Wildcampin? Is it only us that feel this?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 68397
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... However when we were leaving about 2030hrs, there were 17 converted vans, motorhomes and camper vans, also six tents and several open fires already alight.

This is all in and around a small free car park with picnic tables and clear concise signage, stating no caravans or camping in or around this car park.

For those who have been here it is a reasonably small car park and as yet not height restriction barriers.

How long do you think it will accessible to us all if this sort of inconsiderate behaviour continues.

Growlie69 and Littlepony

Sorry for truncating your post.

A very short time. This makes me think that this behaviour hasn't been normal at this place for very long.

You say there is clear concise signage about no caravans or camping in or around this car park. Ok, I accept that. But you don't say that caravans were there – only 17 converted vans, motorhomes and campervans and six tents. So, apart from the tents, the rules were being adhered to on your visit.

The sight is distasteful and disadvantageous to us. But we British so like our rules that if there are none then we make them up. The proper way to deal with this is to authorise, properly, signage which makes it clear that there are to be no tents, no fires.

It then becomes what it is now, though not explicitly, – a place for permitted overnight parking for motorhomes – an aire. A properly regulated aire.
The point was not who was breaking the rules......?

My point was not a distinction of who was breaking the 'rules', already sufficient signage, just ignored.
The tents and camping aspect of it was minimal, the open fires on the obviously well maintained grass play area was exclusively by vanners, campervanners, tree huggers, motorhomers, call them what you will.
No there were no caravans, so I suppose by their absence they have more respect for the intention of the existing signs.
There has been very supportive and agreeable feedback from others previously, several 'Wildcampers ' have used the venue in off season and when quiet.
If others feel it is acceptable for these 17 destructive Free loaders to abuse these facilities, yes they will all be labelled together and yes we will all lose out on a quiet little carpark by the sea when the height restriction bars go up and additional, very specific signage has to be erected for those who think it is only a small sign or it doesnt specifically say any converted van in Canary Yellow or ex library bus in purple??
My humble apologies to those of us who drive these said vehicles , no offence intended.
I certainly don't have the answers merely hoped the rest of our contributors felt the same detachment as we do, from these cretins who find it acceptable.
Regards, Growlie
My point was not a distinction of who was breaking the 'rules', already sufficient signage, just ignored.
The tents and camping aspect of it was minimal, the open fires on the obviously well maintained grass play area was exclusively by vanners, campervanners, tree huggers, motorhomers, call them what you will.
No there were no caravans, so I suppose by their absence they have more respect for the intention of the existing signs.
There has been very supportive and agreeable feedback from others previously, several 'Wildcampers ' have used the venue in off season and when quiet.
If others feel it is acceptable for these 17 destructive Free loaders to abuse these facilities, yes they will all be labelled together and yes we will all lose out on a quiet little carpark by the sea when the height restriction bars go up and additional, very specific signage has to be erected for those who think it is only a small sign or it doesnt specifically say any converted van in Canary Yellow or ex library bus in purple??
My humble apologies to those of us who drive these said vehicles , no offence intended.
I certainly don't have the answers merely hoped the rest of our contributors felt the same detachment as we do, from these cretins who find it acceptable.
Regards, Growlie

We are obviously Singing from the same hymn sheet....

I tend to spend my weekends 'wilding'/'off gridding' or whatever label you want to attach avoiding signs....
Especially those that prescribe "no" this, that or whatever.... Regardless of legal standing...

My personal opinion is that IF someone has been bothered to put a sign up then why the hell push the point by stopping there...
Just carry on rolling and find somewhere else that has, no signs...
That said most of the places we favour are so out of the way... Most folks can't be bothered to go to the trouble of putting a sign up...
Rather than honeypots that have been populised to death.
We are obviously Singing from the same hymn sheet....

I tend to spend my weekends 'wilding'/'off gridding' or whatever label you want to attach avoiding signs....
Especially those that prescribe "no" this, that or whatever.... Regardless of legal standing...

My personal opinion is that IF someone has been bothered to put a sign up then why the hell push the point by stopping there...
Just carry on rolling and find somewhere else that has, no signs...
That said most of the places we favour are so out of the way... Most folks can't be bothered to go to the trouble of putting a sign up...
Rather than honeypots that have been populised to death.

I feel the same. If there's a sign then someone does not want me there so I'll go somewhere without one. On over 90% of occasions I find a place to myself when not on a site, certainly wouldn't join 17 others taking over a small local car park.
If people would just overnight in their vans it would cause far less local resentment. setting up chairs and tables will inevitably be more unsightly and can cause inconvenience. I am often saddened in lovely locations to see evidence of fires having been lit, just another thing that means more restrictions either legal or physical are inevitable.
I'd be willing to bet, though, that you'd be happy to stay with 17 other vans in a small French village if it was signed, “Aire de Services Camping Cars”.

I think, as someone else said, we are all singing from the same hymn sheet. The sort of behaviour described cannot be defended. My point is that we are generally a law-abiding people. If we are told what is acceptable and what is not then generally we behave. The morons who light fires don't know it is unacceptable. Put a sign saying that it is not permitted and most people will obey. Those tempted to disobey are soon told by others. It is difficult to tell people their behaviour is unacceptable if the answer from them will be something on the lines of … “where does it say this is not permitted?”
I'd be willing to bet, though, that you'd be happy to stay with 17 other vans in a small French village if it was signed, “Aire de Services Camping Cars”.

I think, as someone else said, we are all singing from the same hymn sheet. The sort of behaviour described cannot be defended. My point is that we are generally a law-abiding people. If we are told what is acceptable and what is not then generally we behave. The morons who light fires don't know it is unacceptable. Put a sign saying that it is not permitted and most people will obey. Those tempted to disobey are soon told by others. It is difficult to tell people their behaviour is unacceptable if the answer from them will be something on the lines of … “where does it say this is not permitted?”

17 other vans....
Not a chance,
If I wanted to be that close to others I'd stay at home in my terrace street...
As for signs of what's permitted and what's not...
That requires folks to be able to read and understand let alone give a flying toss about what's written on the sign.
I'm not being funny BUT there are 'some' on here that would argue with any sign that wasn't written in blood and counter signed by the Queen herself after being checked for spelling and punctuation.

Sign up prohibiting stopping/parking/overnighting/resting ones eyes etc = someone doesn't want you there and go find somewhere else in my book.
17 other vans....

Sign up prohibiting stopping/parking/overnighting/resting ones eyes etc = someone doesn't want you there and go find somewhere else in my book.

You have accurately described the future. There is nowhere you can go without someone not wanting you there. We will be - already are to some extent - condemned to skulk about looking for somewhere where someone will not be offended.

The answer is to support those councils providing permitted overnighting places and promote the example to others. Not all others - but where councils are having problems - show the examples. So far as I know - at no place where councils have provided permiited parking places have there been any probems. Though I know one or two have failed - maybe due to behaviour not improving but who knows? Always worth a try before accepting a total ban.
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You have accurately described the future. There is nowhere you can go without someone not wanting you there. We will be - already are to some extent - condemned to skulk about looking for somewhere where someone will not be offended.

The answer is to support those councils providing permitted overnighting places and promote the example to others. Not all others - but where councils are having problems - show the examples. So far as I know - at no place where councils have provided permiited parking places have there been any probems. Though I know one or two have failed - maybe due to behaviour not improving but who knows? Always worth a try before accepting a total ban.

I admire your optimism....
Sadly after seeing very much the same thing happen in the Landrover world....
Small group of dedicated folks treading lightly in old landrovers that no one wanted to own driving byways that no one was, bothered about...
Transformed into a world of folks that cared about cock all , buying 4x4s off ebay for very little and driving in great numbers byways that became, more and more abused after being shared on forums/Facebook etc.
Local authorities and national parks applying for TRO's left right and centre....
And we are left with nowhere to drive (and frankly few places I'd want to now)
Same WILL happen in this hobby sadly....

We have gone from a small number going about our business barely being noticed...
To a large number prominent on folks radar due to a small number of knuckle dragging don't give a shits
This thread is one that truly worries me, I am not yet "on the road" so to speak, but I fear that the arrogant & ignorant in our society, will give every authority enough ammunition to condemn yet another freedom of the thoughtful majority.

While most of us are able to self regulate our behaviour, there are always those aforementioned knuckle draggers who think that they don't need to consider the way their behaviour affects others.
These are the same people who would rather video a tragic event than go to help of those involved, they are selfish in the extreme & are the first to defend their actions even though they know that what they're doing is frankly childish & immature,

They drive into public car parks at a speed that would leave them no chance of missing a child, they sit there with their engines ticking over for ages while they listen to their radio booming across the tarmac, they light fires in obviously unsuitable places taking no notice of the parched landscape around them, they park their vans along the edge of the car park blocking the view for anyone else, when, they could park at the back & still see over the cars in front.

I hate them, I really do!!!!

I think there are just a list of simple Facts that are affecting MOST areas of life, Especially Leisure, Service & Community sectors.
There’s MORE people on this Land mass that is the UK nowadays.
There’s MORE vehicles on this Land mass that is the UK nowadays.
There’s LESS Family & Personal Values that Guide & Shape Behaviour of Individuals in the community.
Attitudes, Sense of Pride & Taking Personal Responsibility’s have been diluted, With the emphasis being more on Blaming Someone ELSE or Trying to JUSTIFY ones actions rather than Taking Responsibility FOR ones actions.
Respect for Authority or Other People in most circumstances is Constantly challenged.
COMMON SENSE is being ‘Bred out’ of new generations.
Cider is getting worse & Donuts are getting Smaller !.

Still, Life goes on, It’s just inevitable that it’s going to be less Freely because of the above.
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