wild camping


how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.
Lol I know .
Cracks me up too but for some reason it is called wilding in a motorhome !
You should hear some of them worrying about water and hook up for electric !
But then again why would you buy a motorhome with all the facilities then stay on a campsite so you can shower and use a toilet and wash up ?????
You got to love humans really they all as mad as a box of frogs .

Love your reply. Im still laughing out loud.:lol-049:
how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

I sleep under the van so dont even need a tarp...

K ;)
how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

Pah! Sleep under a piece of tarp? You big softy. Where I come from we just strip off and sleep on the beach in the nude. Now that's WILD camping ....

Why the hammock? The damage wreaked on nature , broken boughs and crushedinsects not to mention fauna resulting from overloAded hammocks needs to be addressed . Britain does not have predators that necessitate hammocks a bed of dried leaves is more than adequate .
I'm sorry, i must be on the wrong forum - i thought Wild Camping was when I get upset with someone's dog barking, or their kids running riot around our van...............all that makes me pretty WILD I must say!:hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::mad1::lol-049::wave:
So much for independent travel, the gatherings for a social at one location in a number of vans is...not too different to what happens at Appleby except without the horses! IMO
the modern motorhome flushing loos central heating full surround system built in double beds full wetrooms that is cheating in my opion basic is what you need just a bed cooker shovel decent sleeping bag and not a big polutting engine and the number of nearest takeaway lol just to keep basildog happy
My van has all the modern conveniences but I always put my bed of nails in amongst the nettles and thistles so that I can get a good nights sleep. :sleep-027:

I am getting soft in my old age and sometimes wear a string vest in the winter. :eek:

Whats this, the Bear Grylls appreciation society. I use my Motorhome because we love getting away, parking in some lovely places the are FREE and enjoying the country side. If I wanted to have a really crap time, I would sleep under a tarp, eat worms cooked on an open fire that stings my eyes, with a side dish of a hand full of gravel and maybe whittle some sticks.

I must appologise on behalf of the site that the misleading name possibly caused you to miss some seconds of life enhancing pc gaming.

how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

I'm sorry, but open fires are not encouraged in Forestry Commission Estates - or anyone elses I have visited either. Camping, pic-nicking & overnight parking ar often discouraged too. One has to take what pleasures one can, where one can. Preferably without upsetting or bothering others, as this is a very crowded part of the world.
I think the term "free camping" is much more appropriate. We may be camped in the wilds, which is where we like to be, not in some urban layby, but it is, after all, FREE. We like to be in amongst beautiful scenery and only ever use CL sites. If there isn't a CL in the area we want to be, then we have to look for somewhere where we could possibly park for the day and night without causing offence.We don't particularly like houses within our sight.
i just call it parking up ,but i suppose ,being british,we MUST have a word for every activity'',wild camping'', is at least understood to mean parking overnight in a fee free environment.not as some seem to think running round half naked throwing dead animals on raging fires and tearing their charred corpses apart with our bare hands.no no noooo,after all we're not australians,our gentle british interpretation of the word''wild'' basically isn't very.
i just call it parking up ,but i suppose ,being british,we MUST have a word for every activity'',wild camping'', is at least understood to mean parking overnight in a fee free environment.not as some seem to think running round half naked throwing dead animals on raging fires and tearing their charred corpses apart with our bare hands.no no noooo,after all we're not australians,our gentle british interpretation of the word''wild'' basically isn't very.

What like this chap?....Rob Gray :: graynomad
I'm a genuine wild-camper, so every night I sleep under a basic shelter made from whatever branches and foliage I can find. But as I also follow the true principles of stealth-camping, I always construct this in the back of my normal looking van!! :):)

BTW I'm also quite proud of the fact that so far I have managed to survive on this planet longer than either Ray Mears or Bear Grylls!! (although nowhere near as long as Lofty Wiseman!) :)
I've always believed that "wild" as in wildcamping was an acronym for Wholely Independant Living Descrimanator to be promoted as the alternative to being called Freeloader or Campsite Dodger!
how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.

I just don't see why people have to keep bring up this point, seriously what difference does it make?

Wild camping is a term that has been associated with motorhoming for decades. Have a look in an old auto-sleepers vehicle manual and it uses the term.

Just because wild camping is a term used for tent camping it does not mean it cannot be used by motorhomers.

Wild relates to the locations we camp in and before we get any clever comments about the word camp, you can camp in a luxury log cabin.

We camp in our motorhomes preferably in wild and beautiful locations. We do use other locations however they are generally uncivilised (a definition of wild).

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