Window scratches


Has any one used the polishes for removing scratches from windows, if so are they any good.Been down a few tight spots.
Scratched Windows

I have the same problem as Gary regards windows. Mine are smoked plastic windows. I managed to remove the scratches, but the plastic has gone a dull colour. Same Question, Any idea how to bring up the the shine again??
Samm, *****, Hilly, Virgil, and a cople of others, thanks for your daily entertainment with all your wisecracks. I spend most evenings (1/2 hour)having a good chuckle with you nut cases. Most enjoyable. Keep 'em rolling!!!
I must admit the folks down North have a better sense of humour than the South (includes Scotland..........playing it safe)
Scratched windows

David and ann has your windows gone dull, since removing some off the scratches ,or do you think it is age.
David & Ann said:
Samm, *****, Hilly, Virgil, and a cople of others, thanks for your daily entertainment with all your wisecracks. I spend most evenings (1/2 hour)having a good chuckle with you nut cases. Most enjoyable. Keep 'em rolling!

Cheers! I am glad there are some that enjoy our puerile exchanges! I had toned mine down a shade the last few days for fear of upsetting members!
virgil said:
Cheers! I am glad there are some that enjoy our puerile exchanges! I had toned mine down a shade the last few days for fear of upsetting members!
we are ok in the pub though,do you think virgil?:D
sammclouis said:
we are ok in the pub though,do you think virgil?:D

I can see bar staff refusing to serve you, throwing you out and then banning you, you trouble maker!:D
virgil said:
I can see bar staff refusing to serve you, throwing you out and then banning you, you trouble maker!:D
thats it now:mad: ..........get in the pub he he he :D ;) :p :rolleyes:

They are pretty new windows Gary. Had them replaced in 2005 after having cracked one of them. Last year July, I tried squeezing the MH between a couple of small trees and lightly scratched it. Someone, somewhere, told me I could get a solution for bringing up the shine, hence my asking if someone could help with a name or whatever.
Once scratched I don't think you can undo it as the smoked look is done at the factory and meant to be permanent.
David & Ann said:
They are pretty new windows Gary. Had them replaced in 2005 after having cracked one of them. Last year July, I tried squeezing the MH between a couple of small trees and lightly scratched it. Someone, somewhere, told me I could get a solution for bringing up the shine, hence my asking if someone could help with a name or whatever.

Have you tried a light solution of lemon juice or vinegar?

Has any one used the polishes for removing scratches from windows, if so are they any good.Been down a few tight spots.

I have been told that silver polish is good for scatches not that I have tried
it ( no silver in our house ).

I have used MER car polish, put on with a slight damp cloth let polish dry a little then polish away, but please try a test area first :cool: worked a treat
on my polyplastic windows.:D

I'll give it a go with the vinegar, If it don't work, I'll cut a round hole in it and put in a ventilator van
David & Ann said:
I'll cut a round hole in it and put in a ventilator van

Silver polish & T-Cut

Hey Folks, my MH has an aliminium body, I ain't that rich to have one in silver. Hilly!! how much have you had to drink this evening? You ain't cut, are you?
David & Ann said:
Hey Folks, my MH has an aliminium body, I ain't that rich to have one in silver. Hilly!! how much have you had to drink this evening? You ain't cut, are you?

He's probably ½ cut
David & Ann said:
Hey Folks, my MH has an aliminium body, I ain't that rich to have one in silver. Hilly!! how much have you had to drink this evening? You ain't cut, are you?
as long as u put it on , and take it of when iit's wet u'll be ok ..

I ain't drinking that stuff Hilly. I've just started to collet my pension. It's pay back time for the Govt:
David & Ann said:
I ain't drinking that stuff Hilly. I've just started to collet my pension. It's pay back time for the Govt:
:p a bit of sawdust,just the trick.:D :D :p

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