Wild Camping in a 30ft Motorhome?????



Last year we changed our motorhome and purchased a beautiful 30ft A Class Burstner Elegance and it really is a beautiful van. We are delighted with it and it really is our dream motorhome! Amongst the additional extras we've had fitted, we've installed a gas powered on-board generator, a 2kw pure sine-wave inverter, a large solar panel and we have had the gaslow system and Oyster Satellite set up transferred from our previous motorhome to this one. So as you can see, we are perfectly set up for independent travel! But sad to say, I realised recently that since buying our new motorhome we appear to be staying on more and more campsites! :confused: I am not a fan of campsites in general and although they have their obvious uses and some are better than others, I must confess that on a purely personal note; I mostly find them to be quite boring and extremely uninteresting places to stay on! I much prefer the freedom and spontaneity of wild camping. You just cannot beat waking up to locations and views that both inspire and please you and to me this is what owning a motorhome or camper is all about! So why then are we suddenly losing our adventurous streak????? To be honest I think it's basically all down to our motorhome length if the truth be told and deep down we are worried about accessing some of the hidden little gems we used to enjoy discovering! We do still wild camp, so we haven't stopped altogether but it is generally only when we feel 100% confident that there won't be any access problems! So to put it in a nutshell ......... basically we've become proper 'wusses!' :rollingeyes:

We don't want to downsize (so that's a definite no no) and we just love the luxury and space we have on board our new van but we desperately want to get back to the real reasons why we wanted a motorhome in the first place! It is the absolute freedom we both love so much about the whole motor homing lifestyle and we just love being able to be so totally self sufficient and free to come and go more or less as we please! We adore being able to suddenly pull into a beauty spot or a secluded location somewhere off the beaten track and either stopping for breakfast/lunch or pitching up for the night knowing that for that moment in time, the view from our window belongs solely to us and our own little holiday home on wheels! Oh what sheer unadulterated bliss and there's nothing on this planet quite like it! :D

What I think we need is some tips, reassurance and guidance from fellow members who still manage to happily wild camp with a 'big un' and hopefully our 'wussy' ways will be squashed and your accounts of wild camping joys will revive and re-invent our weakening spirit of adventure!

Please, please help us to get us back on track!:rolleyes:

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Unfortunately size is a problem & you will never to be able to get down some of the tracks to some 'hidden gems'. It shouldn't stop you but you are always going to stand out & maybe have to be more aware where you can park. We have often toyed with the idea of getting a small camper again but we also wouldn't like to loose the luxury of having a larger van (at 23 foot ours is small compared to yours) but even with our van there are places we used to visit no longer available :(.
You don't say if you are looking for wildcamping in the UK (more of a problem) or in Europe which would be much easier.
Hi Sue
I`ve got a big un ! and know what you mean.
Yes you do have to think a little bit more about access etc but back in the early 90s I fulltimed in a 30` RV for nearly 2 years and only paid once to park in a large carpark in Boscastle.
My new one is about 30` with the spare wheel and bike rack but the width "8.3" and the overhang is the biggest problem.
I now tend to use small normally Pub sites and go away nearly every weekend only if 10 miles or so.
I have also never had a problem going in a pub for a beer and after asking permission using the carpark for the night.
I think that with a bigger MH you just have to plan ahead more.

Aw thanks for the replies everyone :D

We toured France last year for 4 weeks in our new motorhome plus we towed our Smart and we didn't have a problem anywhere we went, so our main concerns are mostly when touring around the UK. In our first motorhome; a 24ft Swift we wildcamped all over and again we towed our Smart with us when we toured Morocco in her for 6 weeks. Our last motorhome; a 28ft Autotrail Cheyenne we visited Italy and Portugal with and again wildcamping wasn't an issue!

We don't always take our car and next week were off to Northumberland for 10 days and were leaving our car behind as we fancy just touring around and following the road. So if anyone has any info re wild camping spots in the Northumberland area then please let me know. :D

Our new MH is not as high as our previous two were - so height wise we have no concerns really, so it's just our length that we have to think about but like some of you have suggested we will just have to plan our journey a little more carefully.

Thanks again!

Maybe worthwhile lashing out on doing an HGV style defensive/construction site driving course, bear in mind that most small roads at some time or other have bigger lorries over them to access farms and the likes. Will improve confidence no end and you will get a feel for where you can and cant go with safety.

You can lash out on reversing sensors/cameras.

Worried about getting stuck somewhere? Buy some waffle boards and a Tirfor winch or a tow ball mounted electric winch and an inflatable exhaust jack.

Getting a differential lock fitted can be as good as having a 4x4 although it can lead to a false sense of security - most tippers/concrete agitators have diff locks and they dont get stuck too often on muddy work sites.

I've not long read an article in an Australian motorhome magasine about traversing the Great Central Road (a 1200kms dirt "road" that runs from Laverton in WA to Ayers Rock in NT) in a Toyota Coaster which is about 30' I think - so out of the way spots can be accessed!!
I wish:)

I would love a 'big un' and then have the worry where to put it.

Ha ha ha!

Never mind Greg - a lot of 'little uns' are bigger than they look on the outside and you often find that once inside, they feel very snug! Anyway ducky - it's not how big it is that really matters, it's how you use it! :eek:

Sue x
I am curious as to the psychology of the OP...

'Oyster satellite'
Gas Generator'
2kw inverter

Isnt wild camping more about being more in touch / involved in the surroundings, rather than watching jeremy Kyle / Opra Winfrey / Gok etc trash on sky?

What really requires a 2kw inverter in a MH? My house (5 bed watermill, detached) runs off the 2kw inverter 99% of the time - with tumble dryer, washing machineS, dishwasher(S), routers, 4+ computers, storage hard drives, sky TV, multiple TVs, disabled through floor lift, power tools (inc welders, grinders, drills etc)..........

May I politely suggest that you have 'lost your way' and need to simply-fy the wild camping? Ditch the telly - or at least ignore it? etc....

he says - with a 32' MH, with a four poster in the back.... :rolleyes:
I am curious as to the psychology of the OP...

'Oyster satellite'
Gas Generator'
2kw inverter

Isnt wild camping more about being more in touch / involved in the surroundings, rather than watching jeremy Kyle / Opra Winfrey / Gok etc trash on sky?

What really requires a 2kw inverter in a MH?

May I politely suggest that you have 'lost your way' and need to simply-fy the wild camping? Ditch the telly - or at least ignore it? etc....

We are all different thank god !!!

How would you know they watch the trash on Sky above ?

Everyone has there own views on wildcamping so leave it up to them !!!

I am curious as to the psychology of the OP...

'Oyster satellite'
Gas Generator'
2kw inverter

Isnt wild camping more about being more in touch / involved in the surroundings, rather than watching jeremy Kyle / Opra Winfrey / Gok etc trash on sky?

What really requires a 2kw inverter in a MH? My house (5 bed watermill, detached) runs off the 2kw inverter 99% of the time - with tumble dryer, washing machineS, dishwasher(S), routers, 4+ computers, storage hard drives, sky TV, multiple TVs, disabled through floor lift, power tools (inc welders, grinders, drills etc)..........

May I politely suggest that you have 'lost your way' and need to simply-fy the wild camping? Ditch the telly - or at least ignore it? etc....

Firstly, I would like to reply to the above post from you by asking "Was it really necessary for your reply to be so unwelcoming and so rude?" I only wanted some tips and advice from other members who drive larger motorhomes and I found your post very unhelpful not to mention sarcastic and judgemental! :mad:

Who on earth are you to question what myself and my husband decide to purchase, install or have fitted onto our motorhome and what gives you the right to suggest we change how we choose to enjoy our motorhoming lifestyle? We love owning such a beautiful and luxurious vehicle and having all our home from home comforts on board just enhances our enjoyment even moreso and we know that wherever we travel we have our fabulous, self contained and luxury holiday home with us wherever we go. We like our gadgets and accessories and it means we can be 100% totally self sufficient! There is NO unwritten, wild camping law that stipulates what type of motorhome or motorhome user is permitted to enjoy the freedom, adventure, joys and independance of wild camping is there? :confused:

We adore being able to wild camp and to us that is the true beauty of owning a motorhome and we love the freedom of choosing our own stopover spots in tranquil and secluded locations! We have been enjoying this freedom ever since we purchased our first ever motorhome and during this time we have travelled extensively and enjoyed some wonderful adventures. We have wild camped up Mount Etna in Sicily in sub zero conditions, with not a soul in sight apart from a pack of wild dogs plus many, many more magnificent locations both here and around europe and I can assure you, we certainly do NOT spend all day sat in front of the TV watching boring TV channels! :rolleyes:

We've worked hard all of our married life and recently we decided to give our son-in-law more responsibility in our business so we're finally taking a step back at long last! Having more spare time means we intend to enjoy even more adventures and travels in our beautiful dream home on wheels and we certainly have no intention of dishing any of our gadgets or gizmos that's for sure!

As for the 2kw inverter - well excuse me but that once again is our personal choice to make and may I point out that we do not have to justify or explain to you why we chose to purchase one that size! However, suffice to say; we are very satisfied with our purchase and have no regrets about our decision thank you! :rolleyes:

As for the kind of TV channels or programmes we like to watch - that again is NONE of your business! However, there are times when we are away that we like nothing more than cooking a nice meal or bbq, cracking open a bottle of wine and then putting on our pyjamas and getting all settled and cosy ready to spend an evening in front of the TV! Not every night - as we often go out somewhere or sit outside soaking up the atmosphere (weather permitting) or maybe we read or just chat but it's nice to have a choice and so we choose to have a TV! By the way, the names of the programmes you mention are not ones myself or my husband are familiar with, so I cannot comment on them I'm afraid! :(

Anyway, may I suggest you stop and think before you submit such unfriendly and judgemental posts in the future as not only are you way off mark with your critisisms but you could also offend and put new members off and who knows; once you scare them away they may decide not to renew their subscribiton in the future! When someone spends £15 to join this forum and decides to submit their first post, it isn't very wise to display such arrogant and rude behaviour towards them is it and I am sure the owner of this website would not be happy about your conduct either?

I hope you are as happy with your set up and lifestyle as we are with ours and I hope I have helped to answer some of your queries? :confused:

Happy travels.

the caveat was here :-

"May I politely suggest "

Not "I judge you...."

I was just throwing an opinion out. Hey ho - I'm not interested in what you watch on your sky TV system - why should I be? You asked why you spend all your time in a MH park, and not wild camping, I was just trying to offer an opinion. Isnt wild camping all about not being 'at home'? You wish to wild camp, but find yourself in parks, and ask 'why'? You are not forced into the parks - so thus it must, by definition, be your own choice to do so. What is driving that choice? The need for security? The need for a hookup? The need for a shower block/washing etc etc? Only you know the true answer to that. If you dont like the parks, but need the facility they provide, then either you need to change your attitude / requirement for that facility, or provide the same facility on your own vehicle - and a 30' professionally built MH has 99.99% of all facilities required.... buy a 12v washing machine? A generator? (edit - you have one - ignore) A better shower pump?

"There is NO unwritten, wild camping law that stipulates what type of motorhome or motorhome user is permitted to enjoy the freedom, adventure, joys and independance of wild camping is there?"
Did I suggest there was? No - as a fellow wild camper with a 30+ footer, I, too, am in the 11mpg club, and happily defend your / my right to be able to drive huge vehicles down tiny roads all day long. Where I live is a tiny single track road, that many tourists struggle in a car - let alone my campertruck....

You need to chill out - thats definate.

I am not part of the admin - and thus the money you spend on being a member is none of my business - you ask for an opinion, and you get the hump when its given! - 15 quid isnt a lot really - is it? Not when the satellite system is well over a grand alone... but at least I'm glad you dont watch trash on your telly - thats a relief :)

"what gives you the right to suggest we change how we choose to enjoy our motorhoming lifestyle?" - ummmm - you asked the question "Please, please help us to get us back on track! {to wild camping}" (my own addition in {}) - ummmmm - you have, in your own post, asked for help to CHANGE your 'motorhoming lifestyle' - yet appear not to want to take any critisism / advice / ideas.

Would you like some pointers - or not?
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I am curious as to the psychology of the OP...

'Oyster satellite'
Gas Generator'
2kw inverter

Isnt wild camping more about being more in touch / involved in the surroundings, rather than watching jeremy Kyle / Opra Winfrey / Gok etc trash on sky?

What really requires a 2kw inverter in a MH? My house (5 bed watermill, detached) runs off the 2kw inverter 99% of the time - with tumble dryer, washing machineS, dishwasher(S), routers, 4+ computers, storage hard drives, sky TV, multiple TVs, disabled through floor lift, power tools (inc welders, grinders, drills etc)..........

May I politely suggest that you have 'lost your way' and need to simply-fy the wild camping? Ditch the telly - or at least ignore it? etc....

he says - with a 32' MH, with a four poster in the back.... :rolleyes:

the caveat was here :-

"May I politely suggest "

Not "I judge you...."

I was just throwing an opinion out. Hey ho - I'm not interested in what you watch on your sky TV system - why should I be? You asked why you spend all your time in a MH park, and not wild camping, I was just trying to offer an opinion. Isnt wild camping all about not being 'at home'? You wish to wild camp, but find yourself in parks, and ask 'why'? You are not forced into the parks - so thus it must, by definition, be your own choice to do so. What is driving that choice? The need for security? The need for a hookup? The need for a shower block/washing etc etc? Only you know the true answer to that. If you dont like the parks, but need the facility they provide, then either you need to change your attitude / requirement for that facility, or provide the same facility on your own vehicle - and a 30' professionally built MH has 99.99% of all facilities required.... buy a 12v washing machine? A generator? (edit - you have one - ignore) A better shower pump?

"There is NO unwritten, wild camping law that stipulates what type of motorhome or motorhome user is permitted to enjoy the freedom, adventure, joys and independance of wild camping is there?"
Did I suggest there was? No - as a fellow wild camper with a 30+ footer, I, too, am in the 11mpg club, and happily defend your / my right to be able to drive huge vehicles down tiny roads all day long. Where I live is a tiny single track road, that many tourists struggle in a car - let alone my campertruck....

You need to chill out - thats definate.

I am not part of the admin - and thus the money you spend on being a member is none of my business - you ask for an opinion, and you get the hump when its given! - 15 quid isnt a lot really - is it? Not when the satellite system is well over a grand alone... but at least I'm glad you dont watch trash on your telly - thats a relief :)

"what gives you the right to suggest we change how we choose to enjoy our motorhoming lifestyle?" - ummmm - you asked the question "Please, please help us to get us back on track! {to wild camping}" (my own addition in {}) - ummmmm - you have, in your own post, asked for help to CHANGE your 'motorhoming lifestyle' - yet appear not to want to take any critisism / advice / ideas.

Would you like some pointers - or not?

Whoa! Back off a bit sir .... you're dealing with a lady here if you don't mind - not some burly guy you've just bumped into at the bar! :confused:

In my original post I simply asked for some tips, advice and suggestions on wild camping with a 30 foot A class motorhome, because basically since changing our MH last year to a larger one, we found we were spending less time wild camping and more time on campsites! We miss the freedom we have always enjoyed with our previous 2 motorhomes and we wanted to get back to doing what we have always enjoyed the most about owning a motorhome! I knew that there were other members on this forum who owned larger vehicles too and I just wanted to pick their brains a little but I certainly did not expect or ask for a lecture about what gadgets and gizmos we choose to have on board our vehicle etc!

I welcome any advice or tips and I appreciate greatly any info from members who wish to help in any way but I am sorry, your posts addressed to me do NOT come across as someone wanting to help a fellow member and it just sounded to me like you were having a pop at me about why we want a TV, an onboard LPG generator or an Oyster satellite dish! :rolleyes: I do NOT agree that you were being 'polite' in your reply and a 'polite' gentleman would NEVER address a post to a lady in the manner in which you did or do! Your opening quote was "I am curious as to the psychology of the OP" Well excuse me - but what on earth does that mean? You cannot expect to submit a post saying things like that and then NOT expect some kind of response from the person you intended it for surely? And I can assure you, if you use that type of approach with me, then I will defend myself for sure! Had you not noticed that the
following post to yours; submitted by a member called Wyn; pulled you up about your remarks too - so did that not make you stop and think or maybe question the tone of your post?

By the way .... We do NOT prefer campsites and this is why I submitted my original postin the first place - so may I politely suggest you carefully re-read my original post properly. As for wild camping being all about getting away from 'home' - well what a self opionated comment you make! Wild camping is enjoyed for many different and individual reasons and has absolutely nothing to do with the outfit you choose to enjoy it in or whether you have a basic tent or a top of the range, large all singing and all dancing motorhome and once again you are coming across as the type of person who believes YOUR way is the ONLY way!

Just for the record we do NOT need campsite showers as we have our own fabulous and seperate shower room with a fantastic powerful shower and seperate toilet on board, we do not need EHU as we have our own on board generator, we have a Tracker and a Thatcham Approved Strikeback Alarm System with extra loud external siren for peace of mind sercurity and we own a portable twin tub washing machine! Oh and just to add to the equation .......we get approx 22 mpg out of our pride and joy! :p

How sad that you feel relieved to learn that we do not watch 'trash on our telly' and I cannot begin to imagine why anyone would be so interested or get such relief by something so trivial and unimportant as what a complete stranger does or does not watch on the telly? Personally, I am too busy to really care what other people's viewing habits are and what they watch on the box is of no importance to me one way or another. Take my advice though and try not to let how others live their lives bother you quite so much and just concentrate on your own life and hopefully you will find that in time, you wont give a jot what others are up to either.

For someone who doesn't approve of TV and the like - you certainly know your stuff about what channels you get on Sky and how much an Oyster Satellite system costs to install etc - so again what are you wasting your valuable and precious time researching such uninteresting subjects for? I don't understand why the fixation with such matters but I guess only YOU can answer that one?

Anyway, there is no point continuing this communication between us any further as we are just turning this into a slanging match and that isn't going to resolve anything - so maybe it's best to just leave the matter at that now and simply let sleeping dogs lie? You clearly do not see that you have any need to apologise to me and so as far as I'm concerned there is nothing more to say!

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Whoa! Back off a bit sir .... you're dealing with a lady here if you don't mind - not some burly guy you've just bumped into at the bar! :confused:

In my original post I simply asked for some tips, advice and suggestions on wild camping with a 30 foot A class motorhome, because basically since changing our MH last year to a larger one, we found we were spending less time wild camping and more time on campsites! We miss the freedom we have always enjoyed with our previous 2 motorhomes and we wanted to get back to doing what we have always enjoyed the most about owning a motorhome! I knew that there were other members on this forum who owned larger vehicles too and I just wanted to pick their brains a little but I certainly did not expect or ask for a lecture about what gadgets and gizmos we choose to have on board our vehicle etc!

I welcome any advice or tips and I appreciate greatly any info from members who wish to help in any way but I am sorry, your posts addressed to me do NOT come across as someone wanting to help a fellow member and it just sounded to me like you were having a pop at me about why we want a TV, an onboard LPG generator or an Oyster satellite dish! :rolleyes: I do NOT agree that you were being 'polite' in your reply and a 'polite' gentleman would NEVER address a post to a lady in the manner in which you did or do! Your opening quote was "I am curious as to the psychology of the OP" Well excuse me - but what on earth does that mean? You cannot expect to submit a post saying things like that and then NOT expect some kind of response from the person you intended it for surely? And I can assure you, if you use that type of approach with me, then I will defend myself for sure! Had you not noticed that the
following post to yours; submitted by a member called Wyn; pulled you up about your remarks too - so did that not make you stop and think or maybe question the tone of your post?

By the way .... We do NOT prefer campsites and this is why I submitted my original postin the first place - so may I politely suggest you carefully re-read my original post properly. As for wild camping being all about getting away from 'home' - well what a self opionated comment you make! Wild camping is enjoyed for many different and individual reasons and has absolutely nothing to do with the outfit you choose to enjoy it in or whether you have a basic tent or a top of the range, large all singing and all dancing motorhome and once again you are coming across as the type of person who believes YOUR way is the ONLY way!

Just for the record we do NOT need campsite showers as we have our own fabulous and seperate shower room with a fantastic powerful shower and seperate toilet on board, we do not need EHU as we have our own on board generator, we have a Tracker and a Thatcham Approved Strikeback Alarm System with extra loud external siren for peace of mind sercurity and we own a portable twin tub washing machine! Oh and just to add to the equation .......we get approx 22 mpg out of our pride and joy! :p

How sad that you feel relieved to learn that we do not watch 'trash on our telly' and I cannot begin to imagine why anyone would be so interested or get such relief by something so trivial and unimportant as what a complete stranger does or does not watch on the telly? Personally, I am too busy to really care what other people's viewing habits are and what they watch on the box is of no importance to me one way or another. Take my advice though and try not to let how others live their lives bother you quite so much and just concentrate on your own life and hopefully you will find that in time, you wont give a jot what others are up to either.

For someone who doesn't approve of TV and the like - you certainly know your stuff about what channels you get on Sky and how much an Oyster Satellite system costs to install etc - so again what are you wasting your valuable and precious time researching such uninteresting subjects for? I don't understand why the fixation with such matters but I guess only YOU can answer that one?

Anyway, there is no point continuing this communication between us any further as we are just turning this into a slanging match and that isn't going to resolve anything - so maybe it's best to just leave the matter at that now and simply let sleeping dogs lie? You clearly do not see that you have any need to apologise to me and so as far as I'm concerned there is nothing more to say!

Hiya Sue
Well done you. We also have a Burstner Elegance (just under 9 metres). This is our first motorhome so we went straight in at the deep end with a Big Un. Last year we travelled to Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. We were away on two seperate occasions. Four months earlier in the year and three months in Autumn/Winter. We spent a total of 10 nights on sites mainly to do washing. The rest of the time we wildcamped. Yes there are some places which may only be accessible in a much smaller van but we always found somewhere. Quite often we would park up on the outskirts of a village and walk in to check it out. Usually the problem lies in not getting in but turning round to get out. We often found that most places were perfectly accessible and found some gorgeous remote spots.
Hi SkegnessSue

We are full timing in our 24ft + trailer outfit. We have all the facilities we need to wild camp apart from Solar Panels which we are contemplating fitting.

We often use a site with absolutely nothing there. I know it is not wild camping but it is better for us. Totally private adjacent to the beach and no chance of being rudely moved on. We can use it as much as we like for £40 per year.

We tried wild camping on the Northumberland coast last September and found that it was very difficult to find a stopping place for an outfit of over 10 metres.

We are currently over-wintering in sunny southern Spain and enjoying it. 17.8c at 11:00am and bright sunshine. We are listening to Radio 2 on our Satellite dish through our TV and hearing that there are more snow problems in the UK.

We find it costs us just as much to wild camp as it does to use a CL.

Hi Julie

Thank you so much for your reply and I am delighted to hear you are enjoying your Burstner too.

I would dearly love to hear more about your trip, especially around Greece as we too plan to tour around Greece either this autumn/winter or next year. We have visited Greece in our hotel based holiday days but to see Greece in a motorhome must be a wonderful experience and I should imagine you came across some idyllic wild camping spots? We've spoken to others who have toured Greece in their mitorhome and everyone remarks on the hospitality of the Greek people and the wild camping opportunities.

Thanks again. :D

Hi Julie

Thank you so much for your reply and I am delighted to hear you are enjoying your Burstner too.

I would dearly love to hear more about your trip, especially around Greece as we too plan to tour around Greece either this autumn/winter or next year. We have visited Greece in our hotel based holiday days but to see Greece in a motorhome must be a wonderful experience and I should imagine you came across some idyllic wild camping spots? We've spoken to others who have toured Greece in their mitorhome and everyone remarks on the hospitality of the Greek people and the wild camping opportunities.

Thanks again. :D


Hiya Sue
I have kept a diary of our travels to Greece so I'll dig it out this weekend and let you know. There was just one troublesome spot and I posted details of this in the General Chat, Wildcamping How To Forum.
Hi SkegnessSue

We are full timing in our 24ft + trailer outfit. We have all the facilities we need to wild camp apart from Solar Panels which we are contemplating fitting.

We often use a site with absolutely nothing there. I know it is not wild camping but it is better for us. Totally private adjacent to the beach and no chance of being rudely moved on. We can use it as much as we like for £40 per year.

We tried wild camping on the Northumberland coast last September and found that it was very difficult to find a stopping place for an outfit of over 10 metres.

We are currently over-wintering in sunny southern Spain and enjoying it. 17.8c at 11:00am and bright sunshine. We are listening to Radio 2 on our Satellite dish through our TV and hearing that there are more snow problems in the UK.

We find it costs us just as much to wild camp as it does to use a CL.


Hi John,

Thank you for your very helpful reply - it is much appreciated?

The campsite you speak of near the beach sounds just perfect and when you find little
secluded campsites like that - they really stand out don't they? What a bargain at £40 for the year though and I bet you are keeping it's location a closely guarded secret for fear of it becoming overcrowded and spoilt? We found something similar when we were in Portugal 2 years ago and everyone who knew about it were very reluctant to speak about it as they wanted it to stay the haven it was!

I had heard that wildcamping around Northumberland may not be do easy with a large vehicle, so thanks for the warning. However, with the current snow forecast we may change our plans somewhat now and we might leave our planned trip to Northumberland until later in the year now!

I'm busy looking at the UK forecast trying to decide where to head for this coming week but sadly, everywhere sounds quite 'iffy' weatherise! Still we wont be deterred but we've just got to decide which road to follow? Whatever happens were heading somewhere as the motorhome is all stocked with food and the essential bottles of wine and we're all ready for action!

Must say - I envy you sitting there in Spain enjoying such enviable temps, especially as it's bitterly cold here at the moment - but hopefully, now that we have more time to spare, we too can head off to sunnier climes in the winter months from now on also and fingers crossed, we will be doing something similar to yourselves by the end of 2011 too!

Safe travels John and thank you once again. :)

Hi Sue,

We have wild camped many times. You need to plan ahead with a large vehicle. We have been round the Western Isles of Scotland and were amazed where we could get. Our van is nearly as long as yours and when we travel the more wild routes i.e the road to FFionport on Mull we are amazed when we see the full sized coaches on these roads.

If you are towing it may make things a bit harder but once again, plan your route and then drive it virtually on Google Earth, then you are well prepared. I also use my satnav as a driving radar, so I can see on it how sharp and the directions of bends when approaching them.

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