Wild Camping How To Guide

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Wild Camping How To Guide

I would like us to have a how to guide. A common sense guide of how to wild camp in a motorhome.

I would like this to be the ethos of this site.

Dont avoid obvious things like "dont leave litter" or "leave it as you found it or better".

Please give your suggestions for the guide and lets see if we can get a good guide together.

my top 3 tips

1.be discreet & dont break the law (we dont want to give them an excuse to move us on)

2.be aware of drinking as if there is a problem with the police,yobs etc....how you gonna move on legally??

3.respect nature,we dont want to give wildcampers a bad name!!
Most importantly leave the place as you found it.
collect and take your rubbish with you
dont let your dog annoy other people
do not share your loud music with other campers.
unfortunatly we now live in a selfish society and more and more people are doing the above which spoil things for the rest there seems to be no feeling of guilt with some people .
oh yes and check you lock all your doors at night if you ever think your in danger do not go out ,switch on all lights start engine and only speak to anyone through partly open drivers window so you can instanly pull away,
good thigs to have handy are saw or axe (for wood Chopping) exstention bar
for wheel nuts ,not that anything is likely to happen but ther are a lot more low life sneaking about these days but your just as likely to be assaulted by a drunk in a camp site.
This outlines the more negitive aspects of wild camping which we must keep in mind when in a vulnerable situation, saftey is always in numbers so try to be close to other people if you can.
My biggest gripe is dog faeces, with three kids 10 and under you can guarantee that if there is one the littlest (5 yr old) will step in it and ferry it back to the camper!

Most dog owners now will clean up after their pooch but it only takes one and you all get a bad name!

Please, please scoop up your dogs poop!
admin said:
Wild Camping How To Guide

I would like us to have a how to guide. A common sense guide of how to wild camp in a motorhome.

I would like this to be the ethos of this site.

Dont avoid obvious things like "dont leave litter" or "leave it as you found it or better".

Please give your suggestions for the guide and lets see if we can get a good guide together.

Follow the country code always shut gates and keep your dog or dogs on a lead.
be self sufficient
don't offend anyone by parking too near houses
not too many vans in one place.
leave the area as you find it(or better)
if you do park near another van respect their privacy.
don't park in the same place more than one night unless it is really remote
if you park near any shops or businesses,try to buy something from them.
if you don't feel comfortable where you are,move on
try to find somewhere to stop early evening then if things don't seem right you can always move on.
Which way?

When you park up for the night, point the van the way you would leave the area. Then you can move off more quickly if necessary.
Make certain that your aerial is down before you pull away!
Make certain your bicycles on the rack are locked up!
make sure your clothes are to hand if you sleep in the nuddie,as that could be rather embarrassing driving away in a hurry with no clothes on ha ha ha,good advice though!!!! :D
sammclouis said:
make sure your clothes are to hand if you sleep in the nuddie,as that could be rather embarrassing driving away in a hurry with no clothes on ha ha ha,good advice though!!!! :D
keep a baseball bat handy.
offensive weapons

okey cokey. The offense of offensive weapons applies only in a
"public Place" - inside your camper van is a residence and not open to persons so therefore private - so whilst being used as such is not a public place.

Quite obviously the only reason that you would ever be carrying a baseball bat and the accompanying ball would be to play it and that would be the only answer that (due to the reason for said carrying) you would obviously ever give.

Nonetheless the offence does not come into being due to reason one in any case - unless of course you decided to leap like a banshee in possession of said bat and run like a mad thing out of your van screaming like a banshee im going to hurt someone and wielding said object.

Also this is not a made offensive weapon (gets technical now) so by virtue of carrying in public in any case is not the carrying but the intention that commits and proves the offence.

so here endeth the sermon for today
lady barnet said:
okey cokey. The offense of offensive weapons applies only in a
"public Place" - inside your camper van is a residence and not open to persons so therefore private - so whilst being used as such is not a public place.

Quite obviously the only reason that you would ever be carrying a baseball bat and the accompanying ball would be to play it and that would be the only answer that (due to the reason for said carrying) you would obviously ever give.

Nonetheless the offence does not come into being due to reason one in any case - unless of course you decided to leap like a banshee in possession of said bat and run like a mad thing out of your van screaming like a banshee im going to hurt someone and wielding said object.

Also this is not a made offensive weapon (gets technical now) so by virtue of carrying in public in any case is not the carrying but the intention that commits and proves the offence.

so here endeth the sermon for today

A Bobby told the old man not to keep a single golf club in the hall by the front door as that could be construed as an offensive weapon if used as a weapon in self defense as it would not normally be kept there, he advised him to keep the bag with all 14 clubs in it there as that wouldn't be classified as an offensive weapon as that was the place where they were permanantly kept!
best thing to grab i always think is the fire extinguisher
if thats squirted in some 1s face it would sting the eyes i recon
Take a picture of one of thoes roadsigsn that says
'Tiredness can kill, Take a break' and when some policeman is trying to move you on state. "I'll move on if you give me a written notice to do so after I have informed you that I am too tired to drive, and should I have an accident you will be partly responsible'
Samm's Socks

They sound like my golfing socks... got 18 holes!!!!!

But we digress!!

Our latest idea is to fit a set of air horns under the van with a 'panic' switch near the bed, I'm sure it would scare some off, and get attention from others - hopefully. If it didn't look so stupid I would like to fit a spot lamp in the centre of each side of the roof so you could light up the area all round the van - but perhaps we're all getting a bit paranoid?

Forgot to say I fitted I fitted a Yale rack bolt to the side door as the lock seemed a bit flimsey - it winds out about an inch into the door frame... and beyond!
Nosha said:
Forgot to say I fitted I fitted a Yale rack bolt to the side door as the lock seemed a bit flimsey - it winds out about an inch into the door frame... and beyond!
The good thing of owning a van based camper is that you still use the original locks n doors rather than using the flimsy caravan type of locks n doors
Me thinks a old securicor van will be my next project ;)
Air horns / Alarm

Well I'm glad I made you laugh Samm... still not too sure why? But yes as they're off a fire engine (and therefore most people think it's a police car) they DO make people look!!

But you're right if I caught the switch in the middle of the night there would be more that just Joan & I in the bed!!!!!! As I sure would s***e myself! I guess that's what made you laugh!?! Perhaps I had better order some brown sheets just in case!!
autosleeper said:
Talking about yobs, whilst we were on the Nature reserve below amble in April, Two Transit vans with tow bars, driven by very questionable low life appeared. they were joined by a third individual, driving a small car, who was equally shifty, needless to say we moved on.
Hi autosleeper,
Yes there are some very questionable low life people in that area and most of them are my mates and some of them do have Transit vans with tow bars also oddly enough also friends with cars that come there to visit us therefore we are a small comunity of our own wilders in that respect lol.:D
Well to be honest with you if you saw me you would probably think the same about me as i have quite a few tattoos and a skin head, but i can asure you we are not low life but a few of them are full timers and do i admit they do look like low life as they are not well off money wise and if you were in any trouble we would be the first to help you out and i know we all stereo other people and its better to be safe than sorry, and i guess looking the way we do keeps the nasty ones away i am sure as some of my mates even look real scary even to me.
Thanks for giving me one hell of a good laugh best rib buster i have had in a long time. To coin an old phrase you can't always judge a book by its cover
Best Regards Trevor.

In my opinion a fire in some places is going to attract unwanted company unless you are in a remote spot and even then you should remember in the dry season it only takes one small spark to start a wide spread fire if you are near moorland, woods and other such like places so if you do decide to have one think about the surrounding area first.;)
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