will my funds be enough?

In my humble opinion it would be better for you to budget a higher monthly sum, but try to keep to your original sum then that way you have the extra money if needed.
You will find that you can use Aire de Service places in France for over-nighting, quite a lot are free, including water (drinking) and toilet/waste dumping is free on most including pay ones, but some charge, and it can be as much as 15 euros a night.
Good luck on you travels,hope it all works out for you. :have fun:
If you are going the really wild route, foraging and fishing, then a Kelly Kettle may help. Fueled by twigs, it heats water in no time. You can cook on the waste heat from the chimney I'm told but I have never tried it. Could save you a lot of gas and would be a good backup if you are in well out of the way places.

Personally I find the old Wild Frontier bit, fun for a couple of day then it either starts to rain or me back hurts and decide a few home comforts are needed.


what a great bit of kit genius ill at that to my list. brilliant

No hard feelings, but responsible wild motorhomers take pains to distance themselves from pikies (in certain instances of public perception anyway), and that's the kind of thing some ill meaning person may quote off the forum out of context, if you see what I mean ;)
a bit of steel mesh or an old oven shelf,dig a depression in the ground,light a wood fire on top and when its died down,on with the grill and the grub.don't use a stone circle,some stones explode,generally think skint
No hard feelings, but responsible wild motorhomers take pains to distance themselves from pikies (in certain instances of public perception anyway), and that's the kind of thing some ill meaning person may quote off the forum out of context, if you see what I mean ;)

Yep! Hard feelings

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