your worst messes?

bring back olive .pj ps hands up who has not done somthing daft me to. pj
Driving along back roads in France, we passed a cider farm. Wow that was strong smelling cider we said!

It didn't go away so looked back to see a cider river flowing from the fridge! Stopped to do a quick mop up but had to do a full scale clean once we parked up.... cider is very sticky!
It always amazes me how much is in a glass of red wine when it's spilt ... when it's going where it's intended there hardly seems anything there and a refill is soon required! :lol-053:

And not always a total disaster, it can be the time when you
are amazed to find just how much can be recovered with instantaneous sucking
and licking. It's the.main reason for carpeting a m/home.
All liquids stored under benches or in the kitchen slide-out cupboard which is at floor level :dance:
Richmond, North Yorkshire. July.
As usual P155ing down fo 10 days previous.
We're overnighting on the car park by the old bridge. We had to move up to the highest part as the river rose and the bridge was damaged.
I'd had my shower and realised that we'd run out of water. We were parked near the toilets, so I connected up, while Jenny showered.
It seemed to take ages to fill and I kept going back to check the tap pressure.
Then I noticed that the pump was still going.. Still hurling it down, all the time.
The window opened..
Two soaking bath towels flew out....

Checking inside, there's a naked Child Bride and the van carpet awash.
We we parked, facing slightly down hill and water was flowing from what turned out to be a fractured elbow connector at the rear, higher, end of the van. What Joy.

Why would the connector choose to break,just then...?

Dashed down to Catterick, where there are 2 motorhome dealers.
They couldn't help as they were involved in rescuing 20 vans from the flooded Brompton on Swale campsite.
They suggested we try a unit on the nearby industrial estate, who make high- end horse boxes.
They couldn't have been nicer, had the parts in stock and replaced the elbow.
They then contacted a squaddie from the Garrison, with a Stymvac business,as a sideline.
By the time we'd lunched in the chippy,outside the camp gates,.... Magnificent, huge portions...
The van returned dry as a bone and squeaky clean.
Open topped box containing containing 12 bottles of Tring Brewery's finest beers, with another 3 bottles of Death or Glory wedged in to stop them rattling and a couple of bottles of cider forced in just to be sure. All nestled safely in the overcab storage bit.

Until they weren't.

Damn you, country lane; damn you to heck.
Richmond, North Yorkshire. July.
As usual P155ing down fo 10 days previous.
We're overnighting on the car park by the old bridge. We had to move up to the highest part as the river rose and the bridge was damaged.
I'd had my shower and realised that we'd run out of water. We were parked near the toilets, so I connected up, while Jenny showered.
It seemed to take ages to fill and I kept going back to check the tap pressure.
Then I noticed that the pump was still going.. Still hurling it down, all the time.
The window opened..
Two soaking bath towels flew out....

Checking inside, there's a naked Child Bride and the van carpet awash.
We we parked, facing slightly down hill and water was flowing from what turned out to be a fractured elbow connector at the rear, higher, end of the van. What Joy.

Why would the connector choose to break,just then...?

Dashed down to Catterick, where there are 2 motorhome dealers.
They couldn't help as they were involved in rescuing 20 vans from the flooded Brompton on Swale campsite.
They suggested we try a unit on the nearby industrial estate, who make high- end horse boxes.
They couldn't have been nicer, had the parts in stock and replaced the elbow.
They then contacted a squaddie from the Garrison, with a Stymvac business,as a sideline.
By the time we'd lunched in the chippy,outside the camp gates,.... Magnificent, huge portions...
The van returned dry as a bone and squeaky clean.

Smelling of roses springs to mind.:lol-049:

Glad you got it sorted quickly though.
My worst mess happened when the waste pipe came off the sink. The washing up water emptied itself into the drawers below. Thankfully, because the pots get a good wipe down before they're washed, it wasn't too smelly.

Before you ask Charlie, yes, it is a swift.;)
Yes I have had that twice with two static caravans, a kitchen sink and then a bathroom sink.

Static caravan wastes seem to hung down directly and go through the floor.

I arranged clamps on them so they could never fall off again.

The fridge self emptied when i forgot to lock it and slammed on the brakes.
Full container of sugar fell into sink full of water,when I moved the mh a few feet.
Container of coffee spilt all over the floor when I drove off and forgot to put it away.
Chinese meal with blackbean sauce slid off my knee and ended up on the carpet.
Full mug of coffee over both pillows and duvet.
Dog threw up and **** himself in kitchen when he was a pup.
Dog threw up on the handbrake when he was a pup.
Probably a few more I've forgotten....
I've got quite adept at catching stuff that leaps out of the overheads after a journey but the kitchen towel always manages to dive down into the washing-up bowl at some point.
I can't compete with the disasters above but I'm always spilling things on my sofas - tea, coffee, coffee grounds, wine (such a waste!), half a bowl of chilli and even spilled my own blood :scared: That's why I had to keep my old throws on, even after it was all re-upholstered, so it all goes in the washing machine.

The worst thing I ever did wasn't so much a mess as damage... I was cooking up a storm one day and had nowhere to put a big, heavy pot fresh from the stove top. Not sure what bit of my brain though it would be a good idea to put it on the floor by the door but it melted a hole clean through the clip-down doormat :cry:
Here's a tip;

Never leave your fridge door closed for several weeks after you have been out in the van.

I've just finished scrubbing it out. :mad1:
Here's a tip;

Never leave your fridge door closed for several weeks after you have been out in the van.

I've just finished scrubbing it out. :mad1:

Phil has just closed the black hole..
We now know what to do, if we need another one... !
Phil has just closed the black hole..
We now know what to do, if we need another one... !

Nah Paul.

You could eat your dinner off of the shelves now I've been in there with me marigolds.

Then you would probably die.

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