how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.
Lol I know .
Cracks me up too but for some reason it is called wilding in a motorhome !
You should hear some of them worrying about water and hook up for electric !
But then again why would you buy a motorhome with all the facilities then stay on a campsite so you can shower and use a toilet and wash up ?????
You got to love humans really they all as mad as a box of frogs .
how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.
I sleep under the van so dont even need a tarp...
how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.
how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.
I tried putting a hammock up in a lay-by once and decided it would be safer sleeping in a van.
i just call it parking up ,but i suppose ,being british,we MUST have a word for every activity'',wild camping'', is at least understood to mean parking overnight in a fee free environment.not as some seem to think running round half naked throwing dead animals on raging fires and tearing their charred corpses apart with our bare no noooo,after all we're not australians,our gentle british interpretation of the word''wild'' basically isn't very.
how can you use a motorhome and call it wild camping. wild camping is back to basics not having comforts in a motorhome. sleep under a piece of tarp on a hammock made by 1 piece of rope, cook on a open fire.