The 2012 Wirral Festival of Firsts takes place in Hoylake from 23rd June -
> 8th July. This is lively community arts festival with a wide remit and lots
> of local participation - there is something for everyone and literally 100s
> of reasons to come to Hoylake on the main festival weekend 7th-8th July -
> 100 bands, 100 poets and 100s of artists! Wirral Festival of Firsts | Welcome!
Campsites Welcome to Wirral - Visit Wirral
This event is in its second year and was initially proposed by John Gorman (Scaffold and Tiswas) John is still chairing the management group.
More details if not found on website
> 8th July. This is lively community arts festival with a wide remit and lots
> of local participation - there is something for everyone and literally 100s
> of reasons to come to Hoylake on the main festival weekend 7th-8th July -
> 100 bands, 100 poets and 100s of artists! Wirral Festival of Firsts | Welcome!
Campsites Welcome to Wirral - Visit Wirral
This event is in its second year and was initially proposed by John Gorman (Scaffold and Tiswas) John is still chairing the management group.
More details if not found on website