wild camping with dog in Galloway


We are heading up to Galloway next week for a few days, from West Yorkshire, hoping to wild camp for the first time. I have been really looking forward to it but suddenly occurred to me that many stopping places mught not be safe for dogs, eg laybys. Has anyone had any experience of this or advice? She is very well behaved and obviously wouldnt ever just leave her wandering around unattended but be nice if it was safe around about the van area. We are hoping to head for Wigtown and also stop in forest of Galloway. Thanks in advance for any replies
We are heading up to Galloway next week for a few days, from West Yorkshire, hoping to wild camp for the first time. I have been really looking forward to it but suddenly occurred to me that many stopping places mught not be safe for dogs, eg laybys. Has anyone had any experience of this or advice? She is very well behaved and obviously wouldnt ever just leave her wandering around unattended but be nice if it was safe around about the van area. We are hoping to head for Wigtown and also stop in forest of Galloway. Thanks in advance for any replies

I use a long lead (about 10 - 15ft) which I can shorten if necessary by knotting it and clip it to the tow ring on the van with a karabiner - it's long enough for him to get in and out of his bed in the van and to have a mooch round outside, but he's secure and can't go and pester other people with his football, or run into the road. He's used to it now so it tends not to get tangled but you do have to watch for it snagging round vegetation, wheels, towbar etc. Otherwise you could get a ground screw - like a massive tent peg which you screw into the ground and you attach a lead to, the clip ring spins round so reduces the chance of tangling.
good idea!

Have got one of those screw things already just need long lead. Hopefully we will find some spots where its safe for her, but thats a really good idea to have if needed, thankyou
Wait for the new download. I've given canalsman loads of new POI's around New Galloway & the Queen's Highway. Mostly rural car parks. A couple of the CP's are at least half a mile into the forest.
Wait for the new download. I've given canalsman loads of new POI's around New Galloway & the Queen's Highway. Mostly rural car parks. A couple of the CP's are at least half a mile into the forest.

Released tonight!

Look out for a new competition :)
Galloway forest follow road right to the end ,bruces stone, very quiet ,no traffic, our dog wants to go back this year////
I use a very similar method to WVW except that I use an extending dog lead. With a press of a button I can fix the length to whatever is a safe range for my dog to roam, anywhere up to 20 feet.

I also carry a short length (about 2 feet) of rope with a simple loop tied at each end, which I can use with a karabiner to secure the handle of the dog-lead to a handy part of the van, or around a tree or post etc.
Thankas for replies..

....will download new version of database... co-incidentally I only downloaded the database for the first time a couple of hours ago!! But very glad of info. sounds really useful. And the Bruce's Stone place sounds ideal, I just checked on google maps and looks like a great place for walking too
Dog-friendly Galloway

We stayed at a quiet track end near Garlieston, overlooking Wigtown Bay...turn left in the village and follow the unfenced road that runs past the beach. Very quiet track end - a footpath - with great dog walk and easy access to the beach. We arrived in the evening and left early, no issues at all.
Have a great trip!
Wait for the new download. I've given canalsman loads of new POI's around New Galloway & the Queen's Highway. Mostly rural car parks. A couple of the CP's are at least half a mile into the forest.

I am looking forward to trying them out later in the year, spotted them on the download. Many thanks Ste
Wild camping in Galloway with a dog.

We did this last year, as my first wild camping weekend, having only been on sites and had 1 night wild stops before. The first night we found a layby on A712 (The Queen's Way) set off the road behind a grass verge. There are lots to chose from. No problems and no cars after 11ish. We then headed for the coast and found a car park off the A747 opposite the Knock School camp site, signed I think (St Medan Golf Club). Drive down the lane, past the car park for the golf club (pay to play golf) keep going with the links on your left and the sea on your right. The road opens out to a car park, when we arrived there was a caravan and later another wild camping member arrived (sorry can't remember your name). We stayed 2 nights no problems there's even a toilet in a metal container and a water tap (not drinking water) but good for washing the dog after going on the beach which is just over the dune next to the car park. The sun sets where amazing and some great dog walks and wild life.
Hope you have a trouble free trip. PS look out for the monument to Gavin Maxwell writer of 'Tarka the Otter'
Yorkshire Lass x
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I use a long lead (about 10 - 15ft) which I can shorten if necessary by knotting it and clip it to the tow ring on the van with a karabiner - it's long enough for him to get in and out of his bed in the van and to have a mooch round outside, but he's secure and can't go and pester other people with his football, or run into the road. He's used to it now so it tends not to get tangled but you do have to watch for it snagging round vegetation, wheels, towbar etc. Otherwise you could get a ground screw - like a massive tent peg which you screw into the ground and you attach a lead to, the clip ring spins round so reduces the chance of tangling.

We bought a ground screw definately a good buy for peace of mind :)
We stayed at a quiet track end near Garlieston, overlooking Wigtown Bay...turn left in the village and follow the unfenced road that runs past the beach. Very quiet track end - a footpath - with great dog walk and easy access to the beach. We arrived in the evening and left early, no issues at all.
Have a great trip!

Just added this to the POIs - good suggestion :)


We then headed for the coast and found a car park off the A747 opposite the Knock School camp site, signed I think (St Medan Golf Club). Drive down the lane, past the car park for the golf club (pay to play golf) keep going with the links on your left and the sea on your right. The road opens out to a car park, when we arrived there was a caravan and later another wild camping member arrived (sorry can't remember your name). We stayed 2 nights no problems there's even a toilet in a metal container and a water tap (not drinking water) but good for washing the dog after going on the beach which is just over the dune next to the car park. The sun sets where amazing and some great dog walks and wild life.

This place is in the POI Downloads :)
Great to get so many suggestions, many thanks to everyone

I have downloaded database and cant believe how many POIs there,they take up all the map!!I havent got it in tomtom yet which is essential as we are both totally rubbish at navigating, but with so may to choose from even we shouldn't have too much trouble finding somewhere! (oh I shouldn't tempt fate though!) Its really good to have some definite recommendations to head for, we have 4 nights so are going to head for the Bruce's monument place first night then the coast, both the spots recommended sounded ideal...but who knows where the fancy will take us - or more likely where we end up lost! Cant wait, got van ready today, I use it is my only vehicle so know it goes (not brilliantly but its getting on!) but really enjoyed getiing it all loaded up, a place for everything, just love campervans! Apparently its going to snow in Scotland Tues night, we are setting out Weds morning so may need the database for alternatives sooner than we planned! Thanks so much for all the help, it is really appreciated and has made me feel a lot more confident about finding places suitable for us all
It's a good job that Henry didn't react when the rock hit him today. Then again perhaps it's a shame he didn't!

yeah yeah, i know, he was stunned, bless him, hes not a nasty dog but can you imagine if he had av done, it would have hit headline news, bullmastiff savages kids, would have been me that was the baddie
That's the problem these days, we had a German Shepherd a few years ago, a neighbour complained that she had snapped at her son when he hit her with a cricket bat!

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