I also thought it was rather a provocative post for a first post on a forum! Oh goody, I thought, I'll sit back and see how that is received and it'll tell me loads about the forum and the members! (I like what I see!)
One of my favourite memories of my early Scouting days (which were at Uni, I was a girly guidey from a pretty weak troop before I defected to the other side) was of turning up to a field in the middle of nowhere which did have a water tap but was otherwise without facilities, and the immense satisfaction of knowing that absolutely everything we needed for a week's comfortable and entertaining living was contained within that minibus and two cars ... for about 20 people.
That is free camping to me, having what you need with you and being able to go anywhere and manage on your own resources ... and if your own resources include a posh ensuite shower-room well 'good for you!' What each and every person packs/takes with them for their journey out of civilised suburbia is their own business!
Me - I get the 'wild' into camping by taking two small boys with me ....