Wildcamping Code

Hi John

Perhaps a little bit long winded for a car bumper sticker. I think we need to be a bit less Caravan Club and a bit more wild:)


Hi Richard

The way I read it, Phil was asking for a code of conduct for members to sign up to, not a slogan for a car boot sticker.

Wildcamping Code

We need a Wild Camping Code.

I know we have a wild camping guide but I would like us to have a wild camping code that all members agree to.

It needs to cover all the points that set us aside from the other campers who give us a bad name.

Please help write the "ten commandments of wild camping (there can be more than ten)


My suggestions I hope covered the areas we need to address leaving out the Club related Items such as marshals, site rules, etc.

Revised version.

Model Code of Conduct
1. Members should take reasonable steps to ensure that the siting of units (motor home, tent) does not unduly interfere with the activities of local people, their privacy or their enjoyment of their property. They will also ensure that the siting of units does not interfere with the enjoyment by others of the landscape, natural beauty or nature conservation value of the area, particularly in areas designated for their landscape or wildlife qualities.
2. Members will undertake not to over-use any venue.
3. Care should be taken not to damage the site or the surrounding locality. Trees, fences, buildings, equipment and stock should all be respected. Observes the country code relating to water, cleanliness, fire dangers, litter, public paths, gates, control of dogs, damage to crops, hedges, walls, trees and plants, livestock and wildlife.
4. Allows neither children nor animals to spoil the enjoyment of others, by keeping them under control. Domestic animals belonging to members should be kept on a lead and under close control. They will not be allowed to run loose on the site or cause disturbance to local people or animals. They will be exercised away from units and those parts of the site used for communal activities. Any mess will be cleared up.
5. Noise should be kept to a minimum for the comfort of others on the site as well as people who live or work nearby. Respect the privacy and peace of others at all times by keeping to a minimum, mechanical, instrumental or vocal noise
6. Open fires and barbecues should be sited on open ground, away from units, vehicles, awnings and any other structures.
7. A fire extinguisher approved to British Standards Institute and/or Fire Officers Certificate standards should be carried by all members.
8. Members will act responsibly when disposing of the contents of chemical toilets and waste water and take full account of the need to safeguard water supplies and prevent the pollution of rivers and streams. Refuse should be either taken home or disposed of in an appropriate place.
9. Support the rural economy - for example, buy your supplies from local shops.
10. Avoid damage to turf by digging holes only when absolutely necessary, and replacing turf where possible and by considerate use of the vehicle.
11. Keep the area where you park neat and tidy, with no loose equipment outside the van beyond what is necessary or appropriate, and on departure leaves it as clean as, or cleaner than, it was on arrival
12. Park where it will not interfere with the convenience or enjoyment of others. At all times, on the road or on site, show courtesy and consideration to all comers, so that the good will of the general public is maintained and improved.
trouble is, just thinking about them is as close as i have got..............i blame my ugly dog lol

NOOOO!! Don't blame Arthur, dear of him!! I'm sure he'd attract everyone, not repel them!!! :mad1:
Hi Richard

The way I read it, Phil was asking for a code of conduct for members to sign up to, not a slogan for a car boot sticker.

My suggestions I hope covered the areas we need to address leaving out the Club related Items such as marshals, site rules, etc.

Revised version.

Model Code of Conduct
1. Members ........

Phil, John,
Once a code of conduct is established, what follows on from that? If it was changes by local authorities to the way motorhomers are provided for, more like the aires and stellplatzen, then such a code would lay out our creed. Differentiating us from those that cause the problems, a code and bumper sticker certainly go down that road. And with Localism being the central underlying theme to this coalition, would it help to contact any MPs that like to do what we do? With the changes to planning guidelines in favour of sustainable development proposals, the establishing of non-club type aires and stopovers would be a move in support of rural tourism.

And because all of the above would be a massive committment, is there another wagon that WildCamping could hitch to, in order to get more attention to the improvement of amenities? I confess an interest as I hope to be a fulltimer myself one day.
Respect the unknowen!!!!

I know its off subject a tad, a couple of times i wild camped in a sleeping bag out under the stars, once i lay in front of the car in a car park in Snowdon i was rudley woken up by a early hiker Taking a WEE on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the other time i was in my sleeping bag again in front of the car when youths from the pub tried kicking me when i shouter out they said " sorry mate i thought you was a bin bag" i now sleep in a van lol,,,

Dont kick the rubbish bag or P155 on him!!!!
save waste and expense, pretty girls can share my sleeping bag for free.

ANY girl can share my bag for free. lets face it you are in the dark anyway so why just bother with pretty ones.
Also when you get to my age you have to chat them all up as it is only the law of averages that says you are going to score.:cry:

post this and wait for a comment from rubber tramp. :yeahthat::cheers:
Here is my suggestion:lol-061:

Be helpfull. As M/H's we probably carry more equipment than the average motorist/tourist.

The number of times I have come out of my van with jump leads to help someone (never needed them myself), tow rope for some young kid stuck in a ditch:hammer: Even water for leaky radiators. I have loaned dog leads, waterproof jackets (OK not my best one), made cups of tea for two surfers who slept in a car all night next to me in a layby, refilled flasks with hot water for a family picnicking etc, etc. I could go on. Even had two foreign students in my van one night they spoke little english but were very gratful when part of their tent blew away in a storm:raofl:


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