wild camping

how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

Oh yes, I forgot to say: Welcome to the forum Reg, you' re off to a great start with your first post !

The pubs you go to might be like that but I will have you know we like to frequent places with table cloths you know !
Bunch of rough northerners .

LOL the pubs are forum meets not wild camping.
I also thought it was rather a provocative post for a first post on a forum! Oh goody, I thought, I'll sit back and see how that is received and it'll tell me loads about the forum and the members! (I like what I see!)

One of my favourite memories of my early Scouting days (which were at Uni, I was a girly guidey from a pretty weak troop before I defected to the other side) was of turning up to a field in the middle of nowhere which did have a water tap but was otherwise without facilities, and the immense satisfaction of knowing that absolutely everything we needed for a week's comfortable and entertaining living was contained within that minibus and two cars ... for about 20 people.

That is free camping to me, having what you need with you and being able to go anywhere and manage on your own resources ... and if your own resources include a posh ensuite shower-room well 'good for you!' What each and every person packs/takes with them for their journey out of civilised suburbia is their own business!

Me - I get the 'wild' into camping by taking two small boys with me ....

how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

i take it your on the wrong site then ???:have fun:
I also thought it was rather a provocative post for a first post on a forum! Oh goody, I thought, I'll sit back and see how that is received and it'll tell me loads about the forum and the members! (I like what I see!)

One of my favourite memories of my early Scouting days (which were at Uni, I was a girly guidey from a pretty weak troop before I defected to the other side) was of turning up to a field in the middle of nowhere which did have a water tap but was otherwise without facilities, and the immense satisfaction of knowing that absolutely everything we needed for a week's comfortable and entertaining living was contained within that minibus and two cars ... for about 20 people.

That is free camping to me, having what you need with you and being able to go anywhere and manage on your own resources ... and if your own resources include a posh ensuite shower-room well 'good for you!' What each and every person packs/takes with them for their journey out of civilised suburbia is their own business!

Me - I get the 'wild' into camping by taking two small boys with me ....


Hi Helen, and a slightly belated welcome to the site. Hope you will find an 'interesting' mix of views here to suit your taste!
My particular troop of girlie guidies were flower arranging and muttering over fantasy design-your-own uniforms inside the hall whilst the Scouts were building massive bonfires and tying up sticks into dodgy looking structures outside ....

I got away, partially, into D of E about the same time that the senior section of the guides, in my area, thought a fun evening was 'decorating biscuits with squidgy icing' ...

I hasten to add that I have since met several different troops of guides, or individuals from them, who are as rugged and adventurous and outdoorsy as many Scouts, or more than .... some came camping with us to Switzerland because on their previous trip they had had to go on a walk around a Cheese 'factory' rather than do the hike to the Glacier and the Ice-climbing .... (Have to admit that I wasn't phsyically strong enough for the Glacial Hike and the Ice-climbing so I went away overnight hiking by myself (leader's night off!) and slept in a sleeping loft above an alpine bar!)

Would you voluntarily camp with 20 to 30 women, most of whom pre-pubscent or in the unreasonable ravages of early teenage?

Nah! Mixed company all the way, that way there's always someone different to fall out with!

I've emailed you, by the way, David ... through your website link and about Brittany this end-June ...

how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

aw come on dont get technical on us & spoil it.
call it what you like us poor folk enjoy it.

wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

sorry i thought this was bushcraftring as on all bush forums they live under tarps and forage from the local tescos,have wood burning stoves,parachute tents,
more gear than an army QM.

build bivvys with local trees and cover them in tarps,then stick the solar charger outside to charge the ipad/iphone so they can use there gps app.
hi david .i remember being a scout .and when the guides were in the next field i think several of us would have liked to be a guide .well i meant in the girls camp. hee hee .we did manage to get there ocasionally. cant say what we did . but it was life changing.
hi david .i remember being a scout .and when the guides were in the next field i think several of us would have liked to be a guide .well i meant in the girls camp. hee hee .we did manage to get there ocasionally. cant say what we did . but it was life changing.

we all know now what happened you.

I used to have one of the Swiss Army knives which had a special tool on it. Apparently it was designed for getting boy scouts out of girl guides.
and i thought that was a cork screw on those knives . mind could have gone to ireland for camp .
A scout of Martin's was once issued with the instruction (to them all, at a multi youth group event) of "Be in bed by 10pm"
At 5 past ten Martin was greeted by an irate Guide leader, would he please remove said Scout from one of her tents as her girls wanted to go to bed ...
Martin gave him ten out of ten for iniative, minus several million for the inconvenience!

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how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

Maybe, that is you interpretation!
It suits me to call what I do Wildcamping!

I looked for a description on the internet of what Wildcamping means, and come up with this:

"Others might live completely off the grid and boondock (also known as "dry camp") full-time, in the UK this is known as "wildcamping" ".....

"Fulltiming has become a term used in the motorhome world for individuals and families who live "fulltime" in their motorhome or RV. It is a world-wide activity, and there are many bloggers who record their day-to-day life on the road.
Many are retired and just looking to do something different and see the world, but it is becoming increasingly common for young families to live, work and school from their home on wheels. This has led to a lot of home schooling.
Individual fulltimers can live extremely different lifestyles. Some may choose to move their RV from one high dollar camping resort to another. Some might volunteer or workcamp in order to trade labor for a campsite. Others might live completely off the grid and boondock (also known as "dry camp") full-time, in the UK this is known as "wildcamping" or better still "wildparking""

how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

No love I think you're confusing tramping with wildcamping.
how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

Totally fair point!!!

We wild camp in our Kontiki 665 - so from now on I'm gonna call it wild glaming! :lol-053::lol-049:
I have read this thread and have decided to look into erecting a hammock in the van using canvas and making it with only the use of a boy scout to help hold things and a girl guide to sew the hamock. Oh and the only tool I wil use will be a swiss army Knife ( the big one with everthing on it).
And if that's not WILD I don't know what is.

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