Woo Hoo!! Just seen a WC sticker on a van :-))

I haven't seen one, except at the meets.

Anyone going to the Weller concert at the Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank this Sunday will see mine tootling around Cheshire. :wave:


I bet that will be a good gig, enjoy :wacko:
Mine will be heading for Stratford on Avon

So look out on the services as I tend to pull in and make a coffee.
...why dont you make your own!!Felt tips, bit of sellotape...not saying it would be as good as the real thing but would get the message across! Enjoy your trip!
i;ve made my own,anyone seen it yet?

Thats top!! Beats a felt tip and sellotape effort!! Has anyone spotted you yet then?
Wc sticker


Can you have a WC sticker in a Static van would you be struck off.


I spotted it on a van parked up outside a house in the village just now, it looks like a resident not a visitor so I'll have a walk down and leave a note on the windscreen.

I was so excited to see it I nearly crashed the small white van :lol-053:

Anyone else seen one?

Maybe a silly question - are actual stickers available, or are they all DIY jobs of some kind?
Lol..I've had mine up since the beginning of the year (photo print)...just waiting for the 'official' one now.

WC sticker for van!

I spotted it on a van parked up outside a house in the village just now, it looks like a resident not a visitor so I'll have a walk down and leave a note on the windscreen.

I was so excited to see it I nearly crashed the small white van :lol-053:

Anyone else seen one?

as relative newbies to this site, not sure how to go about getting hold of a WC sticker for our van...anyone able to help?
To look neat on the front, I've had to trim mine down to just the "W" as the sticker was so large it took over the windscreen, if there's ever a reprint, one the size of a National Trust one or Tax Disk would be better, for me at least!!
We received our WC stickers and membership card today, and it looks like the weather is also finally starting to get better as well!!!:banana: :wacko:

Hopefully it won't be long before we're out and about spotting and being spotted, :dance: :dance:
We received our WC stickers and membership card today, and it looks like the weather is also finally starting to get better as well!!!:banana: :wacko:

Hopefully it won't be long before we're out and about spotting and being spotted, :dance: :dance:

A spotter Eh

Maybe you'll log them down in a little book noting:

Registration No

Then you can swap them at meets!!!
haha -- but i have to confess i could almost relate to that!! I am dying to see one, and I keep reading this thread hoping that someone will have finally spotted one. I can almost hear the conversations.."ooh YOUR so and so, well fancy you living here" followed by long mutually fascinating chat about campervans!! Sad or what?!
We are all secret anoraks Anne, :dance: and thes nowt wrong wi that lass, anyhow, how are you?, hows the van?, hope you are going to make the July meet, once i have a venue sorted i will start a new thread, i am contacting the Ram today to try and get a bit of discount for us

Oh no, you might be a secret anarak Jen but I have outed myself on the website! I am NOT going to mention the collections of stamps, old computers and bus tickets then!! (no, I am joking honest )I am fine thanks Jen, anf so is van. The overheating turned out to be an airlock, and he also notuced that the carburetter was loose and there was a fuel filter in the wrong place and its actually going better than ever now!! Yes I;m thinking about coming to July meet, but cant decide, want to come but it will cost me a fortune in petrol and take about 6 hours. Are things Ok with you? xx
Hi Bigpeetee, :wave: It was us at old Colwyn. Hubby likes fishing and it is ideal there. We tend to get there about tea time and leave by half nine ish to get back home for work. (Thats the problem being self employed). We were at Anglesey friday night, and old colwyn sat night this last weekend. Take the dog a walk in the morning and clear up all the rubbish left by the fishermen. (Dont want anybody to think we left it).

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