Wildcamping protocol

while we were in portugal a middle aged dutch couple parked near a young couple of spanish,the girl was a dance teacher i think.anyway they got on well, then the young couple tied them up got their pin numbers and killed them,mainly to nick their camper which they were caught repainting.the bodies were dumped at a barragem behind messines. keep your wits about you

Where about in Portugal did you go?

I love the Atlantic coast right down to Sagres. Can't be doing with the Algarve. Also like inland Alentejo.
Fairy Nuff, but for me the best wild spots are truly wild & altho I have used litter bins & toilets when they are there, I don't seek them for overnighting. For me the whole point of a well equiped outfit is the self-sufficiency for several days at a time so I can get well off the beaten track. My wife with a 1:50k OS map is my best aid, followed by a good pair of eyes (& a sat-nav for a relaxed trip from A to B).

You're lucky to have two pairs of eyes, not to mention two drivers I guess and at the least a navigator while you're driving. It's not a luxury we all have.
while we were in portugal a middle aged dutch couple parked near a young couple of spanish,the girl was a dance teacher i think.anyway they got on well, then the young couple tied them up got their pin numbers and killed them,mainly to nick their camper which they were caught repainting.the bodies were dumped at a barragem behind messines. keep your wits about you

Didn't "get on well" for long though!
Cor..... the lengths people will go to just to become wild campers. Wonder if anyone on this site got their camper like that, own up and tell us, we won't tell anyone!
I like to cruise steadily about with a destination or three in mind.
Get to my chosen spot and park up and scout it out (if I am not happy ill move on to one of my others and so forth).

Once parked up i like a little wander, see what's about and look for local shops for local food. Then generally and the most important part - RELAX
Where about in Portugal did you go?

I love the Atlantic coast right down to Sagres. Can't be doing with the Algarve. Also like inland Alentejo.

all over,lived and worked there.lots of good places on the algarve when you have a nose about but horrible in the holiday season.the alentejo is a funny old place,loads of nothing then a street of houses then nothing again till you find a camp of german hillbillies

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