wild rally

Glen Etive

Alot Of Us Could Meet In Glen Etive .plenty Camp Spots.
Julie+Steven said:
Wild camping is tolerated because we travel alone not sure too many people would welcome a group !

So should we be called the solitary wild campers then, I was away last weekend there where about 12 campers turned up the most ive seen in winter
but it was sunny so i think every one took advantage of this, an most of us know each other anyway, we all split up near dusk and went to a few different places in the same area.
Regards Trevor.:eek:
wild meet

hi trevor, great idea. spread us about a bit and no one will notice. i like the idea of a meet 'cause i've got no friends.i did have friends but evertime i went of to ogle a m.h. and turned round my so called friends had vanished. it would be good to spend time with like minded folks.
i am lucky to live in beaut. coastal area in central scotland. mainly it,s a chain of small villages a mile or so apart and all joined together by a path system , perfect. i also have several excellent bonfire areas dotted along the shoreline, that would be great for a group " sing song" i,m sure there are loads more similar sites but are we on the rightline.
only joking about the sing song , that,s the other reason i have no friends , i sing like a duck.
reply to comedian

is it cabin fever ,due to the snowy conditions thats making eveyone so quick ? i,m so quacked off that you haven,t taken me seriously.
Stuff the weather

irenerobbie said:
is it cabin fever ,due to the snowy conditions

The weather aint so bad in the north east at the moment:) , some of my mates are away this weekend regardless of what the conditions are going to be.:cool:
I have some odd jobs to do in the van, installing some L E D lights is one
and if I finish early i might just join them, suppose am lucky to have quite a few mates with vans and some of them are full timers so there is always one or two of them hanging around somewhere that i can go see.;)

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