Wildparking Scotland.

Hi JH, I get this feeling that I am following you around, or you are.☺☺☺ Never mind, nice to bump into you in the post section. I enjoy reading you replies.

Couldn't imagine a nicer guy to follow around! :have fun:
If the fine is ignored, then the next time you park there or any of their other branches, at a future date, your car will automatically be clamped until the fine is paid on the spot.

To the best of my knowledge it is illegal to clamp any vehicle anywhere in Scotland (and Northern Ireland) for anything other than No
Road Fund Licence and then it must be on a road.

The fine on the spot would be illegal too as it is a civil matter not criminal.

Having said that, I would not wish to upset my schedule having to go through the hassle of calling the police and alleging unlawful
detention, court action for damages etc. etc....so I would probably not overstay in the first place......
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To the best of my knowledge it is illegal to clamp any vehicle anywhere in Scotland (and Northern Ireland) for anything other than No
Road Fund Licence and then it must be on a road.

The fine on the spot would be illegal too as it is a civil matter not criminal.

Having said that, I would not wish to upset my schedule having to go through the hassle of calling the police and alleging unlawful
detention, court action for damages etc. etc....so I would probably not overstay in the first place......

Absolutely correct - illegal on private land since 1992. I got carried away with talk of the M3 and A30 and forget the initial discussion was about Scotland! Still legal in England, though so keep an eye on where you are in relation to the border!
Cheers John....anyone know if England is falling in line with the No Clamping anytime soon?

I had sort of formed the impression change was imminent in England too....on that matter what of Wales?
Cheers John....anyone know if England is falling in line with the No Clamping anytime soon?

I had sort of formed the impression change was imminent in England too....on that matter what of Wales?


The Freedom Bill, which (unless they remove the clause along the way!) will ban clamping on private land in England and Wales was introduced in the House of Commons on 11th February 2011. From here it is anybody's guess how long it will take to work through the system and become law. It's really down to the Government, who set the timetable, to decide what priority they want to give it. In extreme urgency, a Bill can become an Act the same day (but this is in the case of national emergencies etc). On the other hand, if they give it a low priority it will be a very slow process (possibly years). The Government have said they want to see it become law this paliament - so all we can say is that it will probably happen before 2015! If it doesn't, then any outstanding proposed legislation falls and you have to start all over again after the next election - so don't hold your breathe.....:lol-053:
Thanks John...that's good to know....at least the cowboys days are numbered.
i stayed in the car park at the ben nevis ski resort in february this year...there were no camping signs up,but i asked one of the resort staff if he knew anywhere i could park up,he just pointed to the bottom end of the car park and said ,'nobody will bother you here,the signs are up just to discourage large amounts of campers turning up and turning the place into a camp site and staying for days on end...we were the only van parked up,and no one bothered us at all...the following day we left the van parked up where we had been all night and had a ride up the ski lift with our dogs,....we loved it and when the snow returns this winter we'll be there again..
we also stayed in the car park at the cairngorns ski resort,again nobody bothered us...there was about 2 foot of snow down and the wind got up to about force 6-7,but for me thats all part of the fun.
the cairngorn car park near the ski lifts is split level,so we camped on the bottom level....the car parks were full up during the day because there were so many skiing,so its best to turn up late on when they are all going back to their hotels....
no wilding in my back yard

Having many years experience of the Welsh prohibiting everything and extorting money at every turn from tourists I'm sad to read how things are turning in Scotland.

I'm happy to say though that my recent experiences of Wales are exactly the opposite! No problems at all, happy to allow wilding presumably as we are supporting the tourist trade as everyone should.

Scotland is too far anyway and smells of sheep so there....

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